Every Last Drop
Every Last Drop by Lou Bealy
commissioned by anonymous
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Art walked into the sperm bank, hoping to make some quick cash like he did the week before. Being a poor college student meant he had to figure out creative ways like this to make ends meet. After filling out the paperwork, he was told to sit and wait by the front desk lady but he didn’t wait more than five minutes before he was called in.
“Okay Mister Blair, follow me.” said the attractive nurse, or whatever she was. She was maybe in her late thirties and still quite attractive. Thin, with dark hair and eyes, she had a ruddy complexion gave her a Mediterranean look.
I hope that she collects the samples herself. He joked to himself silently. Being kind of a tall lanky nerd with straw-colored hair and brown eyes, he didn’t normally get attention from women as hot as her, not that he really expected it. But it was fun to fantasize about.
She led him into a small room that was mostly bare except for a sink, a rolling chair, and an examination table in the center. “Doctor Sykes will be in shortly to discuss the results of your test. Please put on the gown and lay down on the table.” said the cute nurse before leaving and closing the door behind her.
He was confused as to why he needed to put on the gown, but he complied. They were paying him some okay money to cum in a jar, so he didn’t really have any complaints. It was just strange. He lay there on the table for what felt like a long time, wondering why a doctor would need to discuss anything with him. He felt cold wearing just the gown. The thing material did little to insulate him and his skin was covered in goosebumps from head to toe. He also had to squint his eyes a little bit from the harsh lights emitted from a fixture attached to the table. This whole thing was strange and uncomfortable, but he was willing to tolerate it. He really needed the money.
He had sold his sperm to them the last time in short order. He went in, did his business, and was out in like a half-hour. This time, they clearly had found something unusual about his previous sample. Maybe they just needed to talk with him privately before they could take another one. But why the gown and the exam table? He needed the money, so of course, he didn’t complain.
Doctor Sykes, another older attractive lady with dark hair and eyes, came in the room carrying a clipboard and a big smile on her face. “Mr. Blair, this is very exciting news!” she beamed, sitting down on the chair next to the table. She scooted the chair right up against the table, close enough for him to smell her coconut-scented shampoo.
“What is?” he asked, thoroughly confused.
“Mister Blair, we analyzed your sample from the last time you came in.” she said excitedly, her smile spreading even wider. She looked down at her clipboard and added, “We found that you are in the ninety-ninth percentile of potency and by far the most potent man to ever come to this particular branch. You have super sperm, would be a more common way of explaining it.” She laughed.
He saw her looking between his legs, where his gown did nothing to hide his manhood. His cheeks burned red with embarrassment and he pressed his thighs together.
“Mmm… you have the manhood one would expect a man with super sperm to possess.” She smiled, clearly impressed. “You’re big, even when you’re soft.”
He scoffed, thinking that this was all some kind of joke, but her expression didn’t change. “Thanks, I guess.” She continued to stare at him, so he straightened up and asked, “So what does that mean? Is that why I am in this room?” He looked around in the bare, cold space, still confused.
“Oh, yes.” she said, fanning herself with her clipboard. “I’m glad you asked. For the amount of sperm we want to collect from you, it will require a more… extensive extraction procedure.” She smiled and leaned forward, seemingly emphasizing her breasts, since they were now right in his face. She looked down at his crotch with a look of wonder and lust.
Maybe she really is going to conduct the procedure! He thought, amazed.
He heard a click and looked down to see that she had leaned in to push a button on the side of the table. She turned to look at a door on the opposite side of the room that had slid open. In walked the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His eyes went wide in shock when he noticed that she was stark naked. She was the epitome of what a fertile woman would probably look like. She had shoulder-length platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was thin, but athletic looking with decent sized C-cup breasts that seemed to completely defy gravity. She was sashaying her hips as she walked in, emphasizing her wide hips and round ass. She had a look on her face that just screamed sex. He couldn’t place it right away, but couldn’t ignore it either. There was something strange about her facial expression and how she moved. It seemed unnatural somehow, but he couldn’t quite place it.
He sat speechless as the strange but sexy woman slowly approached the exam table, and he got a better look at her. Her skin was way too pale, and her eyes looked dead and empty.
Doctor Sykes gestured with both arms like she was presenting an act in a show, or the like. “This is AMI, Android Made for Insemination.” said Doctor Sykes, looking very proud. Now he knew why she looked so unnatural. “She is very good at what she does, so I am just going to let her take it from here.” The doctor grinned wide and then turned to exit the room.
“What? Hold on…” he tried to stand up, but realized he was strapped down to the table with inflexible bands around his ankles and arms. He didn’t realize that he had been strapped down, it must have happened while he was distracted by AMI entering the room. “Hey! What the fuck is going on?!” he shouted, starting to panic. He struggled in his bonds, but he couldn’t budge an inch.
“Lay back and just relax.” said AMI in a strange but soothing voice. It reminded him of HAL from 2001. No feeling or inflection, but just even with a calm aspect. “I have been specially designed to extract as much of your potent sperm as possible.”
“I didn’t agree to this!” he shouted, his voice going shrill. His head was spinning, this was too much to process.
“Yes you did!” shouted Doctor Sykes on her way out. “It was in the waver you signed!” She laughed as she exited the room.
“Grr!” he continued his fruitless attempt to force his way out of his bonds until he felt a cold hand touch his arm.
“Don’t worry.” she said, then reaching over to rub his cock through the gown. “It’s going to feel amazing, and you’ll be well compensated.” She almost looked human, and despite the weirdness of the situation, he was getting hard. There was- what approximated- a hot naked woman playing with his dick, which didn’t happen to a guy like him very often. Her hand felt cold, but there was nothing else strange about it.
He resisted for a few moments, but eventually settled back, since his protests were ignored. He couldn’t get out no matter how hard he tried. In addition, this was starting to feel, well good. He laid back and closed his eyes, enjoying the physical sensations for a moment.
“That’s it…” she said, her hand gripped around his now erect seven-inch cock through the gown. “Good boy.”
He opened his eyes and looked at her again, still utterly impressed by how human she looked. “So, uh. You’re some kind of… robot?” he asked. He felt compelled to make some kind of conversation. He had never had much luck with women and it felt awkward to not at least get to know her a little bit… which seemed crazy now that he was thinking about it.
“Yes. Specifically designed for this purpose.” she responded and then reached down to pull his gown out aside. His rock hard dick flopped out. She leaned down, taking the head of his cock into her mouth. He gasped when his cock made contact with her tongue, which like her hand was cold but felt otherwise normal.
“So… are you- ah!” he started to ask some other small-talk question, but he lost his train of thought when she engulfed his cock to the hilt. He felt the tip enter her throat and there was no hint of gagging or choking on her part.
She began to bob her head, sliding the soft flesh of her mouth and throat along the length of his cock. It was the best blowjob he had ever gotten. It was very rhythmic and mechanical, with no feeling, but it was still highly skilled in the technique she used. He didn’t feel her any teeth. Her tongue swirled around the tip, making him moan even harder.
He could feel himself getting close. “I’m going to-” he began to say but she interrupted.
“Mm-hm.” She didn’t slow down. He felt something push into the tip of his cock, stretching open his pee slit.
“What the-” He was confused, but was stopped suddenly by the onset of his orgasm, which wracked through his body. She had made him cum with her mouth much faster than anyone ever had. He didn’t even notice that whatever had penetrated his penis had withdrawn. Her heard her make a gulping sound before she released his softening penis from her mouth. There wasn’t a trace of cum on it.
“Man, that was incredible.” He laughed nervously, waiting for her to hit a button or whatever that would set him free. “What did you do to my dick? Was that your tongue?”
“Just a way to prevent spillage.” she replied in her strange feelingless voice.
“So, about letting me up…”
“We require more of your semen, but we don’t have time to wait for you to recover.” she said as she stood up and wiped her mouth. There was spit- or whatever was in her mouth- dripping down her chin but she noticeably had not missed a drop of his cum.
“What’s that supposed to-” he began to ask but was suddenly interrupted. She gracefully leaped up onto the table straddling him. She moved like a cat, and her landing didn’t even make a sound. She squatted down and began to rub her naked crotch, which appeared anatomically correct in every way, all over his groin area. It even appeared to be getting wet like a real girl’s pussy would. She was leaving a snail trail all across his bare skin.
“Oh, fuck!” he cried out when she started to grind on him. “I’m still sensitive! Stop!” he complained. But she ignored him. She continued to rub her warm snatch all over his crotch, which made him twitch and squirm uncontrollably. In an amazingly short time, maybe five minutes or so- it was hard to tell- he felt himself getting aroused again. He still felt very sensitive, as he typically did after an orgasm, but that didn’t seem to stop his cock from growing hard again.
“I’m not sure how much more you’ll be able to get out of me, why don’t you-”
She cut him off again, this time by leaning down and kissing him. He closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of her soft lips. She even tasted and smelled like a real woman. He wondered how they pulled that off. He didn’t have long to contemplate it, he felt her cold hand reach around his shaft and guide it into her warm snatch. He groaned into her mouth, entranced by the soft caress of her pussy. There was seemingly no resistance, but it was tight at the same time. She continued to kiss him, but it wasn’t the type of kissing he was used to. She basically just mashed her lips into his and pursed them in a regular interval. If it weren’t for the slippery walls of her pussy stroking his cock, he would have concluded that it was the worst kissing he had ever experienced. Her, for lack of a better term, love-making technique was flawless, but her kissing was awful. She had no passion or feeling which is what kissing is all about, he surmised. He didn’t care, though. He was beginning to become lost in the physical sensations and the sheer hotness of the situation. Despite how sensitive he was, he succumbed to the pleasure, not having any other choice anyway.
She pulled her head back and lips off of his long enough to scold him. “You should be focusing on the task at hand.” she said as she rolled her hips, stroking him with the tight grip of her amazingly authentic and human-like pussy.
After thrusting her hips a few more times and making him moan in ecstasy she answered, “Giving me your seed.” she drew her hips back, stroking the entire length of his cock with her pussy. “Some men are further aroused by the idea that they are going to sire children. And with the quality of your semen,” she began to pick up speed and become more forceful in her gyrations. “You will father many children.”
That thought did do it for him. He was more aroused than he could ever remember being, despite the strangeness of the situation.
In between the thrusts of her hips, he managed to squeak out, “I’m not-” he paused to groan with pleasure. “Complaining. Mmm… but this seems like overkill.” She began to pick up speed, making it more difficult to get out his thoughts. The feeling of her slick flesh sliding over his cock was exquisite. “I practically emptied my balls last time just looking at the porn you provided…”
She didn’t answer and instead leaned down so her breasts were in his face. Her skin was cold, and her nipples didn’t even seem hard, but he didn’t care. He leaned up to pop one into his mouth and began to suck. He was a tit man and couldn’t resist it, even if he knew that they were fake, the skin felt wrong, and they were probably filled with air or silicone or something.
They continued fucking for a few minutes with her continuing to pick up speed. The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed throughout the room. They were right at the threshold that separated pleasure from pain, but never quite crossed over it. He had never had such intense sensations occurring all at once. Her technique was flawless. It felt like there was no resistance at all as he slid into her amazingly human-like vagina but at the same time still providing just the right level of stimulation. He forgot for a moment that he was tied to a table and fucking a robot. Everything around him, and even most of his body, seemed to just disappear. The only things that remained were her nipples, his mouth, and their entangled sex organs. It was probably to his advantage that he was still bound to the table, because she was moving so fast and with such force that if he moved at all it may result in injury to his penis. He didn’t even want to thrust his hips at all, lest he aim wrong and hurt himself. That didn’t seem to matter though, she was fully capable of doing all the work herself, he guessed.
He began to notice that by this point even though he was tied down and the room was cool, his body was dripping with sweat from first the struggle to free himself, and then from the stimulation and arousal, he was experiencing at levels he had only dreamed of before. AMI, on the other hand, was still cool to the touch, and the only wetness on her body appeared to be in her mouth and pussy.
“You are now ready for the next step…” she said in that same strange but still soothing voice. Her tone had stayed the same the whole time. “Beginning the more extensive extraction procedure now.” She paused her thrusting for what seemed like less than a second before something stiff and narrow inside her pussy positioned itself at his pee slit.
“No, not again!” he cried. “Couldn’t you just have put me out for this, or something?!”
“No, I am afraid not.” she replied as he experienced that wholly alien sensation again of something penetrating his penis, the same kind of narrow probe spreading his pee slit open and sliding inside. As soon as the probe pushed itself inside the first inch or two, her hips resumed their rhythmic gyrations. “We find that mental stimulation helps maximize the male subject’s output. Hence my appearance.” she gestured to her sexy body, but he could barely pay attention to her with all of these competing sensations.
His body stiffened in response to the intrusion. This time it didn’t stop at just entering his tip. It pushed deeper, the pain was intense, but not unbearable. In his heightened state of arousal, he was able to tolerate the pain much more easily than he ever would have guessed before.
She didn’t stop or even slow down the movement of her hips while the probe forced its way deeper into him, which he had just a moment to be impressed with. “But this time it will be much more invasive.”
“Oh god…” he whispered to himself, by this time he understood that he wouldn’t be able to sway her from her purpose.
“Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy it.” she reassured him.
He clenched his muscles, reflexively trying to somehow resist it. “I doubt it…” he grunted. His efforts were for naught. It was irresistible. It did hurt, but it also felt amazingly erotic in a way he had never experienced. The brief moment of insertion he had experienced before during the blow job was nothing compared to this. Being penetrate, especially there, was a novel feeling that he had never even considered experiencing. It continued to force its way deeper, feeling like it had passed halfway into his dick and continued in. It felt like it had pushed in all the way to his prostate. The pain was now in the background of his awareness, and the novel feeling of being penetrated so deeply was at the forefront.
“Ah! What the fuck are you-!” he began to ask but was stunned when the probe began to vibrate. It only took a few seconds of that level of stimulation to cause him to cum. It was seemingly out of nowhere, with none of the typical build-up he needed for an orgasm. It was also the most intense orgasm of his entire life. It also seemed to go on and on, the intensity only slowly tapering off instead of just ceasing like he was used to. His whole body convulsed with almost intolerable pleasure while the straps held him fast to the table. As his dick pulsed, it felt like the probe inside was undulating, sucking out all of his sperm. Each glob made a small bulge in the probe that stretched his urethra even more as they sucked out of him. It was like his insides were being vacuumed out. He felt utterly drained and spent after that.
When he was finally done cumming, he regained some of his senses and looked at AMI, still amazed that he wasn’t dreaming. She just sat and stared at him unblinking as he faded in and out of consciousness. His head kept dropping and he would jerk back awake. The way she was staring at him was very unnerving and he had to remind himself that she was just a robot. His now soft cock slid out of her pussy, but not a drop of fluid followed. His dick was a little slimy from whatever lubricated her, but there wasn’t a trace of any semen. He wasn’t even dripping, as he usually would be after an orgasm. As she shifted upward, he saw the probe protruding from her pussy and into his pee hole before it withdrew back inside her. He hardly even felt it slide out.
They sat there unmoving for what felt like forever. She wasn’t exactly heavy, but he was getting very uncomfortable in his sweaty gown. The bare skin of his legs and arms was sticking to the leather surface of the table. He hadn’t moved in he didn’t know how long and though she seemed very light at first, she seemed to be growing heavier.
Maybe from all the cum she sucked out of me. He thought to himself, chuckling. “So… you’re going to get off me and let me up now, right?” he finally asked.
She continued to stare at him without answering. After a moment she responded, “Not quite yet, but you are almost finished.” He groaned in response and she added, “We have to ensure that we extract every last drop you have.” There was something intimidating about the way she said it with absolutely no feeling, just that same even and matter-of-fact tone.
“Oh, come on! How much more could I possibly have!” he yelled, getting frustrated. “Let me up! I’m done!”
“It was all in the agreement that you signed.” she responded coldly. “We get all of it. Every single drop.”
He groaned and fell back on the table, knowing that there was no point in further protest or struggle. If she wanted to make him cum again, she would. He wondered how she could even get him hard again. It was impressive enough the first time, but at this point, he had cum twice in less than ten minutes' time, which had to be some kind of a record for him. He was still young but he hadn’t cum that quickly since he was a teenager and even then, never this rapidly. He didn’t know if he even could cum again or how long it would take. Something told him that she had a method, though and that did scare him a little. He knew he must be incredibly sensitive. Not only that but whatever method she would use to extract more cum was almost certainly going to be more invasive. He just sat and awaited his fate.
“You may find this slightly painful at first…” she reached forward and flipped some kind of a switch on the table.
“Oh god, what now?” he said to no one. He didn’t have to wait long. He felt some kind of whirring through the chair and he noticed a curved prong extending from beneath him on the table. In his post-orgasmic haze, it took him a moment to figure out what was about to happen. “No!” he cried when he realized where the prong was about to go.
AMI didn’t respond, she grabbed a tube of some kind of jelly and squirted it onto the prong. He whimpered as she squirted some on her fingers and rubbed it around the outside of his clenched asshole. Her fingers coated in the cool jelly pushed against his pucker and then dipped inside of him for just a moment, his resistance again completely futile. He whimpered, anticipating the pain to come.
“Now relax or this will be more painful.” she said in that even tone. She clicked a switch and the prong extended further, pushing against his clenched asshole.
He willed himself to try and relax, not wanting it to hurt even more, but it was difficult. As a typical straight guy, he had always dismissed the idea that he would be penetrated that way and what was even stranger was the clinical atmosphere, and the strange robot woman staring at him as she did it.
It slowly slid into him. The sensation was very strange, but It wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be. He figured that jelly may have some kind of numbing agent because he barely felt anything as it slid in. Then he felt a surge of pleasure as it hit his prostate.
“There we are.” AMI said, reading his reaction perfectly. She flipped another switch.
“Ho!” he exclaimed as he felt the prong begin to vibrate. He gripped the sides of the table as it forced itself even deeper inside of him. The whole length of it was vibrating and stimulating him in a way he had never experienced. The tiny amount of pain was eclipsed by the pleasure.
Why have I never tried this before? He thought to himself. He couldn’t help but grin stupidly as he leaned back and closed his eyes. He was quickly lost in the sensation. He felt his cock impossibly grow hard again, only a few minutes after cumming for the second time in a row.
“Now we begin the final extraction procedure.” AMI finally got off of him and allowed him a modicum of movement on the table, but she just stood up on the table and then quickly turned around and began to squat over him.
He realized what she was doing when he saw her asshole seem to gape open. He had never had anal sex before, and now he was about to feel it on both ends. She reached behind her to steady his cock before sinking down onto him. She aimed herself perfectly as she dropped down. The tight ring of her asshole squeezed the entire length of his cock as he slid in. She felt like she was the perfect size for him, just like her pussy, and already lubed, there was seemingly no resistance at all as she slid all the way down and until she was sitting in his lap. Then she clenched her muscles- or whatever a robot had- and squeezed his cock tight, making him moan even louder.
“The men who we have done this with all love this part of the procedure.” she commented as she began to swivel her hips around.
He moaned in response. He couldn’t believe how tight she was, and at the same time how soft it felt. It was like a velvet vice squeezing him. And then when she shifted around, it was the perfect level of stimulation. His over-sensitive cock was not too overstimulated for him to enjoy every second of it, it seemed.
“I see you’re no different.” she added and even in her monotone voice she sounded like she was pleased. “That’s it, just relax and let the stimulator do its work.”
She began to lift her ass up and down, sliding the tight ring of her asshole along his shaft. He groaned, the feeling of stimulation on both ends was becoming overwhelming. He was impressed that she was able to perfectly maintain her balance, straddling his body and squatting down, but not needing to hold herself up with her arms. Her legs seemed to hold her perfectly level as she raised and lowered herself on his rock hard cock. As she picked up speed, the stimulation was absolutely unbelievable. The prong vibrating his prostate combined with his cock sliding in and out of her slick hole was enough for him to feel his orgasm coming. He wasn’t surprised when he felt a probe enter his cock for the third time. He was almost used to it. It only went in an inch or two- his prostate was already being stimulated- and it barely even hurt. His state of absolute arousal was such that he may not have even noticed if he hadn’t been expecting it.
“Oh fuck…” he muttered, his hips begin to go on autopilot, and he thrusted with all of his strength for at least the small distance that the straps would allow. Despite his two previous orgasms, he needed this one. He needed to let it out. The vibration in his ass continued to increase until it was almost unbearable. The pressure just kept building and building until it exploded. He wasn’t sure how much cum he had left to emit, but it had to be a lot, if the intensity of the orgasm was anything to go by. It was every bit as intense as the last one, maybe more. Just as before he felt all of his cum being vacuumed up by the probe inside of his cock. And, just like the previous orgasm, he felt it extract the cum in little globs, stretching his urethra with each little bulge as they left him. He felt the probes withdraw from his pee slit and his asshole shortly after it subsided. He was almost sad to feel the one in his ass withdraw. It had felt so good. But now that it was out, he felt a little sore as well.
They didn’t move for some time, him panting and trying to catch his breath, and AMI sitting motionless on his lap as his cock grew soft and fell out of her. Again, it showed no evidence of him having just had probably the most intense orgasm of his life, with no semen on it or dripping out. The robot silently stood up and leapt off of the table, landing effortlessly a few feet away, then strolled out of the room, her cavities now all full of his so-called super sperm.
After finally catching his breath, he croaked, “Is someone going to let me up now?!”
“Of course.” came a voice from behind him. He tried to turn and look but couldn’t see where it had come from. In a few moments, Doctor Sykes entered his field of view again. “We have finished the procedure and you can leave any time.” she added with a smile. “There’s just one more thing we need to do first…”
“What now?!” he found the strength to yell, beyond exasperated at this point. “I don’t care what I signed, you can’t do this to me. You can’t-”
Doctor Sykes reached over to the table and hit a button, and the light fixture swiveled lower so it was lined up directly with his face. Before he could even blink, it began to strobe in a variety of colors. His body went slack, but he continued to stare. She hit another button and the straps finally withdrew back into the table. After a few moments, she hit the button again and the lights stopped strobing before returning to their original position above him.
“How are you feeling?” she asked Art, handing him a cup of water.
He thirstily guzzled it all down. “What happened? I’m all tired and sore…” he mumbled.
“The fatigue is from the sedative we had to give you to knock you out. And you’ll be sore for a day or two. Nothing to worry about.”
“I don’t remember you even putting me out…” he said, confused.
“That’s a normal effect of the sedative, don’t worry. The procedure was quite successful, and when you can walk, go back to the lobby and collect your payment.” The beautiful older lady smiled. “Thank you so much for coming down, and we hope to see you again soon.”
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