An exciting new chapter of my life
Hello everyone. I just wanted to share that I have decided to make a major change in my life. I have just put my notice in to quit my corporate soul-sucking job and am going to focus on writing stories!
I know my output in the last year or so has been poor, largely due to the circumstances of the pandemic, finishing up college, and this new job I took last year. That should sharply turn around here in a few weeks once I finish up and leave the corporate hell I have been in for the last several months.
I plan on opening my queue back up again once I have worked through most of the ones I have left. If I can't get enough commissions to keep me busy I will sell more books on amazon. I am debating whether I should start a Patreon page or something like that as well. There are a lot of details I am still working out.
(Edit 6/21: I ended up going with Subscribestar, page is here if you are interested)
I couldn't be more thrilled. I have wanted to be a professional writer "when I grow up" for as long as I can remember and I am finally in a position to try to make a go of it. I want to thank you all for the encouragement, reading my work, giving me an outlet for my weirdness, and most of all giving me hope that I can possibly support myself by doing what I love: telling stories.
I am not sure yet where exactly this will lead, other than more content is coming and soon. Thank you all.
I wish you luck and look to forward to more frequent updates. I hope you earn enough from writing to provide a good living. I got into your work with your earlier genital swap stories and I think the sexy swap series is one of the most erotic things I've ever read and I hope some day you will continue it. Whilst I have enjoyed many of your later stories I still enjoyed the genital swap stories the most.
ReplyDeleteI hope your change will enable to write more in this genre but I appreciate as a writer you have to create what you are paid to write.
I do plan on finishing that series. In fact, aside from my commissions, that is the first thing on my list to work on. I really love that story too and I do have an ending in mind. I am not sure yet if there will be 1 or 2 entries left to write but that's what I am thinking.
DeleteMy tentative plan is to work on my commissions while simultaneously releasing more amazon books and other free content on my site (which may have an extra tier for members to see early or something like that).
I couldn't be more excited. I only have a few more days at this job and then I will be making an attempt at my sole income being from my writing business. Thank you so much for the encouragement!
If theres one story im looking forward to the continuation of the most its the Perfect bride series.
ReplyDeleteYes, totally what Zoey Broad mentioned. I really like the idea that Lou slowly corrupts and transforms Joe into his slave as a gender-bender "final" part - the final insult to Joe having already lost his girlfriend and his family - (s)he becomes the final part of the harem