Drained By the Manpire

 Drained By the Manpire Chapter 1 by Lou Bealy

Commissioned by Joey Joe

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All characters are 18 or older.

Riley and Brad were proud of their latest prank on the new guy, Victor. They waited in the locker room after gym class for him to find what they had done to his clothes but they were once again disappointed by his lack of reaction.

Victor did find what they had done, of course. They tried to stifle their laughter as they watched for a reaction from him. But Victor just stood there with seemingly no reaction to finding his gym locker with his regular clothes vandalized, filled to the top with soap. He didn’t give them any satisfaction at all, as per usual. He just stared with that intense look for a moment before he shrugged and simply walked away.

“What is up with this Victor kid?” Riley asked Brad in frustration. “It’s like we can’t even get a rise out of him, no matter what we do.”

“I don’t know,” responded Brad, who remained slightly more aloof. He wasn’t letting the lack of a reaction from Victor bother him the same way that it bothered Riley. “It definitely takes the fun out of it though, huh?”

“Was it just me or did he…” Riley trailed off and shook his head, embarrassed he had begun this train of thought out loud.

“What?” demanded Brad. He peered over his shoulder to shoot a glare at Riley.

“He seemed bigger?” Riley said, questioning it as if he didn’t believe it himself.

“I don’t know. Who cares? He may be working out.” Brad shrugged.

The two were star members of the football team and the most popular guys in school. Riley was team captain, and your typical big meathead jock with broad shoulders, wide chest, solid physique, and a matte of dark hair peeking out from under his ballcap. He was considered one of the most popular guys in school, dating most of the cheerleaders and ending up settling on Kimberly, who was the hottest girl in school. But even he was beaten out by Brad on the totem pole.

Brad was the star quarterback. He wasn’t taller or more muscular than Riley. In fact, they were similar in stature. But Brad was a statuesque blonde with a physique and natural good looks that made the girls nickname him “Pitt”. He also had a natural charm and command that Riley couldn’t even fake. While Riley tried his best to be the Alpha, the top dog, it seemed effortless for Brad. But none of that mattered. What clinched it for him and cemented his position as the top dog was landing Stacy, cheerleading captain and queen bee of the school.

Where Kimberly was extremely impressive in the looks department- a petite, lithe, Latina with the kind of natural beauty that required no makeup or enhancement- Stacy was walking sex on a stick, knowing how every curve of her body athletic body, the expression on her heart-shaped babyface, or choice of words could manipulate men to her whims. Brad was no different and even if it was emasculating to have a girl tell you who you could hang out with and how many friends he could have that were girls, it was worth it just for the status alone having someone like her imparted. She did occasionally put out too, thankfully.

Riley had a particular reason for being so harsh on Victor that day. He had no way of knowing that Brad had the exact same motivation. Each of them had been suffering from strange dreams lately. Neither could quite remember the dreams themselves other than fangs and blood but both would wake up feeling frightened and vulnerable. What they each found even stranger, was that they were reminded of that same vulnerable feeling every time they saw Victor. Riley had no idea what was going on but he definitely couldn’t tolerate that feeling. He was already playing second fiddle to Brad and battled that insecurity.

It was not just the dreams though. They both had an even worse surprise to wake up to that particular morning; something to make them more insecure and further motivate their abuse. Riley was reminded of it as he visited the urinal on his way out of the locker room. It was probably just his imagination that his dick seemed a little bit smaller than it normally was. It had to be, he told himself. He held it for a moment in his hand and gave it a squeeze. He could tell there was a subtle difference but again he tried to just chalk it up to his imagination and insecurity. There was no chance that he could have known that Brad was having the same issues, albeit he was better able to ignore it and pretend it wasn’t happening.

It got even worse during practice.

“Pick it up there, Carter!” coach Jackson yelled at Riley after his third failure to block his quarterback from being sacked. He angrily strode onto the field and got in the player’s faces.

“I’m sorry, Coach!” He yelled back, trying to catch his breath. “I just can’t seem to find my stride today!”

“You have been looking for it for weeks now!” Coach Jackson shouted, shaking his head in disgust. He loomed over Riley, his intimidating bulk a reminder that he had been a college football legend as a linebacker himself. “And you!” he barked and turned to Brad. “Just throw the ball! What are you waiting for?”

“I-” Brad stammered. He was finding it hard to have the confidence to let loose. “I don’t know, I guess-”

“You two better get your shit together before the playoffs!” Coach Jackson growled, stomping back off of the field and to the sidelines. “Now do it again!”

But the two of them couldn’t seem to put anything together on the field. Two of the school’s star players were struggling and the playoffs were right around the corner. They were even put on probation so they were benched for the next game!

After practice, they lamented their lack of performance and their (thankfully temporary) demotion. They agreed to meet on the field after school to try and practice, to work on their game, try and get over whatever was inhibiting their performance.

They met on the field when school was out but they didn’t get very far with their impromptu practice. The both of them just felt tired and drained. Like they had no energy at all. After only a good ten minutes of doing some basic drills, they gave up and left the field in frustration.

“Hey Brad,” Riley said, pointing over his shoulder as they entered the locker room. “It’s weird but I saw Victor talking with Stacy and Kimberly out in the parking lot.”

“Couldn’t have been.” Brad shook his head. “What would they have to say to that twerp besides what a loser he is?”

“I dunno,” Riley replied through gritted teeth, confused and angry. “But they were talking there for a while it looked like,” Riley added, punctuating with an angry grunt.

After getting dressed, he stormed over to Kimberly, who was grabbing some books from her locker and grabbed her wrist, spinning her around to face him. “Who were you talking to?! That was Victor, wasn’t it?” He demanded, his face inches from hers. She slowly backed away but he continued to crowd her until her back was pressed into the lockers.

“Hey! That hurt!” Kimberly whined. “And sure, why not?” she huffed, teasing him. “You being the big football star should have nothing to worry about from him, right?” She smiled sweetly and pushed past him with no resistance, strategically brushing her ass across his crotch.

Riley had no answer. He didn’t know if she was being sincere or mocking him. He couldn’t tell with her sometimes and it drove him crazy. “You know I don’t like you talking to guys.” He reached out to grab her again but she twisted away. “Hey come back here and tell me who your daddy is!” he called after her.

She giggled but didn’t respond.

“Who’s your daddy?!” he yelled, wanting one small victory.

But she wouldn’t give it to him. She gave a big exaggerated sigh and rolled her eyes at him. “Ug. You are such a bore. Text me when you’re over yourself.” She turned to leave, walking over to Stacy who looked like she was barely holding in laughter.

Riley just stood there feeling emasculated as he watched them leave.

* * *

“I can’t believe that it’s his,” Stacey giggled. She and Kimberly both were sitting in the corner of homeroom and staring at Victor, who appeared to be macking on Mrs. Allbright.

“That’s what I said to him and he said he would prove it!” Kimberly laughed and shook her head. They tried to listen in on what he was saying to the teacher but could only make out some of it. But when he pointed to his crotch and grinned it required no explanation.

The flirtatious Mrs. Allbright didn’t scold him, which was no surprise given how she had a history of flirting with the cute boys. She blushed and covered her luscious lips in an attempt to conceal her smile. Kimberly and Stacy blushed along with her when Victor looked over at them and gave them his signature intense look when he caught them staring.

“I can’t believe that little dork is packing this kind of heat.” Stacey stared amazed at the dick pick that Kimberly shared with her.

Kimberly shook her head. “That has to be him though.” She pointed to the picture, which displayed Victor’s distinctive belt buckle. Neither of them had picked up on that detail at first because they were too busy staring at his monster uncut cock hanging out of his unfastened jeans. It had to be at least eight inches, and it wasn’t even fully hard.

“Come back when your balls have dropped,” Mrs. Allbright cooed. She said this line a lot, to the point that her flirtation with the hotter, older boys was somewhat legendary at that point.

The two girls looked back up in time to see Mr. Allbright, who was a biology teacher at the school and would come and visit his wife’s classroom on occasion, pop in for what appeared to be a surprise visit. He was noticeably perturbed when he heard Victor say to his beautiful young wife, “I think you would find myself If you don’t believe me, I will show you.”

“Oh!” Mrs. Allbright Giggled. “You wouldn’t do that! I’m a married woman.”

Victor looked over Mrs. Allbright’s shoulder and grinned at Mr. Allbright. “Don’t be so sure.”

Mr. Allbright’s face twisted in anger. “That’s enough!” He growled and marched over to step between the flirting pair. He got right in Victor’s face and barked, “How dare you talk to my wife and your teacher that way?!”

Victor just grinned wider, which pissed Mr. Allbright off even more. He reached out and grabbed the impudent teen by the arm with the intention of yanking him around but he stumbled unexpectedly. He looked back at Victor, confused, and saw he had not moved an inch. He tried again to move him but he wouldn’t budge.

Mr. Allbright stared for a moment, puzzled as to how the seemingly much smaller teen was able to shrug him off. He had always prided himself on his strength and physical prowess. He had set athletic records in high school that got him a full ride through college until his knee blew out and settled on academics. So he was quite surprised when Victor reached out to grab him by the throat and move him instead. In a flash, his back was against the wall and Victor had him pinned by the throat. Somehow, he was so strong that Mr. Allbright felt his feet leave the floor and his windpipe shut completely. He tried to pry the young man’s grip off of his throat, but it was like iron.

“A pussy like you doesn’t deserve a hot wife like her,” Victor hissed in his face. When the word “pussy” left his lips, the whole class watched silently as a stream of piss dripped down the leg and formed a puddle on the floor under the terrified biology teacher. He held the bigger man for a moment longer before dropping him unceremoniously. Mr. Allbright almost slipped in his own piss and fell, his legs still weak with shock and fear but he just barely grabbed the edge of his wife’s desk before his head hit it.

A few students couldn’t contain themselves and snickered with laughter. Mr. Allbright hesitated for a moment, looked at his wife who also looked like she was trying not to laugh, and then turned to run from the room. Stacey and Kimberly were not the only girls in the class that looked on in awe as Victor walked nonchalantly back to his desk and sat down as if nothing had happened.

“Holy shit…” Kimberly whispered to Stacey. Stacey nodded back, her face expressing a mixture of shock and arousal.

Mrs. Allbright still stood there staring at Victor for a moment before he nodded as if giving her permission to continue. It took her a few moments to compose herself after witnessing the teen dominate her husband. Mrs. Allbright smiled at Victor and fanned herself with a stack of papers, then continued the lesson.

After the bell rang, most of the girls in the class, including Kimberly, Stacey, and Mrs. Allbright herself, all jumped up and rushed from the room with urgency toward the lady’s room. Victor looked on, appearing very pleased with himself. The boys in the class that had noticed the effect Victor had on the girls could only look on with envy and disdain.

* * *

“What do you mean Victor is trying out for the team?” Riley cried, his voice cracking in a display of his nervousness. “How did that twerp get into the tryouts? And what is he trying to prove?”

The pair were about to leave the locker room after another humiliating practice when Riley noticed Victor’s name on the list. It was bad enough that their poor performance necessitated a special tryout in the first place but this made it even more embarrassing for them.

“I don’t know what is going on,” Brad answered, trying not to sound as desperate and whiney as Riley. “I’m in the same boat as you, remember?” He shook his head and grunted in frustration. “I am not letting that little geek onto our team.” He pushed open the door and they peered out into the hall. “Let’s go have a little chat with him.” Brad pointed at Victor, who was standing at his locker and staring back at them, grinning like he knew what they must be thinking.

Riley wished he was as confident as Brad appeared to be. He took one look at Victor and he could tell something was different. He had a look of bravado and confidence that he had not displayed since arriving at the school. He even seemed to be taller, more muscular but that couldn’t be the case. Riley shook his head. No, he had to be imagining it. You don’t get noticeably taller and buffer in one day, he told himself.

The two approached Victor, who stood silently against his locker with a slight grin. “Listen you little twat.” Brad spat. He looked over Victor, trying to intimidate him but their chosen victim refused to cooperate. He just stared at them seemingly unphased, his grin growing wider and wider. “I don’t know what you are trying to prove but we all know how ridiculous the idea of you playing on our football team is. Right, Riley?” He looked over his shoulder at Riley, who didn’t know why he was so uneasy about confronting Victor.

“Right,” Riley replied nervously, failing to project confidence.

Victor didn’t reply and simply walked past them and into the bathroom. Riley wanted to just let it go but Brad couldn’t. He had to prove he was the big man like he always did. Brad yanked the door open and strode into the bathroom with Riley following behind. Then everything got a bit fuzzy.

* * *

“You kids can’t stay here.” A strange voice startled Riley awake. He snorted and popped up, knocking over the chair and desk he had been sleeping in a moment before. Brad took a moment longer to open his eyes and he slowly pulled himself to his feet as well.

The janitor informed them he needed to clean the classroom and they quickly gathered themselves and left. They left the room confused and rubbing their aching heads.

“What the fuck? It’s like four-thirty.” Riley looked down at his watch, confused as to where the time went.

“I don’t know but I feel like shit.” Brad groaned as he stumbled down the hall. The two of them were walking like a couple of drunks, unable to stand upright or walk in a straight path with any coordination at all.

“You look it too,” Riley added, stumbling along behind him. “You’re all pale and sweaty.” He felt like he had a serious hangover, which is what Brad looked like. But that wasn’t all. “Weird…” he muttered, taking a second look at his friend. He thought he had imagined it at first but something definitely was not right.

“What?” Brad asked, groaning and rubbing his forehead.

“I, uh…” Riley looked around at their surroundings. He shook his head and dismissed the thought. Nothing quite looked right and the perspective on everything looked off, but it couldn’t be because they were physically shrinking. That was impossible, he thought. It was his imagination that his friend’s clothing seemed larger on him than normal. He looked down at himself and saw the same thing, that his own clothes seemed to be hanging on an unfamiliar body, one skinnier and smaller than it should be. “Nothing,” he said finally, shaking his head.

The two parted ways without another word, neither seemingly willing to discuss what had happened to them. Riley dragged himself home and collapsed into bed, falling into a restless sleep where his dreams were again haunted by Victor. This time it was much more clear. Victor held him down and bit him on the neck. He struggled as hard as he could but Victor held him in an iron grip as he drained him of his lifeblood. Eventually, Riley woke up in a cold sweat at four-thirty and couldn’t get back to sleep.

* * *

The next morning, Riley awoke with a sense of dread. He dragged himself out of bed, his head still pounding and his body still weak, and stood in front of the mirror. He groaned when his eyes and his mind finally cleared up enough to register what he saw.

“What is happening to me?!” he cried, rushing the mirror for a closer look. His body was pale and sickly looking, his muscles that he had put so many hours into building had seemingly wasted away overnight and left him looking like a skinny weakling. He rubbed his hands across his body, feeling his new bony frame while still in utter astonishment. His eyes swept over his sickly body and settled on his crotch. He cupped his package through the thin material of the boxer briefs. This could not be happening, he told himself. He pulled his shorts down and his shrunken, flaccid penis flopped out.

He whimpered as he pulled at it, trying to get hard. He was a grower, he reassured himself, not a shower. His tiny, shrunken-looking penis would look normal again once he was hard, he knew it. He couldn’t even get an erection and gave up after a minute of trying, chalking it up to his frantic state. He tried texting Brad to ask if he was feeling okay that morning but there was no reply.

Riley truly began to worry when he looked for Brad before school but could not find him anywhere. He didn’t see him on the field for practice either and was beginning to freak out when he was informed by the assistant coach that Brad’s mother had called in sick for him that day. He wouldn’t even be there to see the farce that was going to be Victor’s tryout!

They lined up in a scrimmage, with Victor on the opposing team. Riley looked at him on the other side with a sneer but the memory of the previous night’s nightmares quickly came back. He didn’t want to embarrass himself anymore out there, especially in front of Victor. But once again, he just couldn’t seem to put it together on the field. He was so sluggish and weak that he could barely keep up with the others during the first play. What was worse, was his equipment didn’t even seem to fit him anymore. He was completely disoriented, sickly, and embarrassed to even be there. The worst part was how Victor seemed to be nailing every play he was in, especially whenever he came up against Riley, who was utterly unable to stop him from rushing and sacking their second-string quarterback. Riley was utterly dumbfounded at this turn of events. This had to be a dream, or maybe some kind of cosmic joke.

“Carter!” Coach Jackson bellowed after he botched yet another drill. “Get your sorry ass over here!”

Riley hung his head in shame as he made his way over to the coach, already expecting the worse. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He looked over at Victor and although he couldn’t see Victor’s face, he angrily concluded it had to have a big smile stretched across it.

“Hurry up! I don’t have all day!’ his coach shouted, becoming quite impatient. When Riley finally got there he put a hand on the teen’s shoulder and gave a big sigh. “I can’t have my captain choking like this on the field.” He paused before adding “You’re benched,” with more than a hint of disgust. He wanted to protest but he couldn’t bring himself to. He knew coach Jackson was right. He was a liability. He went back to the locker room and took a long shower to stew on his thoughts. When he got out, he saw that practice was ending so he tried to get his things and get out without being noticed. He was already embarrassed enough, he thought. That was the plan until he came around the corner and saw Victor.

Victor- looking freshly showered himself and only wearing a towel- stood there in front of Riley’s locker, staring at him as if he was daring him to say or do something. As scared and humiliated as Riley felt at that moment, he was also furious at his situation and at Victor for seemingly profiting from and (likely) reveling in Riley’s misery.

“What’s the matter, Riley,” Victor taunted. His voice even sounded deeper, more masculine than Riley remembered it being. Victor took a few steps forward and invaded Riley’s space. It became immediately apparent that Riley had not imagined the changes in Victor, whose menacing demeanor made Riley’s uneasiness even worse. Startled, he backed away and stumbled into the wall of lockers, just barely able to keep his feet under him. “Having some performance issues?” Victor added with a laugh. The fact that Victor was naked and standing over him, with Riley looking up and his junk on full display displayed the power disparity perfectly. Victor’s thick impressive package hung down towards his knee. Riley wanted to look away out of disgust for seeing another man’s dick but he couldn’t help but stare at the impressive example of manhood. The sheer difference between them in size only made Riley feel even more vulnerable.

“You son of a bitch!” Brad shrieked, his voice cracking. He unsteadily got to his feet before he reached out to grab Victor by the shirt. He immediately noticed that Victor now appeared to be the same height as himself. Maybe even a little taller. He also noticed that Victor had seemingly filled out overnight. His skinny body actually had some muscle on it now. His face was more chiseled with a more defined jaw-line, his shoulders appeared to be wider and his chest appeared to be bigger. Victor was also standing there in an aggressive posture, his shoulders back and his stance wide, exuding a kind of unexplainable menace that had Riley shaking in fear. Riley opened his mouth but whatever sarcastic remark he had been about to utter was quickly forgotten.

Victor reached down to grab Riley’s hand, easily prying it from his shirt. Before Riley could protest, Victor had him by the wrist. His iron grip bent Riley’s arm and spun around to trap it behind his back.

“You need to learn some respect,” Victor growled in Riley’s ear. “Especially to your superior.”

“My ‘superior’?” Riley tried to sound proud and uncaring but it didn’t work. His voice trembled from the pain in his shoulder. “You gotta be fuckin kidding,” Riley scoffed unconvincingly. “In your dreams, maybe.”

Victor burst out in laughter spraying drops of spit all over the side of Riley’s head. Riley was horrified when he felt Victor reach down to grab the edge of his underwear and yank them down.

Shocked, Riley shouted, “What the fuck are you-” before Victor tripped him to the floor and pulled his underwear clean off before tossing it over his shoulder. Victor stood over him and sneered as he wriggled out from under him. He pulled himself up to his feet quickly, trying not to appear weak but by doing so he left his crotch momentarily exposed. As soon as he was back up, he tried to cover his crotch, but it was too late. Everyone had seen his tiny shrunken dick.

“It is probably not even possible to have a smaller dick than you.” Victor laughed and then looked down at his own crotch. “But I make even the average man look tiny.” He reached down to grasp the base of his dick while wagging his hips, displaying his impressive size while only half hard.

Riley’s cheeks burned with embarrassment and the sound of the rest of the team laughing echoed throughout the locker room. He was hesitant to try and pass by Victor so he just stood there awkwardly, holding his package with both hands and staring at the floor.

“Nothing to say, pussy boy?” Victor taunted.

Riley shook with a mixture of anger and fear that radiated from his gut. “How…? How are you doing this?” he demanded, his voice trembling.

“Doing what?” Victor approached him suddenly. It was so fast that Riley didn’t even have time to think before Victor grabbed his arm and he was again at Victor’s mercy. “This?” Victor added with a whoop of laughter. Riley yelped in pain as he was hauled from the room, his tiny flaccid little nub wiggling there where his dick should have been. Victor was so big and strong he was easily able to control Riley with his arm behind his back.

“I’m going to fucking ruin you, little boy!” Victor hissed in Riley’s ear, as he forces him out into the public corridor. There were woops and gasps from the students passing by, as they all caught a sight of the naked football star being manhandled by the new kid. Riley’s feet slid

across the floor while Victor pushed him the short distance to the entrance of

the girl’s locker room, he kicked the door open and then summarily dumped Riley’s naked body inside.

“Oh my god!” shrieked one of the girls when they saw a naked boy. Others joined in but the shrieks of fear began to quickly be replaced by raucous laughter.

“Baby dick!” one voice cried. “Baby dick!” someone else agreed. “Baby dick!” they began to chant. “Baby dick! Baby dick!”

Kimberly looked on in shock at her boyfriend’s utter humiliation. She was particularly confused about what had happened to him- why he looked so sick and why his dick had wasted away. She knew that she shouldn’t be enjoying this, but Victor’s commanding presence was so arousing that it didn’t matter that her boyfriend was right there watching her swoon and make doe eyes at Victor.

Victor stood over Riley with a foot resting on his chest in a show of total dominance. Riley lay there, quivering and trying not to cry. He couldn’t look Victor in the eye and waited there until Victor left. The girls were still chanting “baby dick” at him when he finally pulled himself up and ran from the room and back to the guy’s locker room to grab his clothes. He couldn’t keep himself from sobbing. Victor slowly got dressed himself and while seemingly enjoyed watching Riley scramble to escape the humiliation. He watched on, grinning smugly and rubbing the substantial bulge in his shorts.

“See you soon.” Victor sang as the door swung shut behind Riley. “Baby dick.”

Continued in Part 2

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  1. I love the premise of this story. I'm excited to see the next chapter.


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