Pussy Destroyer

Pussy Destroyer by Lou Bealy
Commissioned by anonymous
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All characters engaging in sex acts are 18 or older

Hank walked home, sad and dejected. It was appropriate that it was raining, he mused. It fit his mood and the dreary occasion. He brushed a wet lock of curly brown hair out of his eyes before crossing the street. At least he didn’t have far to go. His best friend Kayla had just basically kicked him out of her house. It was a miserable end to their third date. He knew that he would never get another shot, after what happened. It kept replaying in his head.

She had finally given him a shot after she had finally broken up with her asshole boyfriend. He had been waiting since puberty for that chance. With his plain features, straw-colored hair and eyes, and slightly chubby build, he wasn’t too successful with the ladies in general. Even though Kayla wasn’t some gorgeous, big titted bombshell, she was pretty in her own way. She was short and curvy, with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. She had a wonderful smile that melted Hank’s heart. And most of all they got along.

They had been friends for a long time, since elementary school. She was a member of his and his friend’s little nerd group, always fitting in like one of the guys. The two of them had bonded over their mutual love of all things nerdy and geeky. They played games like Dungeons and Dragons, and Warhammer. They watched nerdy shows like Babylon Five, imported Japanese stuff like Gundam and Macross. She was one of those rare girls that evert nerd dreamed of. But of course, she usually dated jock assholes or someone like that, before giving him a chance.

He had decided right then and there while walking her to her door that he would do it. Before saying goodbye, he went for a kiss. It was a little awkward since Hank was not the most experienced kisser, but she seemed to enjoy it and returned the kiss. She even invited him inside, since her parents weren’t home. He had been over the moon excited as they walked to her room. After making out for a few minutes, she reached into his pants to grasp his rock hard cock. That was when it all went south.

He had never been a very confident guy. He was amazed she even went on these dates with him, to begin with. A big part of his lack of confidence was his tiny penis. It was only three, maybe three and a half inches when fully erect. He had always heard that it wasn’t the size, but “the motion in the ocean”, or some shit like that. Now he knew that obviously wasn’t true.

As soon as she felt his unimpressive little manhood, everything came to a screeching halt. She pulled away from him, saying how they should just be friends, and that she couldn’t think of him as anything but a friend. Then she couldn’t get him out the door fast enough.

Hank kicked a rock into the street, trying to vent his anger. He figured she would probably get back with her asshole ex-boyfriend or some other jerk. That was his only chance.

“No.” he said to himself dejectedly. “I never did have a chance. Not with this.” he grabbed his crotch. “Even if a girl will take me seriously long enough to get her in bed… it still won’t matter in the end.” Luckily it was raining, so the tears he felt welling up wouldn’t be seen by anyone.

He arrived home completely drenched. Once he got his wet clothes off and in the dirty hamper, he went straight upstairs to bed. He knew his parents would ask how it had gone, and there was no way he wanted to explain it. Not to them, or anyone else. He kept himself awake, worrying about what he was going to say to his other friends. What was he going to say to Kayla? Would he even be able to face her, now that she had rejected him? Especially considering the reason why she rejected him.

He gave up trying to sleep and decided to look at porn. An orgasm would usually help him sleep. But this time, it didn’t help at all. He was so disappointed, in his manhood’s size as well as the tiny little glob of cum he had squirted out. He fixated on the fact that she didn’t want him just because he had a small dick.

“Even nice girls just want their pussies destroyed by some asshole with a big dick.” He mused to himself before eventually finding sleep.

* * *

“So what should I do?” Hank asked Tiffany, one of his few female friends. He was one of her only friends, period. She was a bit of an outcast herself. “She doesn’t even seem to want to talk to me. Luckily, I have you to help me.”

“That is rather embarrassing. I would have taken that to the grave.” she mused.
“Thanks for that.” he replied sarcastically.

They were walking home together like they usually did since they lived pretty close to one another. It was still muddy from the rain the previous night, so they had to take the long way around on the sidewalk, instead of using the trail that cut through the woods behind their neighborhood.

“You want me to help you?” she asked in a sweet voice, but then her voice turned low and sexy. “Like show you how to please a woman?” she asked, bending over and showing her ass. Though her men’s jeans did obscure it slightly, it was still a very nice round ass. She was practically swallowed in her oversized black hooded sweatshirt. She never liked showing off, but Hank knew she had a decent body under there.

“Wow, uh,” he said, shocked, looking around to make sure no one was hearing their conversation before continuing. “Now is fine, right? Since your parents are out of the country.”

She frowned. “Really, Hank? Do you think I’m that much of a slut?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“What?” he asked, turning red. “I didn’t mean-” he tried to say, but was cut off.
“I know what Denise and Kayla say about me.” she grumbled. “What everyone says about me. That I’m easy.”

Tiffany was openly bi, but kind of fit the stereotype for what you would think a lesbian would look. Strong jaw, short buzz cut pink hair and wears men’s clothes with big worker’s boots. Hank still thought she was a cute girl, though not as girly as he would like.

“I’m sorry I asked.” he said, trying to avoid offending her further. “I just figured you could help me. You know her, you know women. I dunno.” he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
“You believe all the rumors?” she asked, smirking.

Hank wasn’t sure, but he definitely couldn’t say so. He didn't think that would go over too well. He had heard all kinds of strange things about her for years now, but they were friends and he never really held any of it against her or even asked about it.

He was about to reply in the affirmative, but something about her facial expression and overall demeanor that was all the sudden menacing. It was all the more surprising given her typical laid-back attitude. “I guess not. Whether or not they were true didn’t affect our friendship either way. But I will say, I have wondered. You’ve never outright denied them, either.”

“What was I supposed to say?” she demanded as they arrived at her front gate. “That I don’t, in fact, have orgies every night with a bunch of the other witches in my coven?”

Hank looked away, not sure how to respond to that. “I uh, I guess I’ll see you later.” he turned to continue walking home, regretting asking for her help. He had probably ruined two friendships in less than two days.

“Because it’s only once a month.” she chuckled, unlocking the padlocked gate.
Hank laughed, thinking she was joking, but stopped when he saw the expression on her face.

“You’re serious?” he asked, still skeptical. He had never believed the outlandish stories about her, not all of them anyway.

“Let’s just say that they have a grain of truth to them.” She laughed at his obvious embarrassment.

He stopped and stood there for a moment, stunned at what she had just nonchalantly, announced in the street.

“You coming?” she opened the gate and turned back to look at him expectantly.
He was stunned for a moment by the sheer improbability of anyone seemingly offering sex to him, or whatever she was offering, but he recovered quickly. He followed her inside her house, not really knowing what to expect. They had been friends since elementary school, along with Kayla and a few others that were still in their class as seniors. He had never thought of her in a romantic way and had never had the balls before now to ask her about her supposed slutty reputation.

He followed her downstairs to the basement, where it smelled old and dank. It had an uneven dirt floor, with some plastic sheeting laid over it.

“What are we doing down here?” he asked, looking around. It was a pretty bare room, with none of the boxes of junk or unused exercise equipment that was typically in people’s basements. There was what looked like an old stained futon cushion in the middle of the floor, surrounded by pillows. “Can’t we use a bed or a couch or something? It’s not like your parents will catch us.” He shook his head, still amazed that he was even having this conversation. It was surreal.

“This is where I put the magic circle.” she walked over to the cushion and laid down on it, and gestured to the floor. “It’s where we conduct our magic rituals, where they have the greatest effect.”

Hank rolled his eyes. He was about to remind her that he had never bought into her crazy nonsense about magic and spirits and whatever else she was into when he realized that might fuck up his chances of losing his virginity. He still had trouble believing any of this.

After she motioned for him to follow, he approached and saw what she was talking about. There was a black circle that looked like it was painted onto the plastic. It was not a solid circle but was made up of some kind of writing that he didn’t recognize.

She motioned for him to approach, but he was still weirded out by this. “Why do we have to do it here?” He asked, his voice wavering. 

She sighed impatiently. “You asked for my help. Do you want it or not?” She again motioned for him to follow and he did, though reluctantly.

He flopped down on the cushion next to her, noting how surprisingly comfortable it was. “I was expecting advice or something. Not ritualistic sex.” He began to unbuckle his belt.

“Sex, no. Ritual, yes.” She shot down his chances with a dismissive laugh and playfully slapped him on the leg. She let that hang in the air for a moment before continuing. “I’m going to cast a spell on you.” She saw the look on his face and added, “To help you.”

Now he was definitely getting weirded out. He also felt deflated since she said that there wasn’t going to be any devirginizing. “What kind of spell?” He started to buckle his pants, but she stopped him. He gave her a confused look, and she raised a finger, indicating him to wait.

She reached under one of the pillows and retrieved what looked to be one of those old leather-bound tomes you see in movies and began leafing through it. “I think I know just the one.”

He gave a little nervous laugh, not sure what to expect. He noticed his palms were damp from nervousness and wiped them on the cushion.

“Here it is.” she stopped and began to trace her finger across the strange writing, whispering in some strange tongue that he wasn’t familiar with. After a few moments, she turned to him and grinned. “This is perfect. It’s an enhancement spell. An enhancement spell that can be used for many different things. In this case, it would enhance your manhood and make you more attractive; make you a better lover, even.” she laughed, the idea of her awkward nerdy friend being a lady killer was clearly very humorous to her.

She took note of the passage that was written next to the spell, and read it aloud. “It warns that the level of enhancement could vary wildly based on the power of the caster.”

“Are you saying you could make me too manly?” He grinned, playing along with her nonsense.

“A witch’s magic is dependent on her controlling her lust,” she said, getting serious. “Focusing our sexual energies, using it in rituals and festivals. But more than that, you have to be in control of your emotions and thoughts, and not be guided by your emotions and urges. You cannot allow your sexual urges to control you.”

“So what about the other rumors? All the guys?” he asked, knowing how badly this could go once he started asking those kinds of questions.

“Again, I told you there was a kernel of truth to them. I’ve had a few boyfriends, like most any other girl. It doesn’t affect my powers. As long as my sexual energy is focused and controlled, it’s good. It’s not about how often, it’s about my energy and being in control of it, instead of it controlling me.” Then shook her head. “That’s not going to happen, anyway. No offense, but I’m pretty sure I can resist you, even a manlier you.” she laughed dismissively.

“Well, let’s do it.” he raised his hands up and let them fall on his legs with a slap. He was getting impatient since he knew he wasn’t getting laid. “Let’s get this over with.”

“You’d think you would be a little more appreciative.” she teased, then turned back to the book. “It says that you need to focus only on the aspects that you want to be enhanced.” she explained. “This is a generic enhancement spell, it’s our thoughts and desires that determine what it enhances.”

First, she lit a few sticks of incense on what looked like some sort of altar in the corner of the room and returned to the circle. She then began to speak in that strange language again. She put her hand over his crotch as she mumbled in the bizarre-sounding tongue. Then she just sat there gesturing with her hands at his crotch.

Hank tried not to laugh at this display, but he couldn’t hide his smile. This was all too over the top. He just wondered when he could leave. This was getting embarrassing.

Though eventually, he decided, Fuck it. He didn’t have anything to lose, so he tried to follow her instructions. He tried to imagine what he wanted. He pictured himself as having a huge cock, that no woman could resist. He could have any girl he wanted, and they would become addicted to the way he would absolutely destroy their pussies with his giant cock. They would never be able to settle for anything less than his giant monster.

They sat there for a little while longer, with her gesticulating and mumbling in that strange language, but eventually, he had to say something. How long did he have to keep imagining a giant cock for before this supposed spell would either happen, or she could give up and he could go home?

“Are you almost done enhancing my manhood?” he said sarcastically. “I don’t feel anything.”

She glared at him and he shut his mouth. He sighed, crossed his arms, and just waited. Though it wasn’t much longer. After a short time, she stood up. “Okay, that’s it.” she smiled. “Let me know how it goes, stud.” she laughed. The way she sarcastically said ‘stud’ stung a little bit.
He shook his head and got up, leaving without saying a word. This was all too strange. Hank had been holding out some small degree of hope that in the end, this notoriously promiscuous girl would give him a little action, but he supposed he had to settle for her magic nonsense. He was definitely doomed if that was his only hope, he wistfully thought to himself.

He got to the top of the stairs before he couldn’t resist any longer. He felt silly buying into her bullshit for a few moments and he knew it was beyond wishful thinking that his misfortunes would somehow be turned around by a magic spell, of all things. He kicked himself for getting his hopes up at all. His cock was unchanged, not that he was truly surprised by that.

“It won’t have an effect that quick!” she yelled from the other room, seemingly knowing exactly what he was doing.

He sighed. How long am I supposed to wait? he thought but certainly didn’t want to say out loud.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow!” he yelled back as he exited her house. He admonished himself for thinking that his kooky friend who claimed to be a witch was the right person to ask for help. He just wanted her advice as a woman who likes women and instead he got more of her kooky nonsense. He admonished himself more for buying into it at all, even for a moment.

He went back home, dejected that he still had no idea what to do about Kayla. He decided to put on some anime and zone out on his bed. Eventually, he shut it off and tried to sleep. He was too dejected to do much of anything else.

It took a little longer than usual before he fell asleep. He kept telling himself that he was getting his hopes up for no reason and buying into obvious nonsense, but a part of him really wanted to believe that his girl problems could be so easily cured and by a magic spell no less. He eventually was able to find sleep.

* * *

Hank woke up and shook his head, dispelling the strange, sex-filled dreams that he had all night.  He yawned and looked at the clock, noting that his alarm took a few minutes to actually wake him from his slumber, which was surprising given how light of a sleeper he generally was. He sighed, knowing that he would have to hurry his morning routine along, or he would be late for school.

He stood up and stretched, immediately noticing an uncomfortable tightness coming from his shorts. His underwear riding up and getting restrictive was not an unusual event, so he didn’t pay much mind to it. Strangely, he felt his shorts as he walked to the bathroom and they were in their normal position. They were not riding up at all, but the uncomfortable tight sensation strangely remained.  He looked down and was surprised to see a huge bulge in his shorts.

“No way…” he whispered, walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.
He slipped the shorts down with some difficulty, the bulge stretching the material and impeding their downward movement. He felt the fabric stretching against his package as it came into view. He gasped with shock, unable to believe what he was seeing.

His penis.

No, that word seemed to be an inadequate description now. His cock, that was the only word that seemed appropriate, was enormous. Even in its flaccid state, it was easily ten inches long. He gawked at its sheer size and girth. He lifted it in his hand and felt the weight of his package, even marveling at the heft of his huge balls. Strangely, it was now uncut, his foreskin seemingly having grown back in the night. That and the forest of thick dark hair made it look somehow even more manly and masculine than the sheer size of it already did. It even smelled more manly. The bathroom quickly filled with his decidedly masculine musk.

It quickly started growing from his pulling and prodding at it. He thought he could feel all the blood in his body rushing to that one spot. He wouldn’t have been surprised if he got suddenly light headed from it, but thankfully that didn’t happen.

He started to stroke and admire his new manhood, barely able to get his hand around it. He immediately noticed how sensitive it was and how amazing it felt when his newly regrown foreskin glided across the head with each short stroke. It rapidly grew and even half hard, it was already as big around as a soda can. He was a straight guy and had never thought about another guy’s junk in any kind of sexual way. But even he couldn’t help but think that it was the most beautiful cock he had ever seen, as strange as the very idea of it was.

It began to tremble with each heartbeat, growing more erect by the second. He watched as it throbbed up and down, expanding rapidly. By the time he felt fully erect, he had at least twelve inches of meat. It was insane. How could he even fuck anyone with this huge monster? It was downright intimidating in its size and girth.

He wrapped both hands around his dick and began to jack it, feeling an urgent need to cum. His hands just seemed inadequate to the task. More than that, he had a hunger that he couldn’t explain, but he knew that him getting himself off wouldn’t satisfy it. Just thinking about making himself cum was strangely making his cock wilt. It was a different kind of need. Something more primal. He likened it to feeling like a predator, needing something to hunt. His cock twitched at the thought.

His need to pee reminded him to focus on getting ready since he was running late for school. It was so strange having that huge dick while he tried to take a piss. He could barely get his hand around his heavy meat, and it proved more difficult to aim than usual and he made a huge mess. It was made worse by the fact that his stream was so much stronger than before, so much so that he had emptied his bladder in what seemed like had been only 5 seconds. He cursed and decided to clean it up later, and jumped in the shower. Cleaning his new cock proved more challenging as well, it was so much bigger than before and he had foreskin to contend with now. Everything seemed to take longer because of his being so out of sorts, but eventually he made it out the door. Luckily, the school wasn’t that far away.

* * *

Hank could hardly concentrate during class. He was self-conscious about the huge bulge in his shorts. It was almost obscene. Anyone who looked at him for more than a moment or two would immediately notice it, and probably assume he was stuffing his shorts. He held his notebook in front of his crotch when he wasn’t behind a desk, which was a standard guy maneuver for hiding an erection. Luckily, no one typically paid him any mind and that day was no different. Even with his constantly adjusting his package, in an attempt to get comfortable in pants and shorts that were now way too tight to accommodate the huge tool that he carried.

The whole day, he was afraid of what would happen if he got erect. He was certain that he wouldn't be able to hide it. His nervousness and preoccupation with the whole thing thankfully prevented him from getting too excited, but it took up most of his attention. Consequently, he retained almost nothing from his classes.

After school, he spotted Tiffany and made a beeline straight for her. She saw the look on his face and smiled.

“So, how did it turn out?” She grinned. “What?” she asked when he looked both ways before moving the notebook. Her eyes went wide when she saw the bulge in his pants.
He quickly covered his crotch again. “Well, you did say that it could make me too manly.” He chuckled nervously.

“No, you said that.” she corrected. They began to walk towards their neighborhood. They both moved with a certain urgency. “Is that for real?” she asked. Her voice had a twinge of wonder.

That made him even more nervous. “I thought you’ve done this before!”

“Well, not that exact spell, no.” she said with a hint of embarrassment. "We generally don't allow guys into our space at all, much less cast spells on them."

They got back to her house and quickly rushed inside. Tiffany couldn't help but be excited and it was written all over her face. "Let's see it."

Hank's face, on the other hand, was still showing his nervousness at the situation. He slowly lowered his jeans. Her eyes went wide when she saw the bulge in the front of his shorts. When he dropped his shorts, her eyes went even wider and her mouth hung open in shock.

"Holy shit." She stared at the monument to masculinity that had sprouted between his legs.

It was amazing. Even flaccid, it had to be longer than most guy's dicks when rock hard. She had never seen a cock so big in person and probably haven't seen a bigger one in any porn either.

“Yeah.” he shook his head in disbelief. “Look at it. It’s huge.”

They both stared at it for a few moments before she broke the silence. “So have you tried it out yet?” she asked, her voice full of wonder.

“No.” he said quietly. He tried to concentrate on not becoming aroused. He was almost ashamed of his massive size.

“Really?” she scoffed. “I wouldn’t be able to resist trying that thing.” Her eyes never left his crotch.

“I thought you said you can’t let yourself be controlled by your emotions.” he countered.

That seemed to give her pause. She seemed to snap out of it and finally look away from his cock. “Yeah. I know.” she seemed surprised at her loss of control and tried to explain. “I was just admiring my handiwork. Pretty good, huh?” She smiled, trying to cover up for her lapse in control.

He picked up on it right away, and some part of him urged him to press her on it. “You want to be the first test subject?”

She laughed and shook her head. She looked back to his manhood and lingered for just a moment but turned back to him. “Just because you’ve got a giant dick, doesn’t mean that you have a chance with me. I told you that I’m not a slut, and you’re still dorky Hank.” she laughed again.

“Thanks.” He rolled his eyes and pulled up his pants. 

He turned to leave and she grabbed him.

“What?” he asked confused.

“Just…” She seemed to struggle for just a moment. “Just be careful, okay? A lot of girls would probably not be able to resist.” she looked back longingly at his now clothed crotch before looking back to his face again. “And don’t let it go to your head either.” She smiled.

“I’ll be lucky if a girl sees it anyway. Like you said,” he chuckled. “I’m still geeky Hank.” He walked out, shaking his head at her confusing behavior. He was glad she didn’t call his bluff. He was still kind of afraid of his new cock. It was so huge, he was actually afraid he would hurt someone with it, despite how exciting the prospect was to use his new tool.

Tiffany sat there for a moment, stunned at how close she had been to losing control. She had almost been in a trance staring at that impressive example of manhood. She hadn’t even thought about being with a man for some time now, since she had broken up with her most recent boyfriend, Ted. She shook her head and stood up, trying to dispel the thought of letting her nerdy friend fuck her. She took note of the wet spot she had left on the cushion. She was glad that he hadn’t seen that.

* * *

Hank had been trying since he got home to focus on his algebra homework and ignore this new development in his pants. It was made slightly easier by his decision to remove his constricting underwear, but only slightly. The thought of throwing aside his school work and finding some way to put his new manhood to use had been swirling through his head all night.

He had decided to retire to bed for the night and had only been in bed for a few minutes when he heard a tapping at the window of his basement room. He looked up and saw Tiffany waving at him. She was wearing a long coat for some reason, despite the fall heat.

He wondered how late it was, and checked the time. It was around midnight, and his parents would hopefully be sleeping. He went to let her in wearing just his sweatpants. When he opened the door, she immediately pushed her way in, eyeballing his package for a moment. She was hot and sweaty looking, with her short pink hair wet matted down against her head. 

He extended a finger and held it to his mouth in a silent “shush” before turning to walk down the stairs to his room.

“What, you’re afraid your parents will catch you?” she teased as soon as the door closed. “You’re eighteen.”

He shook his head and walked over to his bed. “No, I’m just not a jerk and don’t want to wake them. Besides, there would be no end to the complaining.” He sat down on the bed and then turned back to her to smirk. He was pretty sure he knew what she wanted, but he still wasn’t quite ready to give it. His inexperience made him nervous and unsure of how to proceed.

She licked her lips, not knowing what to say while staring at the bulge in the crotch of his sweats.

“So…” he looked at the floor awkwardly.

"I-I don’t know what I’m doing here.” she said finally, clearly exasperated.

“I think we both know exactly why you are here.” he chided. “Don’t you?”

He noted how unsure of herself she looked right then. All of her typical bravado and sass was nonexistent. Despite her being the cute girl and he being the chubby nerd in this equation, she seemed even more nervous and embarrassed than him.

“I didn’t tell you this before, but I had an ulterior motive for helping you.” she said softly.
“Oh?” he asked, trying not to sound as awkward as he felt. Despite his nerves, he was starting to get aroused at the situation. He had never been lusted after before, to his knowledge.

She watched as Hank stroked the length of his massive bulge through his pants, slowly bringing it to an erection. Just like before, she was transfixed by it. The sight of it was burned into her memory. She recalled it perfectly, every little hair and blemish. She could see it through his pants as if they weren’t even there.

“Revenge.” she whispered, her eyes filling with hate. “Revenge on the girls who branded me a slut. See if they can resist, and if not, they would be labeled slatterns when you started bragging about it. They would be in the same boat as me.” she explained. The words just came falling out of her. She needed to get them out. “Especially Denise and her little bitch of a sister Kayla.”

Hank shot her a dirty look when she mentioned Kayla, but Tiffany continued.

“I know you worship the ground she walks on, but if it wasn’t for Denise telling Kayla about what she saw…” she shook her head.

By then, Hank had stroked himself to almost full hardness and the bulge went down his pant leg practically to his knee. It took much longer to get erect than his old prick had. He didn’t say anything, and just let her keep going.

“I figured I, as a witch in control of my emotions and my base desires,” she swallowed and continued, “I thought I could resist it. It is you, after all.” she half smiled, trying to inject some humor, but it was half-hearted.

“But you can’t, can you?” he whispered, loving the look of hunger she had in her eyes while she stared at his growing bulge.

She didn’t respond. She didn’t have to. They both knew. She reached down and unfastened her long coat. She dropped it to the floor, revealing some plain grey panties and matching undershirt. It looked to be what she wore to bed, he thought. He admired her curvy body. She wasn’t fat but not skinny either. There was an obvious wet spot showing in the front of her panties. She blushed and turned away when he saw her looking at it. His confidence continued to grow and it corresponded to the smile growing on his face.

Finally, she turned to look him in the eye with a pleading expression. “I’m not a slut, okay?”  She slowly walked closer to him and took a deep breath. “I just… I just can’t get that cock out of my mind.” she shook her head as if she was trying to dispel the thought.

“Is it because of the spell?” he wondered aloud. “Or is it just that enticing?” 

“I don’t know.” she said in frustration. “How could I possibly know that?”

“I dunno,” he teased. “You’re the witch.”

“It must be magic. I think.” An exasperated sigh escaped her lips before she continued, “I just can’t stop thinking about it. And masturbating didn’t help either.” She frowned, her cute face crinkling up. “It just made it worse.”

He looked at her with a big grin on his face, his suspicions confirmed. He raised his eyebrows, giving her a look of expectation as he pointed to the floor. He waited as she squirmed.

She turned her head again, her face becoming bright red with embarrassment. “Just this once. I have to try it. And don’t think this means you have a shot at me.” She seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than him. After only a moment, she complied and slowly went down to one knee in front of him, looking very conflicted.

“I'm not a slut.” she repeated, this time with more conviction.

He continued to give her the silent treatment but decided that the wait was over. He pulled the waistband aside with one hand and reached into his pants with the other. He fished out his now giant erect cock.

“Goddess,”  she said, her eyes filled with wonder. “It’s so huge…”

He began to stroke it, using both hands since that was the only way he could do it with this absolute monster he now possessed.

She reached out and hefted its bulk up in both hands. The pungent musk hit her and made her mouth water. She leaned down and begin to lick the head. After a moment, she tried to fit it in her mouth, but couldn’t open wide enough. She grunted in frustration and settled on licking his cock all over.

Hank looked down on her and watched her futile attempt to fit his monster cock in her mouth. He was enjoying the attention, but after a few minutes, he got frustrated waiting for her to do more than lick his cock and balls.

“Get up.” he demanded, turning his hips and pulling it from her grasp.

She looked disappointed that she had the object of her desire taken away but quickly complied without a word.

“Take them off.” He stroked his cock up and down, using her spit as lube. His massive foreskin rolled back and forth over his head, which was as pleasurable to him as it was hypnotic for her.

She squeezed her legs together, slipped her panties from her waist and they fell to the floor. She was completely hairless from the waist down.

Hank noticed a glint of something shiny between her legs and looked closer. "What do we have here?" He pointed to her crotch. Her face turned an even brighter shade of red. She spread her legs slightly and revealed the round metal handle of a pink plastic dildo protruding from between her lips.

He gestured for her to turn around and she complied without hesitation. Still amazed that he was even in this position, he pushed her over so she was bent at the waist. He reached down and grasped the end of the dildo. She whimpered softly as he pushed it in slightly, then pulled it out. His eyes went wide when he saw it was much bigger than he had expected.

"It seems you're already prepared." He remarked with amusement. "I was afraid that it would hurt you." A lot of the nervousness he had melted away when he saw how much her pussy must have already been stretched by the huge dildo. He took a second look at it and noted how much thicker and longer his own cock was. He set it aside on the bed. 

He was so excited he was almost shaking but tried not to let her see it. He had always half expected her to be a possible candidate for taking his v card.

"I tried to imagine that it was you..." she began to say but stopped when she felt him move up behind her and grab her left hip.

She felt the huge head of his cock force her wider and begin to stretch her open even farther, causing her to whimper. Her voice went from a low moan to a high shriek as his huge cock slowly disappeared inside her hungry snatch.

Hank couldn’t believe how tight she felt. The warm wetness of her pussy was a totally novel feeling to him, and he relished it for a moment before continuing to push in. He was afraid he was going to hurt her, but she began to thrust back against him with her hips, forcing his cock even deeper.

“Oh!” she cried out. She had never felt more full in her life, but it just kept pushing in. There was a degree of pain, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t tolerate; she was so horny she didn’t care.

Eventually, with a lot of pushing and patience, he was able to shove his cock all the way to her cervix. He was amazed to see that he had basically fit all of his cock inside her.

He pulled back a few inches and thrust back in, still facing a lot of resistance. Sweat poured down his head from the sheer effort it took to force his cock in and out of her tight hole. Even dripping wet, stretched out and prepared for him, her pussy was just too tight to really fuck her with any speed. He did eventually get a good rhythm, each slow and shallow thrust was punctuated by a soft moan from Tiffany. The walls of her pussy felt softer than he could have ever imagined. Their velvet caress on the length of his cock was pure bliss.

“Harder…” she heard herself say. She couldn’t believe that with how full and stretched out she felt, she was hungry for more. The exquisite mix of pain and pleasure was driving her wild. She needed all of him inside her.

That was all he needed to hear. ”I’m going to wreck your cunt!” he grunted.

He began to pick up a little speed since she had finally seemed to acclimate to his size. His cock began to slide in and out much easier. He began to pull back even farther, before thrusting back in. He fucked her harder and harder. The same thought he had before when she was casting the spell returned. Girls like her wanted their pussies destroyed by some huge cock. He fucked with abandon like he wanted to destroy hers.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried out each time his cock hit her cervix.

He wanted it to last forever, but he was still so new at this. He lasted way longer than he thought he would, longer than he did usually while masturbating. But within a few minutes of first penetrating her, he felt his orgasm coming like a freight train and he couldn’t stop if he wanted to. His hips seemed to go on autopilot, thrusting even harder and faster. They both felt the head of his cock swell for a moment before he shot a huge load of cum inside her. Her moans were mixed with his grunts as she had her own thunderous orgasm. He shot load after load into her, his orgasm going on far longer than he was used to. He imagined he was absolutely painting her insides with jizz.

After they recovered for a moment, he pulled his cock out of her with an audible “pop” sound. A mix of his cum and her juices poured out of her, making a huge wet spot on the floor between her legs. He admired his handy work, her pussy was stretched open and gaping, their cum continuing to spill out.

Hank walked on shaky legs to the bed and sat down, still out of breath. Tiffany grabbed her panties and quickly left the room.

“Don’t tell anyone about this!” she shouted on her way out.

* * *

The next morning, Tiffany groaned and shut off her alarm. She vaguely remembered walking home bow legged and barely being able to make it to the bathroom for a towel to cram in her crotch before collapsing on her bed.

She shook her head, feeling almost as if the night before had been a dream. She hoped that she could control herself since she had gotten that out of her system. She rationalized that she had to try a huge cock like that, when would she find a bigger one? She wasn’t a slut, it was just a once in a lifetime cock came along. She didn’t even want to acknowledge to herself that she still felt horny, despite how sore she was. Her clit was already swollen, she could feel it rubbing against the towel, which was unusual.

As she got out of bed, she felt wetness sliding between her legs. She looked down at the bed where her crotch had been and it was totally soaked. The towel was soaked through, which didn’t seem possible.

She pulled the towel away and gasped. Her pussy looked all engorged and stretched out like the night before, maybe even more so. Her normally “innie” pussy lips were now all practically dripping down to touch the inside of her thighs. She was still positively soaked, and her fluids were dripping freely down her legs. Her normally pretty little pussy had the look of having just been fucked wide open, despite it being hours ago.

Her hand seemingly moved on its own and began to stroke her inner lips, her eyes rolled back in her head. She was so horny. She was ready to be fucked, to be bred. It was like the crazy hard sex that left her walking funny hadn’t even happened.

“This isn’t normal.” she said to herself. “This isn’t possible.” But she knew what had happened, what she had inadvertently released.

A couple fingers slipped into her moist opening with almost no resistance. She imagined Hank’s huge cock was inside her again. 

She would have to tell Hank about this, she thought. As soon as she had an orgasm, she would go to school and tell him.

First things first, though, she thought, her hand disappearing inside her to the wrist.

Continued in Chapter 2!

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Pussy Destroyer by Lou Bealy
Commissioned by anonymous
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All characters engaging in sex acts are 18 or older
        Hank walked home, sad and dejected. It was appropriate that it was raining, he mused. It fit his mood and the dreary occasion. He brushed a wet lock of curly brown hair out of his eyes before crossing the street. At least he didn’t have far to go. His best friend Kayla had just basically kicked him out of her house. It was a miserable end to their third date. He knew that he would never get another shot, after what happened. It kept replaying in his head.
She had finally given him a shot after she had finally broken up with her asshole boyfriend. He had been waiting since puberty for that chance. With his plain features, straw-colored hair and eyes, and slightly chubby build, he wasn’t too successful with the ladies in general. Even though Kayla wasn’t some gorgeous, big titted bombshell, she was pretty in her own way. She was short and curvy, with shoulder-length brown hair and blue eyes. She had a wonderful smile that melted Hank’s heart. And most of all they got along.
They had been friends for a long time, since elementary school. She was a member of his and his friend’s little nerd group, always fitting in like one of the guys. The two of them had bonded over their mutual love of all things nerdy and geeky. They played games like Dungeons and Dragons, and Warhammer. They watched nerdy shows like Babylon Five, imported Japanese stuff like Gundam and Macross. She was one of those rare girls that evert nerd dreamed of. But of course, she usually dated jock assholes or someone like that, before giving him a chance.
He had decided right then and there while walking her to her door that he would do it. Before saying goodbye, he went for a kiss. It was a little awkward since Hank was not the most experienced kisser, but she seemed to enjoy it and returned the kiss. She even invited him inside, since her parents weren’t home. He had been over the moon excited as they walked to her room. After making out for a few minutes, she reached into his pants to grasp his rock hard cock. That was when it all went south.
He had never been a very confident guy. He was amazed she even went on these dates with him, to begin with. A big part of his lack of confidence was his tiny penis. It was only three, maybe three and a half inches when fully erect. He had always heard that it wasn’t the size, but “the motion in the ocean”, or some shit like that. Now he knew that obviously wasn’t true.
As soon as she felt his unimpressive little manhood, everything came to a screeching halt. She pulled away from him, saying how they should just be friends, and that she couldn’t think of him as anything but a friend. Then she couldn’t get him out the door fast enough.
Hank kicked a rock into the street, trying to vent his anger. He figured she would probably get back with her asshole ex-boyfriend or some other jerk. That was his only chance.
“No.” he said to himself dejectedly. “I never did have a chance. Not with this.” he grabbed his crotch. “Even if a girl will take me seriously long enough to get her in bed… it still won’t matter in the end.” Luckily it was raining, so the tears he felt welling up wouldn’t be seen by anyone.
He arrived home completely drenched. Once he got his wet clothes off and in the dirty hamper, he went straight upstairs to bed. He knew his parents would ask how it had gone, and there was no way he wanted to explain it. Not to them, or anyone else. He kept himself awake, worrying about what he was going to say to his other friends. What was he going to say to Kayla? Would he even be able to face her, now that she had rejected him? Especially considering the reason why she rejected him.
He gave up trying to sleep and decided to look at porn. An orgasm would usually help him sleep. But this time, it didn’t help at all. He was so disappointed, in his manhood’s size as well as the tiny little glob of cum he had squirted out. He fixated on the fact that she didn’t want him just because he had a small dick.
“Even nice girls just want their pussies destroyed by some asshole with a big dick.” He mused to himself before eventually finding sleep.
* * *
        “So what should I do?” Hank asked Tiffany, one of his few female friends. He was one of her only friends, period. She was a bit of an outcast herself. “She doesn’t even seem to want to talk to me. Luckily, I have you to help me.”
        “That is rather embarrassing. I would have taken that to the grave.” she mused.
        “Thanks for that.” he replied sarcastically.
        They were walking home together like they usually did since they lived pretty close to one another. It was still muddy from the rain the previous night, so they had to take the long way around on the sidewalk, instead of using the trail that cut through the woods behind their neighborhood.
“You want me to help you?” she asked in a sweet voice, but then her voice turned low and sexy. “Like show you how to please a woman?” she asked, bending over and showing her ass. Though her men’s jeans did obscure it slightly, it was still a very nice round ass. She was practically swallowed in her oversized black hooded sweatshirt. She never liked showing off, but Hank knew she had a decent body under there.
        “Wow, uh,” he said, shocked, looking around to make sure no one was hearing their conversation before continuing. “Now is fine, right? Since your parents are out of the country.”
        She frowned. “Really, Hank? Do you think I’m that much of a slut?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest.
        “What?” he asked, turning red. “I didn’t mean-” he tried to say, but was cut off.
        “I know what Denise and Kayla say about me.” she grumbled. “What everyone says about me. That I’m easy.”
        Tiffany was openly bi, but kind of fit the stereotype for what you would think a lesbian would look. Strong jaw, short buzz cut pink hair and wears men’s clothes with big worker’s boots. Hank still thought she was a cute girl, though not as girly as he would like.
        “I’m sorry I asked.” he said, trying to avoid offending her further. “I just figured you could help me. You know her, you know women. I dunno.” he trailed off, not sure what else to say.
        “You believe all the rumors?” she asked, smirking.
        Hank wasn’t sure, but he definitely couldn’t say so. He didn't think that would go over too well. He had heard all kinds of strange things about her for years now, but they were friends and he never really held any of it against her or even asked about it.
He was about to reply in the affirmative, but something about her facial expression and overall demeanor that was all the sudden menacing. It was all the more surprising given her typical laid-back attitude. “I guess not. Whether or not they were true didn’t affect our friendship either way. But I will say, I have wondered. You’ve never outright denied them, either.”
        “What was I supposed to say?” she demanded as they arrived at her front gate. “That I don’t, in fact, have orgies every night with a bunch of the other witches in my coven?”
        Hank looked away, not sure how to respond to that. “I uh, I guess I’ll see you later.” he turned to continue walking home, regretting asking for her help. He had probably ruined two friendships in less than two days.
        “Because it’s only once a month.” she chuckled, unlocking the padlocked gate.
        Hank laughed, thinking she was joking, but stopped when he saw the expression on her face.
        “You’re serious?” he asked, still skeptical. He had never believed the outlandish stories about her, not all of them anyway.
        “Let’s just say that they have a grain of truth to them.” She laughed at his obvious embarrassment.
        He stopped and stood there for a moment, stunned at what she had just nonchalantly, announced in the street.
“You coming?” she opened the gate and turned back to look at him expectantly.
        He was stunned for a moment by the sheer improbability of anyone seemingly offering sex to him, or whatever she was offering, but he recovered quickly. He followed her inside her house, not really knowing what to expect. They had been friends since elementary school, along with Kayla and a few others that were still in their class as seniors. He had never thought of her in a romantic way and had never had the balls before now to ask her about her supposed slutty reputation.
        He followed her downstairs to the basement, where it smelled old and dank. It had an uneven dirt floor, with some plastic sheeting laid over it.
        “What are we doing down here?” he asked, looking around. It was a pretty bare room, with none of the boxes of junk or unused exercise equipment that was typically in people’s basements. There was what looked like an old stained futon cushion in the middle of the floor, surrounded by pillows. “Can’t we use a bed or a couch or something? It’s not like your parents will catch us.” He shook his head, still amazed that he was even having this conversation. It was surreal.
        “This is where I put the magic circle.” she walked over to the cushion and laid down on it, and gestured to the floor. “It’s where we conduct our magic rituals, where they have the greatest effect.”
        Hank rolled his eyes. He was about to remind her that he had never bought into her crazy nonsense about magic and spirits and whatever else she was into when he realized that might fuck up his chances of losing his virginity. He still had trouble believing any of this.
        After she motioned for him to follow, he approached and saw what she was talking about. There was a black circle that looked like it was painted onto the plastic. It was not a solid circle but was made up of some kind of writing that he didn’t recognize.
        She motioned for him to approach, but he was still weirded out by this. “Why do we have to do it here?” He asked, his voice wavering.
        She sighed impatiently. “You asked for my help. Do you want it or not?” She again motioned for him to follow and he did, though reluctantly.
        He flopped down on the cushion next to her, noting how surprisingly comfortable it was. “I was expecting advice or something. Not ritualistic sex.” He began to unbuckle his belt.
“Sex, no. Ritual, yes.” She shot down his chances with a dismissive laugh and playfully slapped him on the leg. She let that hang in the air for a moment before continuing. “I’m going to cast a spell on you.” She saw the look on his face and added, “To help you.”
        Now he was definitely getting weirded out. He also felt deflated since she said that there wasn’t going to be any devirginizing. “What kind of spell?” He started to buckle his pants, but she stopped him. He gave her a confused look, and she raised a finger, indicating him to wait.
        She reached under one of the pillows and retrieved what looked to be one of those old leather-bound tomes you see in movies and began leafing through it. “I think I know just the one.”
He gave a little nervous laugh, not sure what to expect. He noticed his palms were damp from nervousness and wiped them on the cushion.
“Here it is.” she stopped and began to trace her finger across the strange writing, whispering in some strange tongue that he wasn’t familiar with. After a few moments, she turned to him and grinned. “This is perfect. It’s an enhancement spell. An enhancement spell that can be used for many different things. In this case, it would enhance your manhood and make you more attractive; make you a better lover, even.” she laughed, the idea of her awkward nerdy friend being a lady killer was clearly very humorous to her.
She took note of the passage that was written next to the spell, and read it aloud. “It warns that the level of enhancement could vary wildly based on the power of the caster.”
“Are you saying you could make me too manly?” He grinned, playing along with her nonsense.
“A witch’s magic is dependent on her controlling her lust,” she said, getting serious. “Focusing our sexual energies, using it in rituals and festivals. But more than that, you have to be in control of your emotions and thoughts, and not be guided by your emotions and urges. You cannot allow your sexual urges to control you.”
“So what about the other rumors? All the guys?” he asked, knowing how badly this could go once he started asking those kinds of questions.
“Again, I told you there was a kernel of truth to them. I’ve had a few boyfriends, like most any other girl. It doesn’t affect my powers. As long as my sexual energy is focused and controlled, it’s good. It’s not about how often, it’s about my energy and being in control of it, instead of it controlling me.” Then shook her head. “That’s not going to happen, anyway. No offense, but I’m pretty sure I can resist you, even a manlier you.” she laughed dismissively.
“Well, let’s do it.” he raised his hands up and let them fall on his legs with a slap. He was getting impatient since he knew he wasn’t getting laid. “Let’s get this over with.”
“You’d think you would be a little more appreciative.” she teased, then turned back to the book. “It says that you need to focus only on the aspects that you want to be enhanced.” she explained. “This is a generic enhancement spell, it’s our thoughts and desires that determine what it enhances.”
First, she lit a few sticks of incense on what looked like some sort of altar in the corner of the room and returned to the circle. She then began to speak in that strange language again. She put her hand over his crotch as she mumbled in the bizarre-sounding tongue. Then she just sat there gesturing with her hands at his crotch.
Hank tried not to laugh at this display, but he couldn’t hide his smile. This was all too over the top. He just wondered when he could leave. This was getting embarrassing.
Though eventually, he decided, Fuck it. He didn’t have anything to lose, so he tried to follow her instructions. He tried to imagine what he wanted. He pictured himself as having a huge cock, that no woman could resist. He could have any girl he wanted, and they would become addicted to the way he would absolutely destroy their pussies with his giant cock. They would never be able to settle for anything less than his giant monster.
They sat there for a little while longer, with her gesticulating and mumbling in that strange language, but eventually, he had to say something. How long did he have to keep imagining a giant cock for before this supposed spell would either happen, or she could give up and he could go home?
“Are you almost done enhancing my manhood?” he said sarcastically. “I don’t feel anything.”
She glared at him and he shut his mouth. He sighed, crossed his arms, and just waited. Though it wasn’t much longer. After a short time, she stood up. “Okay, that’s it.” she smiled. “Let me know how it goes, stud.” she laughed. The way she sarcastically said ‘stud’ stung a little bit.
He shook his head and got up, leaving without saying a word. This was all too strange. Hank had been holding out some small degree of hope that in the end, this notoriously promiscuous girl would give him a little action, but he supposed he had to settle for her magic nonsense. He was definitely doomed if that was his only hope, he wistfully thought to himself.
He got to the top of the stairs before he couldn’t resist any longer. He felt silly buying into her bullshit for a few moments and he knew it was beyond wishful thinking that his misfortunes would somehow be turned around by a magic spell, of all things. He kicked himself for getting his hopes up at all. His cock was unchanged, not that he was truly surprised by that.
“It won’t have an effect that quick!” she yelled from the other room, seemingly knowing exactly what he was doing.
He sighed. How long am I supposed to wait? he thought but certainly didn’t want to say out loud.
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow!” he yelled back as he exited her house. He admonished himself for thinking that his kooky friend who claimed to be a witch was the right person to ask for help. He just wanted her advice as a woman who likes women and instead he got more of her kooky nonsense. He admonished himself more for buying into it at all, even for a moment.
He went back home, dejected that he still had no idea what to do about Kayla. He decided to put on some anime and zone out on his bed. Eventually, he shut it off and tried to sleep. He was too dejected to do much of anything else.
It took a little longer than usual before he fell asleep. He kept telling himself that he was getting his hopes up for no reason and buying into obvious nonsense, but a part of him really wanted to believe that his girl problems could be so easily cured and by a magic spell no less. He eventually was able to find sleep.
* * *
Hank woke up and shook his head, dispelling the strange, sex-filled dreams that he had all night.  He yawned and looked at the clock, noting that his alarm took a few minutes to actually wake him from his slumber, which was surprising given how light of a sleeper he generally was. He sighed, knowing that he would have to hurry his morning routine along, or he would be late for school.
He stood up and stretched, immediately noticing an uncomfortable tightness coming from his shorts. His underwear riding up and getting restrictive was not an unusual event, so he didn’t pay much mind to it. Strangely, he felt his shorts as he walked to the bathroom and they were in their normal position. They were not riding up at all, but the uncomfortable tight sensation strangely remained.  He looked down and was surprised to see a huge bulge in his shorts.
“No way…” he whispered, walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.
        He slipped the shorts down with some difficulty, the bulge stretching the material and impeding their downward movement. He felt the fabric stretching against his package as it came into view. He gasped with shock, unable to believe what he was seeing.
His penis.
No, that word seemed to be an inadequate description now. His cock, that was the only word that seemed appropriate, was enormous. Even in its flaccid state, it was easily ten inches long. He gawked at its sheer size and girth. He lifted it in his hand and felt the weight of his package, even marveling at the heft of his huge balls. Strangely, it was now uncut, his foreskin seemingly having grown back in the night. That and the forest of thick dark hair made it look somehow even more manly and masculine than the sheer size of it already did. It even smelled more manly. The bathroom quickly filled with his decidedly masculine musk.
It quickly started growing from his pulling and prodding at it. He thought he could feel all the blood in his body rushing to that one spot. He wouldn’t have been surprised if he got suddenly light headed from it, but thankfully that didn’t happen.
He started to stroke and admire his new manhood, barely able to get his hand around it. He immediately noticed how sensitive it was and how amazing it felt when his newly regrown foreskin glided across the head with each short stroke. It rapidly grew and even half hard, it was already as big around as a soda can. He was a straight guy and had never thought about another guy’s junk in any kind of sexual way. But even he couldn’t help but think that it was the most beautiful cock he had ever seen, as strange as the very idea of it was.
It began to tremble with each heartbeat, growing more erect by the second. He watched as it throbbed up and down, expanding rapidly. By the time he felt fully erect, he had at least twelve inches of meat. It was insane. How could he even fuck anyone with this huge monster? It was downright intimidating in its size and girth.
He wrapped both hands around his dick and began to jack it, feeling an urgent need to cum. His hands just seemed inadequate to the task. More than that, he had a hunger that he couldn’t explain, but he knew that him getting himself off wouldn’t satisfy it. Just thinking about making himself cum was strangely making his cock wilt. It was a different kind of need. Something more primal. He likened it to feeling like a predator, needing something to hunt. His cock twitched at the thought.
His need to pee reminded him to focus on getting ready since he was running late for school. It was so strange having that huge dick while he tried to take a piss. He could barely get his hand around his heavy meat, and it proved more difficult to aim than usual and he made a huge mess. It was made worse by the fact that his stream was so much stronger than before, so much so that he had emptied his bladder in what seemed like had been only 5 seconds. He cursed and decided to clean it up later, and jumped in the shower. Cleaning his new cock proved more challenging as well, it was so much bigger than before and he had foreskin to contend with now. Everything seemed to take longer because of his being so out of sorts, but eventually he made it out the door. Luckily, the school wasn’t that far away.
* * *
        Hank could hardly concentrate during class. He was self-conscious about the huge bulge in his shorts. It was almost obscene. Anyone who looked at him for more than a moment or two would immediately notice it, and probably assume he was stuffing his shorts. He held his notebook in front of his crotch when he wasn’t behind a desk, which was a standard guy maneuver for hiding an erection. Luckily, no one typically paid him any mind and that day was no different. Even with his constantly adjusting his package, in an attempt to get comfortable in pants and shorts that were now way too tight to accommodate the huge tool that he carried.
        The whole day, he was afraid of what would happen if he got erect. He was certain that he wouldn't be able to hide it. His nervousness and preoccupation with the whole thing thankfully prevented him from getting too excited, but it took up most of his attention. Consequently, he retained almost nothing from his classes.
        After school, he spotted Tiffany and made a beeline straight for her. She saw the look on his face and smiled.
        “So, how did it turn out?” She grinned. “What?” she asked when he looked both ways before moving the notebook. Her eyes went wide when she saw the bulge in his pants.
        He quickly covered his crotch again. “Well, you did say that it could make me too manly.” He chuckled nervously.
        “No, you said that.” she corrected. They began to walk towards their neighborhood. They both moved with a certain urgency. “Is that for real?” she asked. Her voice had a twinge of wonder.
        That made him even more nervous. “I thought you’ve done this before!”
        “Well, not that exact spell, no.” she said with a hint of embarrassment. "We generally don't allow guys into our space at all, much less cast spells on them."
        They got back to her house and quickly rushed inside. Tiffany couldn't help but be excited and it was written all over her face. "Let's see it."
        Hank's face, on the other hand, was still showing his nervousness at the situation. He slowly lowered his jeans. Her eyes went wide when she saw the bulge in the front of his shorts. When he dropped his shorts, her eyes went even wider and her mouth hung open in shock.
        "Holy shit." She stared at the monument to masculinity that had sprouted between his legs.
It was amazing. Even flaccid, it had to be longer than most guy's dicks when rock hard. She had never seen a cock so big in person and probably haven't seen a bigger one in any porn either.
“Yeah.” he shook his head in disbelief. “Look at it. It’s huge.”
They both stared at it for a few moments before she broke the silence. “So have you tried it out yet?” she asked, her voice full of wonder.
“No.” he said quietly. He tried to concentrate on not becoming aroused. He was almost ashamed of his massive size.
“Really?” she scoffed. “I wouldn’t be able to resist trying that thing.” Her eyes never left his crotch.
“I thought you said you can’t let yourself be controlled by your emotions.” he countered.
That seemed to give her pause. She seemed to snap out of it and finally look away from his cock. “Yeah. I know.” she seemed surprised at her loss of control and tried to explain. “I was just admiring my handiwork. Pretty good, huh?” She smiled, trying to cover up for her lapse in control.
He picked up on it right away, and some part of him urged him to press her on it. “You want to be the first test subject?”
She laughed and shook her head. She looked back to his manhood and lingered for just a moment but turned back to him. “Just because you’ve got a giant dick, doesn’t mean that you have a chance with me. I told you that I’m not a slut, and you’re still dorky Hank.” she laughed again.
“Thanks.” He rolled his eyes and pulled up his pants.
He turned to leave and she grabbed him.
“What?” he asked confused.
“Just…” She seemed to struggle for just a moment. “Just be careful, okay? A lot of girls would probably not be able to resist.” she looked back longingly at his now clothed crotch before looking back to his face again. “And don’t let it go to your head either.” She smiled.
“I’ll be lucky if a girl sees it anyway. Like you said,” he chuckled. “I’m still geeky Hank.” He walked out, shaking his head at her confusing behavior. He was glad she didn’t call his bluff. He was still kind of afraid of his new cock. It was so huge, he was actually afraid he would hurt someone with it, despite how exciting the prospect was to use his new tool.
Tiffany sat there for a moment, stunned at how close she had been to losing control. She had almost been in a trance staring at that impressive example of manhood. She hadn’t even thought about being with a man for some time now, since she had broken up with her most recent boyfriend, Ted. She shook her head and stood up, trying to dispel the thought of letting her nerdy friend fuck her. She took note of the wet spot she had left on the cushion. She was glad that he hadn’t seen that.
* * *
Hank had been trying since he got home to focus on his algebra homework and ignore this new development in his pants. It was made slightly easier by his decision to remove his constricting underwear, but only slightly. The thought of throwing aside his school work and finding some way to put his new manhood to use had been swirling through his head all night.
He had decided to retire to bed for the night and had only been in bed for a few minutes when he heard a tapping at the window of his basement room. He looked up and saw Tiffany waving at him. She was wearing a long coat for some reason, despite the fall heat.
He wondered how late it was, and checked the time. It was around midnight, and his parents would hopefully be sleeping. He went to let her in wearing just his sweatpants. When he opened the door, she immediately pushed her way in, eyeballing his package for a moment. She was hot and sweaty looking, with her short pink hair wet matted down against her head.
He extended a finger and held it to his mouth in a silent “shush” before turning to walk down the stairs to his room.
“What, you’re afraid your parents will catch you?” she teased as soon as the door closed. “You’re eighteen.”
He shook his head and walked over to his bed. “No, I’m just not a jerk and don’t want to wake them. Besides, there would be no end to the complaining.” He sat down on the bed and then turned back to her to smirk. He was pretty sure he knew what she wanted, but he still wasn’t quite ready to give it. His inexperience made him nervous and unsure of how to proceed.
She licked her lips, not knowing what to say while staring at the bulge in the crotch of his sweats.
“So…” he looked at the floor awkwardly.
"I-I don’t know what I’m doing here.” she said finally, clearly exasperated.
“I think we both know exactly why you are here.” he chided. “Don’t you?”
He noted how unsure of herself she looked right then. All of her typical bravado and sass was nonexistent. Despite her being the cute girl and he being the chubby nerd in this equation, she seemed even more nervous and embarrassed than him.
“I didn’t tell you this before, but I had an ulterior motive for helping you.” she said softly.
“Oh?” he asked, trying not to sound as awkward as he felt. Despite his nerves, he was starting to get aroused at the situation. He had never been lusted after before, to his knowledge.
She watched as Hank stroked the length of his massive bulge through his pants, slowly bringing it to an erection. Just like before, she was transfixed by it. The sight of it was burned into her memory. She recalled it perfectly, every little hair and blemish. She could see it through his pants as if they weren’t even there.
“Revenge.” she whispered, her eyes filling with hate. “Revenge on the girls who branded me a slut. See if they can resist, and if not, they would be labeled slatterns when you started bragging about it. They would be in the same boat as me.” she explained. The words just came falling out of her. She needed to get them out. “Especially Denise and her little bitch of a sister Kayla.”
Hank shot her a dirty look when she mentioned Kayla, but Tiffany continued.
“I know you worship the ground she walks on, but if it wasn’t for Denise telling Kayla about what she saw…” she shook her head.
By then, Hank had stroked himself to almost full hardness and the bulge went down his pant leg practically to his knee. It took much longer to get erect than his old prick had. He didn’t say anything, and just let her keep going.
“I figured I, as a witch in control of my emotions and my base desires,” she swallowed and continued, “I thought I could resist it. It is you, after all.” she half smiled, trying to inject some humor, but it was half-hearted.
“But you can’t, can you?” he whispered, loving the look of hunger she had in her eyes while she stared at his growing bulge.
She didn’t respond. She didn’t have to. They both knew. She reached down and unfastened her long coat. She dropped it to the floor, revealing some plain grey panties and matching undershirt. It looked to be what she wore to bed, he thought. He admired her curvy body. She wasn’t fat but not skinny either. There was an obvious wet spot showing in the front of her panties. She blushed and turned away when he saw her looking at it.
His confidence continued to grow and it corresponded to the smile growing on his face.
Finally, she turned to look him in the eye with a pleading expression. “I’m not a slut, okay?”  She slowly walked closer to him and took a deep breath. “I just… I just can’t get that cock out of my mind.” she shook her head as if she was trying to dispel the thought.
“Is it because of the spell?” he wondered aloud. “Or is it just that enticing?”
“I don’t know.” she said in frustration. “How could I possibly know that?”
“I dunno,” he teased. “You’re the witch.”
“It must be magic. I think.” An exasperated sigh escaped her lips before she continued, “I just can’t stop thinking about it. And masturbating didn’t help either.” She frowned, her cute face crinkling up. “It just made it worse.”
He looked at her with a big grin on his face, his suspicions confirmed. He raised his eyebrows, giving her a look of expectation as he pointed to the floor. He waited as she squirmed.
She turned her head again, her face becoming bright red with embarrassment. “Just this once. I have to try it. And don’t think this means you have a shot at me.” She seemed like she was trying to convince herself more than him. After only a moment, she complied and slowly went down to one knee in front of him, looking very conflicted.
“I'm not a slut.” she repeated, this time with more conviction.
He continued to give her the silent treatment but decided that the wait was over. He pulled the waistband aside with one hand and reached into his pants with the other. He fished out his now giant erect cock.
“Goddess,”  she said, her eyes filled with wonder. “It’s so huge…”
        He began to stroke it, using both hands since that was the only way he could do it with this absolute monster he now possessed.
        She reached out and hefted its bulk up in both hands. The pungent musk hit her and made her mouth water. She leaned down and begin to lick the head. After a moment, she tried to fit it in her mouth, but couldn’t open wide enough. She grunted in frustration and settled on licking his cock all over.
        Hank looked down on her and watched her futile attempt to fit his monster cock in her mouth. He was enjoying the attention, but after a few minutes, he got frustrated waiting for her to do more than lick his cock and balls.
        “Get up.” he demanded, turning his hips and pulling it from her grasp.
        She looked disappointed that she had the object of her desire taken away but quickly complied without a word.
        “Take them off.” He stroked his cock up and down, using her spit as lube. His massive foreskin rolled back and forth over his head, which was as pleasurable to him as it was hypnotic for her.
        She squeezed her legs together, slipped her panties from her waist and they fell to the floor. She was completely hairless from the waist down.
        Hank noticed a glint of something shiny between her legs and looked closer. "What do we have here?" He pointed to her crotch. Her face turned an even brighter shade of red. She spread her legs slightly and revealed the round metal handle of a pink plastic dildo protruding from between her lips.
        He gestured for her to turn around and she complied without hesitation. Still amazed that he was even in this position, he pushed her over so she was bent at the waist. He reached down and grasped the end of the dildo. She whimpered softly as he pushed it in slightly, then pulled it out. His eyes went wide when he saw it was much bigger than he had expected.
        "It seems you're already prepared." He remarked with amusement. "I was afraid that it would hurt you." A lot of the nervousness he had melted away when he saw how much her pussy must have already been stretched by the huge dildo. He took a second look at it and noted how much thicker and longer his own cock was. He set it aside on the bed.
        He was so excited he was almost shaking but tried not to let her see it. He had always half expected her to be a possible candidate for taking his v card.
        "I tried to imagine that it was you..." she began to say but stopped when she felt him move up behind her and grab her left hip.
        She felt the huge head of his cock force her wider and begin to stretch her open even farther, causing her to whimper. Her voice went from a low moan to a high shriek as his huge cock slowly disappeared inside her hungry snatch.
        Hank couldn’t believe how tight she felt. The warm wetness of her pussy was a totally novel feeling to him, and he relished it for a moment before continuing to push in. He was afraid he was going to hurt her, but she began to thrust back against him with her hips, forcing his cock even deeper.
        “Oh!” she cried out. She had never felt more full in her life, but it just kept pushing in. There was a degree of pain, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t tolerate; she was so horny she didn’t care.
        Eventually, with a lot of pushing and patience, he was able to shove his cock all the way to her cervix. He was amazed to see that he had basically fit all of his cock inside her.
        He pulled back a few inches and thrust back in, still facing a lot of resistance. Sweat poured down his head from the sheer effort it took to force his cock in and out of her tight hole. Even dripping wet, stretched out and prepared for him, her pussy was just too tight to really fuck her with any speed. He did eventually get a good rhythm, each slow and shallow thrust was punctuated by a soft moan from Tiffany. The walls of her pussy felt softer than he could have ever imagined. Their velvet caress on the length of his cock was pure bliss.
        “Harder…” she heard herself say. She couldn’t believe that with how full and stretched out she felt, she was hungry for more. The exquisite mix of pain and pleasure was driving her wild. She needed all of him inside her.
        That was all he needed to hear. ”I’m going to wreck your cunt!” he grunted.
He began to pick up a little speed since she had finally seemed to acclimate to his size. His cock began to slide in and out much easier. He began to pull back even farther, before thrusting back in. He fucked her harder and harder. The same thought he had before when she was casting the spell returned. Girls like her wanted their pussies destroyed by some huge cock. He fucked with abandon like he wanted to destroy hers.
        “Oh! Oh! Oh!” she cried out each time his cock hit her cervix.
        He wanted it to last forever, but he was still so new at this. He lasted way longer than he thought he would, longer than he did usually while masturbating. But within a few minutes of first penetrating her, he felt his orgasm coming like a freight train and he couldn’t stop if he wanted to. His hips seemed to go on autopilot, thrusting even harder and faster. They both felt the head of his cock swell for a moment before he shot a huge load of cum inside her. Her moans were mixed with his grunts as she had her own thunderous orgasm. He shot load after load into her, his orgasm going on far longer than he was used to. He imagined he was absolutely painting her insides with jizz.
        After they recovered for a moment, he pulled his cock out of her with an audible “pop” sound. A mix of his cum and her juices poured out of her, making a huge wet spot on the floor between her legs. He admired his handy work, her pussy was stretched open and gaping, their cum continuing to spill out.
        Hank walked on shaky legs to the bed and sat down, still out of breath. Tiffany grabbed her panties and quickly left the room.
        “Don’t tell anyone about this!” she shouted on her way out.
* * *
        The next morning, Tiffany groaned and shut off her alarm. She vaguely remembered walking home bow legged and barely being able to make it to the bathroom for a towel to cram in her crotch before collapsing on her bed.
She shook her head, feeling almost as if the night before had been a dream. She hoped that she could control herself since she had gotten that out of her system. She rationalized that she had to try a huge cock like that, when would she find a bigger one? She wasn’t a slut, it was just a once in a lifetime cock came along. She didn’t even want to acknowledge to herself that she still felt horny, despite how sore she was. Her clit was already swollen, she could feel it rubbing against the towel, which was unusual.
        As she got out of bed, she felt wetness sliding between her legs. She looked down at the bed where her crotch had been and it was totally soaked. The towel was soaked through, which didn’t seem possible.
        She pulled the towel away and gasped. Her pussy looked all engorged and stretched out like the night before, maybe even more so. Her normally “innie” pussy lips were now all practically dripping down to touch the inside of her thighs. She was still positively soaked, and her fluids were dripping freely down her legs. Her normally pretty little pussy had the look of having just been fucked wide open, despite it being hours ago.
        Her hand seemingly moved on its own and began to stroke her inner lips, her eyes rolled back in her head. She was so horny. She was ready to be fucked, to be bred. It was like the crazy hard sex that left her walking funny hadn’t even happened.
        “This isn’t normal.” she said to herself. “This isn’t possible.” But she knew what had happened, what she had inadvertently released.
A couple fingers slipped into her moist opening with almost no resistance. She imagined Hank’s huge cock was inside her again.
She would have to tell Hank about this, she thought. As soon as she had an orgasm, she would go to school and tell him.
First things first, though, she thought, her hand disappearing inside her to the wrist.
To be continued in Part 2!
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