On the Pill: Frank's Story
On the Pill: Frank’s Story by Lou Bealy
Commissioned by anonymous
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Contains incest
Frank awoke suddenly from his deep sleep and immediately looked down to check his body. He had been having the strangest dream about turning into a hot older woman. In his dream, he had gone to a party at Mike’s house, just as he had actually done earlier in the night. He couldn’t really remember what happened at the party, he must have been really drunk. But in his crazy dream, Mike and his family had somehow been transformed into hot older women of different body shapes and hair colors. He had participated in an orgy with them all before whatever drug they had put in his drink changed him into one as well and the orgy resumed.
He had almost expected to be in a hot woman’s body after waking up, but he was back in his big, hairy, overweight body. He felt a slight pang of disappointment that he was not a hot woman’s body instead, but reality did have a way of being disappointing. He had never actually wanted to be a woman before, but it didn’t matter. It was just a crazy dream.
It had been so vivid, though. He had left the party, thinking that Mike was messing with him, just like he had before, and putting a tremendous amount of effort at it. When he saw the hot milfs at the party getting naked, he had to turn around and watch. He saw Mike get busy with one of the girls, the one with red hair, and decided he had to come in and join. He had been invited, after all. He could remember climbing on top of a hot naked blonde and ravishing her until she screamed. She had reassured him that he didn’t even need a condom, which was music to his ears because he didn’t like using them and didn’t even have any. She said she was “on the pill”. Then he did the same thing with the redhead that Mike had been servicing, who also didn’t require any kind of protection.
It was about that time that he felt strange and had to take a rest. His head was swimming and he could barely walk over to the couch but somehow made it and then collapsed onto it, the room spinning around him. He felt tingling all over his body and looked down at himself as he physically shrank. His hands and fingers got thinner, his arms narrowed, at least it looked that way. He told himself that it was just his disorientation at first but that was quickly shown to be false. His gut disappeared, his thick hands and fingers continued to slim down and became petite as he stared wide-eyed. The hair disappeared from his knuckles and forearms as he watched.
“It was disorienting my first time, too,” he remembered Mike saying, laughing without even stopping from drilling one of the other women.
Frank watched in disbelief as his body hair disappeared, leaving his pale and slowly slimming. That wasn’t nearly as incredible as seeing his nipples enlarge and the skin around them get puffy. In a moment, he had small breasts. He knew what came next. His hand flew to his crotch but it was already almost gone. His dick shrank away and he was left with a moist crevice.
After a few more disorienting moments, he was back in the thick of the orgy, this time getting his new snatch eaten out by one of the other girls. Then bending over the couch and allowing Mike to fuck him from behind. It was the most amazing feeling, being penetrated for the first time. It was such a vivid dream.
He shook his head as he stood up and walked toward the shower. He recalled the rest of the events in his dream, where each of the other women sat on his face in turn, as he lay on his back, legs on Mike’s shoulders and being just about split in two. He remembered staring up into Mike’s face, feeling a whole different type of affection for him.
Frank shook his head, dismissing the feelings as he climbed into the shower. That was just a weird dream. That and his lack of memories of the previous evening was probably a sign that he should cut back on his drinking. He didn’t even remember having more than that one beer and he didn’t even really have a hangover but his blacking out and waking up at home made him certain he had imbibed way too much.
After his shower, he decided to go check in with Mike. He wanted to know what actually happened the previous evening. He decided not to bring up the strange dream where he turned into a woman and was fucked eight different ways by his friend. That would only make things awkward.
When Frank got to Mike’s place, the house looked in total disarray. He just let himself in, like he usually did and saw that Mike was cleaning up liquor bottles and beer cans from the previous night’s debauchery. Mike looked up and shot him a devilish grin.
“Back for more?” Mike taunted.
Frank shook his head. “I think I had enough already. I can’t even remember what happened last night. What did happen, by the way?” he asked, walking past his friend and peering around the room, trying to jog his memory of the previous night’s events.
“What do you mean you don’t remember?” Mike laughed. “You only had a beer or two.”
“Well, they had to have been some strong beers because I must have blacked out. I only remember coming over and having one.” He turned to his friend and frowned, remembering a critical detail. “You showed me some kind of pill, implying you put it in my drink.” His eyes narrowed. “Did you drug me or something? A roofie? Some part of this fucked up joke that you’ve kept going?” He demanded.
Mike just smiled back at him, giving him a knowing look. “I think you remember exactly what happened last night. Did you not enjoy it, or something?” He crossed his arms. “You sure seemed to enjoy it, when I was fucking you silly. You even called out my name!” He chuckled.
Frank’s eyes went wide in surprise. How did he know…?
Mike smiled wider. “Oh, so you do remember.” He turned back to the pile of trash and threw another can into the garbage bag.
Frank almost stumbled, the shock of what he was hearing was very disorienting. He took a few steps and leaned against the couch, remembering something very similar happening in that spot the day before, this time the feeling quickly passed, though. “I was a woman… and you…” he turned back to his friend. “Fucked me?”
“I figure that it was only fair.” He smiled warmly. “You know, with how you had already done that for me,” Mike said as he continued to clean up. “You remember that, right? I tried to tell you about it, but you wouldn’t listen. What do you think now?” He turned back and grinned.
“H-how?” Frank managed to croak out.
Mike scoffed. “How? I tried to tell you already, but you just pretended to believe me so you could fuck me, remember?”
Frank tried to remember what Mike was talking about and it slowly came back to him. “You said it was some pill? Called Altersex or something like that?”
“Alterex,” Mike corrected. “And yes. I tried to tell you about it. I found it in my dad’s drawer and… well, you know how that turned out. You were there.” He laughed. “My family all have been on them. Who do you think all of those hot women were at the party?” He chuckled and shook his head. “I’m amazed you still don’t know…” he trailed off.
“Know what? What now?!” Frank demanded, getting frustrated.
“Ask your dad.” Mike walked out of the room and began cleaning up the dining room. “He’s the one who my dad first got it from.”
This was all too much for Frank. He shook his head. “No way…”
“Ask him.” Mike sighed. “And if he doesn’t believe you, show him this.” Mike reached into his pocket and retrieved a pink pill. He walked back to Frank and handed it to him. “No sense in our parents hogging all the fun, eh?” He grinned.
Frank gripped the pill hard, then opened his hand again to stare at it.
* * *
Frank walked toward the front door. He was supposed to be staying the night at Mike’s for a clan raid, so he knew that his parents would think they would have the house to themselves for the night. He had an idea of what kind of fun they would get into.
A part of him still didn’t believe all of this but it was hard to deny, after that conversation with Mike. Learning that both of their parents had been using these pills to gender swap themselves and have sex was quite a revelation. He was strangely excited by the idea. He wasn’t sure if he would go as far as Mike and actually participate with his family, the way that Mike had. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do, except try and catch his parents in the act. If he did, they wouldn’t be able to deny it and they just might share their pills with him whenever he wanted.
That was the real goal, he told himself. Being a hot woman from time to time had to have its advantages. Definitely more than being a chubby hairy nerd like he normally was. He also couldn’t deny that he had loved the sexy feelings and sensations of being fucked as a woman. He wouldn’t say that out loud of course, but he had to admit it to himself at least. He knew he couldn’t afford the pills himself, so this was his best chance to make sure he could do it again, hopefully many times.
When he got to his front door, he looked at the house and saw that the lights were all off except for his parent’s room. He leaned against the door and listened, making sure that no one would hear him too soon before unlocking the door and quietly entering.
He didn’t turn any lights on and crept silently toward the stairs. He could hear what sounded like a woman moaning. It didn’t sound like his mom, he thought. Then he heard a different voice moaning that did sound like her. He made his way up the stairs, listening to the moans which became clearer to where he could make out words. He stood outside his parent’s bedroom door, just listening.
“Mmm… fuck. That is sooooo good…” the strange voice said with a breathy sigh. “Lick my cunt.” The sentence was punctuated with a slurping sound.
Frank noticed then that his dick was so hard he thought it might burst through his sweatpants.”
“I love when you talk dirty, Francine!” He heard his mom say with a giggle.
“I love it when you put your mouth to much better use!” The strange voice said back. Then there was a muffled moan and more slurping sounds.
Frank looked down and noticed that his hand was in his pocket and gripping the pill. He momentarily resisted the urge but soon relented and popped the pill into his mouth. He swallowed it down, while his last remaining doubts were quickly evaporating.
He shut off the hallway light in preparation for his next move. He decided to risk being noticed and reached down to open the door. They hadn’t locked the door because of their expectation of privacy for the night, he figured when it turned with no resistance. He guessed they would be too busy to notice him but all the same, he turned the handle all the way and lifted up on the door to make it as quiet as possible. He peered into the room and saw a pair of dark silhouettes, obviously female, laying in a sixty-nine position on the bed. He couldn’t make anything else out but that was enough to send him over the edge of aroused into desperately horny.
He was so sexually charged at that point. Watching his parents having sexy playtime was usually something he would not even be interested in but since one of which was gender-swapped it took on a whole other dimension. That, combined with his growing excitement at the prospect of joining them as a hot woman himself was making him so horny he was already leaking precum when he finally fished his cock out of his pants.
He stood there, watching them writhe on the bed and listening to their slurps and moans, thinking they sounded almost like beasts in heat and stroking the length of his six-inch uncut cock, waiting for the right moment to enter. He heard both of them orgasm after some time- they seemed to draw out and delay them for maximum pleasure- and their screams echoing through the room and down the hall each in turn as they reached climax.
“Oh man, I need to recover,” said the strange voice. Then the shape on top rolled off of what must be his mom underneath. “That was amazing.”
Shortly after that, Frank’s transformation began. His heightened state of arousal made his heart beat faster and brought the chemical agent to his cells so that he began transforming shortly after the echoes of his parent’s orgasms had faded.
“Come on,” he heard his mom say. “You took the pill so we could go at it longer, right? Get back over here so I can finish my dessert.”
“I told you, I need a second.” The strange voice giggled. “How do you women keep going and doing one after the other? It’s way too intense!”
“Now, slut,” his mom commanded. “Before I decide to tie you up and spank you again.”
“Mmm… that’s not much of a threat,” the other woman cooed. “I love it when you take control and tell me what to do, Trina. That’s right, make me your bitch.”
Frank felt the changes quickly coming on again, he pulled his clothes off as he shrank. He looked into the barely lit mirror and watched his body fat and body hair quickly disappear. His hips and belly started to take on a more feminine shape, a sort of slim but athletic build started to develop. He stumbled into the wall as he bent down to lower is sweatpants. His center of gravity had rapidly changed and the familiar feeling of vertigo both contributed to him almost falling over and just barely catching himself.
“What was that?” his mom asked.
“Nothing, I didn’t hear anything,” his dad replied in his feminine voice.
Frank took that opportunity to enter the fray. His transformation was about halfway complete, his hair and overall shape and face were still somewhat recognizable.
“Hey guys.” He turned on the light and waltzed into the room, naked and almost female. His cock began to shrink away as he stepped into the light, leaving no doubt as to what was happening.
His mom was wearing a teddy, her slim physique was displayed nicely by the tight red fabric. Her long dark hair was tied back in a ponytail, and her brown eyes were wide with shock.
The other woman- he assumed it must be Frank senior- was a lovely voluptuous blonde. She was young, had short hair in a pixie cut style, blue eyes, with a large ass and tits. She was mostly naked, but there was another teddy, this one flannel black and green, laying on the floor in front of the bed. She had only black stockings and garters, which on her splayed open legs seemingly framed her hairless pussy. His mom was between her legs and looking back at him, both of their expressions quickly changed from shock to embarrassment.
“Frank!” His mom called out, but not in an angry tone, as he might have expected, but instead more one of surprise.
“W-what are you doing here?” Francine, his feminized dad demanded, trying to sound assertive but coming off more nervous.
“I thought that I would join in the fun.” His own voice shifted as he spoke, eventually settling on a husky woman’s voice. He turned again to admire himself in the mirror, his body was athletic and tall, with red curly hair that was still growing out and pert B-cup breasts. “Since you have kept it from me this long, I figured we had some catching up to do.” He giggled.
Neither of them bothered to try and deny what was happening or make up some story. Frank’s transformation into a woman that they had just witnessed was proof he knew what was going on.
His mom sighed and quickly jumped off the bed. “Frank-”
“Franny,” he corrected. “Since Francine is evidently taken already. And I like that name.” Franny added with a feminine giggle.
“Franny,” she said, not even fighting it. “This is highly inappropriate...”
Francine closed her legs, her face turning red with embarrassment before her expression changed to anger.
“Why? I’m not your son and you're not my dad right now.” Franny approached the bed. “We’re not family at all, we’re Franny, Trina, and Francine. Just three hotties hanging out, about to have some fun.” She- Frank fully accepted that he was now a woman named Franny and that gave him license to act totally out of character- flashed them a devilish grin. “And it sounded like you were just about ready to give someone else a turn.”
“Where did you even get one of those pills, anyway? You steal it from us?” Francine demanded, showing even more anger by curling her lip.
“I’ll tell you when you give me an orgasm.” Franny teased. “But all in good time. Did Trina leave any dessert for me?” She cooed as she climbed onto the bed on her hands and knees, moving her face toward Francine’s crotch. “I didn’t know she liked that flavor of dessert,” she giggled. “But I know that I definitely enjoy it.”
“Frank- Franny,” Trina said, quickly correcting herself. Her stern look softened. She smiled, looking him up and down. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” She climbed back onto the bed and lay next to Francine.
Trina’s acceptance of this situation seemed to calm her feminized husband down, his own expression softened as well. All eyes were on Trina, her lovely thin body and small tits on full display like Franny had never seen before, nor had she-as Frank- ever truly appreciated how attractive his mom really was until that moment.
“Such as,” she said as she spread her legs, showing her wet snatch with neatly trimmed dark bush. “When it comes to playtime, I get mine first.” She grinned. “The rule was always ladies first…” She glanced between the two men that were currently in women’s bodies. “But in this situation, I’ll just say it’s me first.”
“But… I thought that you were just about to give Francine a turn…” Franny said, confused.
“And I get another one whenever I want,” she replied in a playful tone. “Don’t make me tell you again,” she paused and then added, “Slut.”
Franny climbed up onto the bed between her long sexy legs, which she then pulled onto her shoulders. Her excitement continued to build, accelerating when she was called a “slut”, even though she didn’t understand why. Her mouth watered as he stared at Trina’s pussy, already engorged and leaking. She looked up into Trina’s eyes a moment before she was about to dive in.
She savored the moment. She was about to taste the beautiful cavern of her birth. She was about to correct her inner monologue- that at that moment she was a different person- but she found it was hotter to remind herself of that than to retain the illusion that she was someone else. Trina just grinned at her feminized son and grabbed her head, pulling it into her crotch.
Franny shoved her tongue between Trina’s inner lips, probing her sweet insides before moving up to her clit. Trina moaned as Franny licked and sucked on it. She was already warmed up from the earlier fun with Francine, so this sudden jump to immediately stimulating her sensitive little bud wasn’t too much sensation for her. She moaned, her orgasm swiftly approaching. Franny switched back and forth rapidly from Trina’s clit to her vaginal opening, her tongue rapidly probing and flicking. Trina grabbed a pillow and clutched it to her chest, screaming into it from time to time.
Franny was too engaged in eating pussy to notice that Francine had moved but she felt her slide under her between her legs and began to lick her own pussy. She was already leaking and horny from this incredibly sexy situation, but she was still very sensitive, and she twitched and writhed immediately. It was too much too quick, especially because this was all so new to her. It was too much for her and before long, she could barely concentrate on giving Trina the orgasm her moans indicated she was desperate for.
With the wonderful sensations at her back end, Francine shoving her tongue between the folds of his new vagina, Franny found it a challenge but redoubled her efforts to send Trina over the edge. She moaned into Trina’s pussy, then wrapped her lips around the little swollen bud of Trina’s clit. She flicked and sucked on it for all she was worth, stifling her own moans from Francine doing basically the same to her.
After some time, Franny felt a wave of pleasure start to move up her body. She started to thrash and shake but she held onto Trina’s legs for dear life. A moment later, as if on cue, she felt a tremor begin in Trina’s legs as she let out a deep moan, almost a shout. They both cried out, their bodies writhing due to their orgasms. Trina clutched the pillow so hard that she practically tore the stuffing out.
“I think I’m ready now,” Francine said, rubbing her crotch. “So I have some catching up to do.” Francine grabbed Franny, who offered no resistance from being turned onto her back. Francine stood up and then kneeled down towards Franny’s face. “And after that, you can tell us where you got the pill. Since I fulfilled your request.” She giggled as she lowered her crotch onto Franny’s waiting mouth. Franny proceeded to give Francine the first of many orgasms.
Then they took a short break during which Franny explained that Mike and his family were taking the pills, thanks to Frank senior originally discovering the pills and sharing that with Mike’s dad, and that’s where the pill came from.
The three beautiful women fucked long into the night. At one point Trina even produced a strap-on that she proceeded to fuck them both with in turn. Franny briefly wondered if they had gotten the strap-on for this purpose or she had used it on Dad while he was still in his male body. Franny couldn’t help but wonder what a real live dick would feel like inside her, despite how crazy that idea would have been just a few minutes before.
That must be it, she thought. After all, she figured, Trina could take a blue pill if she wanted to wield a real cock. This seemed to be a spur of the moment decision. Or maybe she just didn't want to be a man.
Either way, he didn’t have long to contemplate that before he was distracted by the long black rubber cock sliding into his wet pussy. Franny eventually passed out long after she lost count of how many orgasms she had felt that night.
* * *
Frank awoke the next day, still in his parent’s bed. Neither of them had yet awoken. He looked over and saw his mom snoozing and turned to see his dad there too, back in his own body, which was very similar to Frank’s body in size and shape, just a little heavier with less hair on his head and less body hair. He looked down at himself and confirmed that he too was back in his own body as well. They were all still naked and the whole room stank of sex. He quickly got up and extricated himself from the situation, grabbing his clothes on the way out. He did not want to be around when they woke up.
When he got back to his room, he sat on his bed and reflected on the strange events of the last couple of days. He hadn’t had as much sex in his entire adult life as he had since this craziness started, and it was definitely the best sex of his life. His head spun when he recalled how first he had participated in an orgy with his best friend and his family and as a woman too. Then he had spied on his parents having sex- while his dad was a woman- then transformed into a woman again and had a threesome with them. He might have concluded that it again was a crazy dream, as he had done the previous morning, except waking up naked in his parent’s bed killed any such doubt.
The next few days they all avoided each other. Frank stayed at Mike’s house most of the time, playing their RPG on their computers and not addressing the elephant in the room that would be far too strange and awkward to mention. Mike seemed to feel the same way and their conversations were confined to pretty much just gaming and what they were going to order for take-out.
When he was home, he would head straight to his room and not come out until he got ready for bed. He and his parents not exchanging a single word. They, just like Mike, seemed to agree with his unspoken sentiment not to mention what happened between them. His dad didn’t even want to look at him. All three had clearly enjoyed it and if Frank’s own preoccupation with recalling what happened was anything to go on, they were all masturbating at night thinking about it.
Finally, after a full week had passed, Frank was suddenly awakened in his bed by the sounds of high pitched moaning coming from the room above him. He was pretty sure he knew what it was. He smiled as he got out of bed and crept up the stairs.
When he got to the top of the stairs, he saw that his parent’s bedroom door was open an inch or two and he took it as an invitation to enter. He pushed the door open and again was greeted with the sight of his parents completely naked on top of the covers of their bed in a sixty-nine position with Trina on top. His dad was again in the body of a woman, this time he looked almost just like Trina. He- or rather she- was slim, with pale skin, B-cup breasts, and dark hair that flowed down around her shoulders. They turned to see him enter and unlike the last time he interrupted them, they were smiling.
“Well hello there,” cooed the new Francine as Trina continued to lick her pussy.. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Give it to him,” commanded Trina, climbing off of her playmate to lay beside her and pointing to a pill bottle on the nightstand. Then she added with a giggle, “And then I’ll give it to him.”
“I got it,” Frank said, practically shaking with excitement. “No need to stop.” He walked over to the nightstand, opened the bottle and dumped a pink pill into his hand and immediately swallowed it.
His parents quickly resumed their entertainment. Trina climbed back on top of Francine and spread her hairless vagina’s lips before sliding her tongue between them. They slurped on each other’s snatches until Frank couldn’t wait anymore.
Watching his mom eat pussy got Frank instantly hard. He shed his clothes as he made his way to the bed, climbing on and gently shoving his mother to the side. His erect cock throbbed in his hand. “Let me… while I still can,” he whispered, staring at Francine’s wet snatch.
Trina didn’t resist being moved or even complain. She didn’t say a word. She simply smiled and sat down in the chair facing the bed to watch her son play with her feminized husband.
Francine just giggled and turned onto her stomach and then getting up on all fours, displaying her nicely toned ass, her pussy peeking from between her legs. She positioned herself at the edge of the bed.“Come and get it.”
Frank didn’t hesitate. He lined up the head of his cock with her opening and pushed, slowly easing inside. He felt her silky smooth lips part and accept his cock. The physical sensation of being inside Francine- his feminized father- for the first time was amazing but nothing compared to the emotional feeling he could only liken to conquering what he had never imagined he could.
Watching her moan as he slid back and forth to try and fit more of his cock inside made him feel like he was superior to his father for the first time in his life. He grabbed ahold of Francine’s hips and shoved it all the way in and held it there for a moment, pulling on her hips with all his strength, filling her as much as he could. He had a strange feeling like it was home there, it belonged there. He didn’t wait long to start fucking her in earnest, quickly picking up speed. He immediately began frantically just banging away, making obscene slapping sounds as his abdomen hit her ass.
“Oh! Yes!” Francine moaned, her voice low and husky. “Give it to me!” she added with a groan. She shoved herself back into him with each thrust, rolling her hips in time with each thrust for maximum penetration. She reached crescendo and had a thundering orgasming that had her shrieking and shaking.
“Yeah, you like that, don’t you slut?” Frank hissed, feeling close to his own orgasm already. He continued to slam into her until he felt something strange… like he was slipping out of her, though he was as hard as ever and wasn’t moving… then it hit him what was happening.
“Put it back in!” she cried, turning to look at him over her shoulder just in time to see his transformation begin.
Frank was disoriented by the room seemingly growing around him as his body shifted. He stumbled back and fell to the floor. “I was so… close…” he mumbled, his voice already changing and getting higher.
His body quickly changed, transformed into a woman again. He looked down at himself, his body slimming down some but not as much as the last time. Most of his fat didn’t disappear but rather moved to his chest and ass. He felt himself rise up away from the floor as his ass gained more padding. He quickly took on the shape of a voluptuous blonde, with tits that had to be at least F-cups. The now female Franny rose unsteadily to her feet. Although now in a new body, the burning need to cum was still ever-present.
“Took you long enough,” said an unfamiliar voice from behind Franny. She spun around to see a young man seemingly in his twenties sitting in the chair that Trina had occupied. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, big muscles that bulged all over his upper body and lots of body hair. He was stroking a huge cock that put to shame the man meat that Franny and Francine had while in their male bodies. It was uncut, at least eight or nine inches long, very thick, and dripping precum. He saw the look of surprise on Franny’s face and added, “I took a pill right after you did. You were just preoccupied.” He grinned and stood up, still stroking her leaking cock.
“Tristan’s turn.” Francine said in a playful tone. She climbed off the bed and went to sit in the same chair to watch the proceedings, passing by this new male Trina- who gave her a firm smack on the ass that made her giggle before sitting down.
Franny took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself for what was about to happen. After taking one look at that huge cock she was worried that it would hurt. She wondered how it would even fit inside her. It was as big around as a beer can. But that worry was mixed with excitement as well. She turned to take the same position that Francine had been in a moment before, on the edge of the bed with her generous ass sticking out.
“Mmmm… such a lovely ass…” Tristan gruffly murmured in his deep baritone.
Franny felt a smack her behind with his large hand, hard enough that the sound echoed off of the ceiling and badly sting. Along with the pain, there came some excitement. Franny was learning that she loved being manhandled. She giggled and pushed her ass out even more and wiggled it.
“Are you ready?” Tristan whispered in her ear.
Franny nodded; the anticipation was killing her. She felt the dripping head of Tristan’s cock at her entrance. It slid around the outside, smearing precum on her lips, adding it to her own juices that were freely leaking. It then settled between her outer lips and began to press in. She gasped, the pain and stretching was almost unbearable. She had thought that she was ready for it, since the strap on from the last time had easily slid inside her but Tristan’s real cock was so much bigger and wider than the fake cock had been. She gripped the bed hard and moaned as she felt her lips spread farther and farther open to accept the huge phallus invading her still new vagina.
“Fuck yeah… your pussy is so tight!” groaned Tristan. He continued to push his hips forward, cramming more and more of himself into her.
“So… big!” She looked back between her legs and saw that there were still a few inches of meat protruding out. She didn’t know how she could possibly accommodate any more, she felt more full than she ever had in her whole life, like a stuffed goose or something. But it continued its inexorable journey inside her. Her eyes teared up from the pain but it was worth it when she felt his abdomen hit her ass. He was all the way in.
“Mm…’ moaned Tristan who after a moment began to pull back slightly and push back in.
Before long, it was clear that bearing all of that pain was so worth it. The discomfort and pain were quickly eclipsed by the pleasure that the massive invader brought with it. She felt something building, she recognized it as a female orgasm but this one was somehow different. The ones she had before were largely due to clitoral stimulation which were good but nothing compared to the waves of pleasure that came crashing in. It was the most intense pleasure of her life.
“Oh fuck!” she cried, her body quaking uncontrollably. It just didn’t stop. Her body was quivering to the point that she slipped and fell forward, her face buried in the bed and her ass sticking up while Tristan continued to ram her. He built up speed and force, the slapping sounds of their bodies colliding echoed around the room. His grunts signaled that his own orgasm was not far behind.
“Take it, slut!” he shouted, grabbing her pushing himself even deeper inside, his cock swelling inside her until it exploded, painting her insides with gooey cum. He collapsed onto her back, his cock still buried inside her as they both tried to catch their breath.
“Wow,” said Francine. They both turned to see her still sitting in the chair, her fingers buried in her own hairless snatch. “I guess the two of you don’t even have anything left for me?”
Tristan climbed off of Franny, groaning as his softening cock popped free of Franny’s cunt. He was clearly spent and in no shape to continue at the moment but Franny smiled and got to her feet. She placed her hands on her hips and grinned back at Francine.
* * *
Michael and his whole family were walking over to Frank’s house right after dinner. He didn’t know what Frank was planning when he had invited them over via game chat earlier but he had a good idea of what it may be. He had asked if he needed to bring any pills or “party favors” as he called them but Frank had just smiled and said not to bother.
When Michael knocked on the door, it swung open and he was greeted with the sight of a tiny little petite Asian girl with pigtails. She smiled and wordlessly beckoned them to enter.
To be continued?
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