
Showing posts with the label otherworldly intruder series

The Otherworldly Intruder: Chapter 2

The Otherworldly Intruder Chapter 2 by Lou Bealy Commissioned by anonymous Support my writing by becoming a subscriber on Subscribestar ! Get access to exclusive content and benefits! If you would like to commission me for a custom story, details are here For maximum enjoyment, read part 1 here That night when Mandy got home from work, she didn’t even bother looking for her poor missing cat Garth. She was so stressed out from the continued intrusions into her home and her inability to figure out what exactly was happening. The mystery was what made it far worse. At least they had just stopped with what she was wearing and seemingly hadn’t gotten to her closet yet. Her socks were fortunately still in her drawer. Why would someone as crafty and clever as this apparent foot fetishist intruder have to steal footwear? And how did they get out of her room, down the stairs, and out of her house so fast?  She hadn’t heard anyone leave and checked everywhere for someone hid...

The Otherworldly Intruder

The Otherworldly Intruder by Lou Bealy Commissioned by anonymous Support my writing by becoming a subscriber on Subscribestar ! Get access to exclusive content and benefits! If you would like to commission me for a custom story, details are here Mandy returned home from work for another lonely night. She had moved to the city in order to go to college for art design, and then through connections she had made at college she got a pretty decent job in the records department at a local hospital. College was paid for mostly by scholarships, so she made enough money to get her own house, which she basically spent every evening at, hanging out alone.  She didn’t have much of a social life. She didn’t really have any friends that lived within a few hundred miles. She played guitar and sang, but mostly just to herself and her small following on Youtube. She was pretty, but she hadn’t had a boyfriend since her first year of college. Not that she was unattractive. She was about...