Xmas Update

Hello everyone. I just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. I wish I had a story to post by now, as I had planned to do with the free time the break from school as afforded but life has gotten in the way. A close family member has been very ill and I have had to take care of them. I have spent time taking them to the hospital and helping them in all manner of other ways. I don't say this to garner any sympathy, I just wanted to explain my low output. Thankfully, we are past the worst of it and they are recovering.

Between that and the holiday craziness, I have had almost no time to write. I have still managed to make some progress on my current story, but it is a large one and it will still be some time before it is done.

Thank you all for reading, for supporting, and encouraging me. I appreciate you all and wish you the best as we approach the end of the teens and are about to enter the roaring twenties.



  1. Some of your stories, especially the genital swapping are some of favorites . As a regular reader I hope all works out for you. I think any reasonable person wouldn't expected you to write if you were busy IRL. I look forward to your new stories.


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