Pussy Destroyer Part 3

Pussy Destroyer Part 3 by Lou Bealy
Commissioned by anonymous

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All characters engaging in sex acts are 18 or older
For maximum enjoyment, read Part 1 and Part 2 first

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.” Hank said, smugly. “You’d be the first if you had.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Denise replied, still trying to maintain some dignity. “I just want to see it closer. I still don’t believe it.” She hadn’t yet moved from in front of the door and was still clearly conflicted.

He grinned and walked over to the counter, his monster cock that she unable to look away from, swung back and forth with each step. “I’m saying you are just like every other stuck up girl that thought they were too good and proper to get a good and proper fucking.” He hopped up onto the counter and proceeded to resume stroking his cock.

“Fuck you, you little nerdy cum stain!” she spat, but she seemed unable to look away from his impressive manhood.

“Come on over and get a closer look, see it up close. I know you want to.” he chuckled, knowing full well what was going to happen, whatever she may think she was intending. She clearly hadn’t surrendered her dignity just yet. “Come see if I am still the little harmless nerd that you used to babysit.” he challenged.

She sat there for a few moments, clearly conflicted. “I’m not a slut.” she said, hesitating for a moment more before beginning to walk towards her slowly.

“You all say that.” He laughed. “But I know better.”

She wanted to turn around and leave his smug ass behind. This was her party and instead of having fun with her guests, she was being humiliated and mocked by her little sister’s nerdy friend. She just couldn’t bring herself to turn away and leave that entrancing cock behind. As she walked closer to him, she felt her legs slide over each other, lubricated with her juices that were freely flowing from her pussy now. She couldn’t ever remember being so horny, especially from just looking at a penis. As she got closer, she licked her lips with anticipation. Her knees actually felt weak when staring at the veiny shaft and swollen glans. She stood there staring for a moment or two, her mouth hanging open, clearly in awe of the sheer size of the monster he was packing.

Hank lay back on the counter and leaned against the mirror with his hands behind his head. He didn’t say anything, because he didn’t have to. He had seen this play out before. He was a little surprised at how she was able to resist it this long. He just waited, knowing what the inevitable outcome would be. He was already fully erect and excited at the prospect of what he was going to do to her pussy. She would never be the same.

Denise reached out and wrapped her hand around his swollen shaft. It was so big, she couldn’t get her fingers to fully wrap around its girth. “You can’t make me do this.” she shook her head, even as her resistance crumbled. “I’m not a slut.” she repeated. “I don’t ever do this.” 

“Whatever you say.” He chuckled, loving her awkward trepidation. “ I won’t tell anyone. We wouldn’t want you stuck up parents or anyone else to know what you really are.”

She glared at him but said nothing in reply. She grabbed it in her other hand, and even then it felt enormous and heavy. Hank groaned with pleasure as she slowly pulled his foreskin back over the head. His precum was leaking freely now, coating her hand as it glided over his turgid flesh. Without thinking, she brought a hand to her mouth and licked the musky white cum off her fingers. She seemed to stop for a moment, realizing what she had done. This was already spiraling out of her control and she was powerless to stop it. A moment later she was on her knees trying to fit his cock in her mouth. 

“Mmmff!” she grunted, desperately trying to get it into her mouth. The head was so big that she had to stretch her mouth.

“Watch the teeth.” he commanded, and she grunted with the additional effort of fitting it in without scraping her teeth over it. This proved too difficult. She had never really been into giving head and had not gotten any good at it. In fact, she had deliberately been poor at it so the guy would hurry up and just fuck her. This time, she felt discouraged and ill-equipped for the task. She gave up and looked up at him, her eyes full of apology and shame.

Hank didn’t seem phased by it, though. He simply grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her to her feet. He then roughly spun her around and pushed her against the mirror, so she was bent over and her generous ass was jutting out. She gasped, not being used to this sort of rough treatment, but she didn’t stop him either. He grabbed the strap of her bikini bottoms and pulled on it hard, and it dropped to the floor with a wet splat. Hank noticed how wet her bikini bottoms were and she hadn’t been in the pool yet. He had coveted it ever since puberty. It was nice and round. He gripped it in one hand a few times, then gave her a spank. Not hard, just with his wrist, but it made a satisfyingly loud “smack”.

“Ooh!” she cried and then giggled. She was clearly enjoying his manhandling her, as much as she may not want to admit it.

He took a good long look at her tight little shaved pussy. He shook his head. He was almost sad that it would never look this way again, but he couldn’t stop himself now. He was just as powerless as she was to resist. The feeling of power he now had was too great.

“What are you waiting for?” she asked playfully, wiggling her beautiful round ass.

He answered by positioning himself behind her and placed the head of his cock against her pussy. At this point, he had completely given up on any foreplay at all. Girl’s pussies were never big enough to really accommodate his giant phallus, no matter how much prep he had. Though, he had to admit that he never really gave it much effort in the first place. Why would you need to help get a girl going, when she was dripping wet moments after laying eyes on his member?

As he began to push in, she whimpered and he looked at the mirror to see the pained look on her face. She bit her lip and gripped the edge of the counter hard enough to turn her knuckles white. She made eye contact with him, her face a mix of pain and lust. He loved that look, the look of the girl enduring the pain that his monster cock inflicted. It never did last long, though.

His dick was easily long enough for him to be standing back to get a good view of his coke-can-thick head spreading her lips open. As he slid in with much resistance, her eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth hung open. He kept pushing past the resistance of her tight tunnel, eliciting a gasp of pain. He relished the thought that his was the last cock that would ever stretch her open. Once her pussy was destroyed, she could never be satisfied by a lesser cock. And that was if a guy even wanted to fuck the ugly mess that he would leave between her legs.

“Mmm… yeah.” he whispered in her ear. “What do you think, now? Still looking down on all the other sluts, despite proving yourself to be one?” He was satisfied with the knowledge that there would be no going back. He smirked, the fact that she was going to be irreparably changed by his pussy destroying monster. That made it an even more exquisite feeling as his cock sunk deeper inside her.

“Oh god…” she moaned as he fed more of his shaft into her tight little pussy. He doubted that she ever had a guy who was half as big as him. She pushed against the counter, forcing more and more cock flesh into her hungry snatch until he hit her cervix. He flexed his inner muscles and arched his back. She cried out in response to him stretching her open as much as he possibly could. He pulled almost all the way out, making her moan in response. As he held himself there, with just the tip of his cock inside her, she began to whimper. He knew she needed more. He slid all the way back in, which seemed to drive the breath from her body in a low moan that didn’t stop until he was all the way back inside her. He then began to really fuck her, sliding his length in and out and the resistance her tight pussy beginning to fade. In short order, he was slamming his cock home with an audible slapping sound. Her pussy began to really open up, as he continued his assault. The magic was already working. She shrieked as her first of many orgasms wracked through her body, but he didn’t even pause.

“I knew that as soon as you saw my cock through my shorts,” he muttered in her ear. “That I would have you before the night was over.” He punctuated each sentence with a thrust into her, making her gasp a muted exclamation each time. “Everyone will know what we were doing in here. You’ll be branded a slut,” he slammed into her especially hard at the word ‘slut’. “Just like you did to Tiffany. Your parents, your friends, everyone will know what you are. How does that make you feel?” 

Their combined juices were running down his shaft and onto his balls. He made sure to spread his legs a little wider so he wouldn’t slip, which also had the added bonus of changing the angle he was fucking her in. He felt the tip of his cock sliding against her walls and gaining a little more resistance, increasing his stimulation. He got a good rhythm as he plunged over and over into her soft wet depths. She was quickly brought to another screaming orgasm. He kept staring at her pussy as his cock entered and slid back out. He was fascinated, watching as he stretched it open more and more until it was almost obscene, though it didn’t look too out of place in that state, with his thick cock shoved into it.

He was simultaneously disgusted and intrigued by the sight of what he had already done and would inevitably do to her pussy. Her outer lips had begun to hang down between her legs, seemingly becoming much more wrinkled with many additional folds of skin. She was leaking copious amounts of girl cum, with some of his own precum, to the point that his entire crotch area and hers were both completely coated in the stuff.  There was so much that a puddle was forming on the floor beneath them.

“Just. Don’t. Stop.” she said in between his thrusts. “ Fucking me.” They were both breathing hard and sweating profusely. Her large breasts swung back and forth like pendulums in time with their manic fucking. He made sure to enjoy the wonderful view of her from behind, and her front in the mirror. Her face was twisted into almost a grimace. He stopped to admire his work for a moment. 

He stifled a laugh and stopped for a moment. He sat for a short time, making her wait. She began to make cute little squeaky noises, communicating her desperation to be filled again. She wiggled her hips and tried to force herself back on him, but he moved back, not allowing her any control. He grabbed her hips and shoved her back into the counter, causing her to “Hmph!” with frustration. He could tell she was close to orgasm, and he loved denying her until he was good and ready.

“You get more when I want it,” he hissed. “And not one second before.” She stopped struggling to fuck herself on his long shaft and just waited for him to continue. She submitted to him fully, bending over a little more and arching her back in anticipation of his resumed ministrations. She was completely at his mercy, and he loved it. Too bad this would be the last time, he was definitely enjoying what he was doing to her, and the pleasure he was extracting from her increasingly stretched-out hole. After this, she would be of no further use to him, just like the others.

“Not until you tell me what you are, and what you want.” he said calmly.

“I’m a girl.” she said, but that didn’t prompt him to continue. “Who wants more. Who wants you to fuck me.” she demanded.

“What do we call someone like that?” he said in a patronizing voice. “What are you?”

She wiggled her hips, trying desperately to get some more stimulation. His rock hard cock was buried inside her, but his holding her in place made it very hard to get off. She could just roll her hips slightly, which she seemed to be doing involuntarily. “I’m a fuck toy. Your fuck toy.” she said, her voice going shrill.

“You’re close.” he whispered. “You know what you are. Just say it. Say it and I’ll give you what you want. What you need.”

She whimpered and shook her head but eventually, she had no choice but to give in. It was inevitable. “I’m a slut.” she said under her breath.

“What?” he demanded, raising his voice.

“I’m a slut!” she yelled loud enough to be heard in the next room. He just grinned in response.

Satisfied with her answer, he again started thrusting into her as hard as he could, and she immediately began moaning again. He started thrusting as hard and as fast as he could, making her squeal loudly. There was an urgent knocking on the bathroom door. Someone undoubtedly needed to use one of the only two bathrooms in the house, but he ignored it, and she probably didn’t even notice it, in her state. He wondered for a moment if it might be her parents, but that thought didn’t slow down at all. She was out of it at this point, seemingly oblivious to the continued pounding on the door.

Eventually, he was almost starting to get bored and knew it was time to finish. He changed angles slightly and shortened up his thrusts. He could tell from her sharp exclamations with each breath that she was getting close too. He felt his own orgasm coming on fast. He grabbed her hips and shoved himself into her as hard as he possibly could. The head of his cock swelled and then exploded inside of her, finally causing him to involuntarily groan with pleasure. Her own voice joined his as they cried out in mutual pleasure and release.

Hank got cleaned up, rinsing himself off in their shower and wiping down with one of their towels. The whole time, Denise was seemingly in a trance, still leaning against the counter where he left her, staring off into space. She didn’t snap out of it until he walked over to the door and threw it open. On his way out, the line of people needing to use the bathroom got a nice view of her naked ass and stretched-out pussy dripping with cum. She gasped and grabbed a hand towel to awkwardly cover herself. She grabbed her still-soaked bikini bottom and ran upstairs to her room. She didn’t come out for the rest of the party.

Hank, on the other hand, was already talking to a few girls before her bedroom door slammed shut. His hunger wasn’t satiated, and the night was still young.

* * *

Tiffany heard what had happened at Denise’s pool party a few days earlier, and couldn’t be more delighted. Everyone was talking about her getting nailed in her bathroom and screaming like a wanton slut. She was already seeing the result. Guys were going to Kayla and asking for her sister’s number. They figured she was easy, just like they did about Tiffany when she had been given the label herself. Kayla, for her part, looked ashamed of her older sister and didn’t really know what to say.

Tiffany typed up a text to Denise, just asking “Someone told me what happened at the pool party, but there must be some kind of mistake, right?” She giggled to herself as she sent it, knowing that Denise would definitely not want to talk about it. She didn’t get a reply, which wasn’t a shock, but it was satisfying nonetheless. Now Denise knew that Tiffany had heard what a slut she was. She sent another text, “I mean, that can’t be true, right? You’re a good girl. Very proper and disciplined.”

“Leave me alone.” came in reply. Tiffany laughed, knowing she struck a nerve. She knew what she was going through, she was going through the same thing. A part of her was sad that she had started all of this in the first place, but she tried not to dwell on it. It didn’t matter if she regretted it, there was no undoing what she had done. She hoped that her next coven meeting could be her salvation, but that was still weeks away. In the meantime she would have to find her pleasure in the small comforts of a man’s company- for what it was worth to her now- and the signs that Denise was in the same boat as she was now.

She was able to spot Denise a few times as she walked by her house on the way to school, and she was noticeably much more covered up than she usually was. Not that she dressed too provocatively, but she was known to wear tight clothes, and even show a little skin from time to time. Not now. She was wearing a long dress and long-sleeved overcoat. Tiffany tried to get a look at her crotch for the telltale signs of wetness or extra padding but she was never close enough. She was pretty sure that Denise now shared her fate and had a windsock of a pussy now, but she still wanted to actually see the evidence of it. If anyone deserved this, she thought, it was Denise.

She got pleasure from seeing what was happening to the other girls too. She noticed more and more girls not dressing out for gym class, just like her. The PE teachers were never that motivated in the first place, so they just gave the girls their zeroes and that was that. They all sat on the bleachers, watching the rest of the class, now mostly boys, go about their daily exercises. In addition to the awkward silence, broken up by the occasional queefing sound, they all appeared to be watching the boys intently. She knew what they were thinking, they were horny and since Hank was done with them they were hoping one of these other boys might fill their needs, and not be horrified by the pile of meat between their legs. The boys even commented on the smell emanating from that section of the bleachers. With so many of the spell’s victims in a close area, the smell was totally overpowering. Some of them had tried to hide it by spraying perfume, but that just made it worse. Her eyes were practically watering which made her decide that she would wait in the locker room from then on.

Beyond gym class, some of the teachers were beginning to confront some of the girls in her classes that had been used up by Hank. None of them had been applying themselves in class, even the previously smart and motivated ones. They didn’t even care when there were threats made about calling their parents and letting them in on their daughter’s recent academic shortcomings. They just nodded and said things like “okay” and “whatever” over and over until they could go sit back down. 

Tiffany was subject to one of these lectures herself. Her history teacher just didn’t understand what had happened, and why she was suddenly not participating in class and flunking the exams. Like the other girls, she just clammed up and agreed to whatever he said so she could get away from him. At the close distance between them, there was no way that he couldn’t smell her musk. Try as she might, she couldn’t cover it up no matter how much perfume and pads she went through. Her worst fears were confirmed when he leaned in close to whisper that she needed to do something about her hygiene. When he asked if she was not showering after gym class, she promptly walked away to sit down, knowing that a male teacher would not dare take that line of questioning any further with a female student.  

Tiffany knew it must be getting really bad already when Kayla approached her after school, looking very embarrassed and concerned. She did her best to try and hide her satisfaction since she already probably knew what Kayla was about to say.

“Um, Tiffany?” she asked, looking at the floor. She was wearing a dark oversized hooded sweatshirt and jeans, which contrasted with Tiffany’s long skirt and bright top. She always seemed to want to hide her nice figure, unlike Tiffany that wanted to flaunt it, despite needing to hide her lewd secret between her legs.

“What is it? I have a date to get to.” she said, annoyed. She needed to get cleaned up before seeing a tinder hookup. Her pad and panties had been soaked through for a while at that point, but she had quickly run out of replacement pads. She was still cursing herself for forgetting to get more.

“It’s about Denise.” Kayla interrupted her thoughts. She was clearly very uncomfortable with having to talk with the girl that she had helped ostracize. “I know that you and her haven’t hung out in a while-”

“Since she told you about my religion,” she cut Kayla off. “And you both spread rumors about me.” She crossed her arms.

“Yeah, look I’m sorry about that.” Kayla said sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to-”

“Ruin my social life? Well, you basically did.” She turned to walk away.

“I’m worried about my sister.” Kayla called after her which made her pause. She smiled, thinking that she knew what she was about to hear. She didn’t turn around since she didn’t want Kayla to see her grinning face.

“I have heard some… disturbing rumors about her and-”

“About her being a total slut?” Tiffany turned around and glared. “Like you both labeled me? Except I was never caught banging a guy in the bathroom at a party.”

Kayla grimaced when she heard the word ‘slut’. “Look, that’s not what I am worried about.” Her eyes showed real fear and concern, and her expression was pleading with Tiffany to listen or help. “She had an interview with a medical lab for an internship, but she never even got out of bed! She was with some guy I had never met all night! She had had a different guy over every night. This isn’t like her. I think she may be on drugs or something.”

“Did it occur to you that maybe she is expressing who she really is?” Tiffany challenged. “Your sister has always been a slut, she’s just not hiding it anymore.”

Kayla opened her mouth to say something but stopped.

“What?” Tiffany demanded forcefully. “I have someone waiting on me.”

Kayla took a deep breath before continuing. “I went through her phone, and I saw a picture that you sent her. It was of a…” She paused, clearly not sure how to describe it.

“Giant cock.” Tiffany finished for her. She smiled in amusement at Kayla’s clear embarrassment.

“Yeah. You said it was Hank’s… but that can’t be true.” she shook her head.

“Why is that?” Tiffany challenged.

“Well…” She sighed and just blurted out, “because I’ve already seen Hank’s dick, okay?” She looked exasperated. “... and let’s just say that it wasn’t anywhere close to that big.”

“Oh, really? You’re just like your sister, a secret slut just waiting to come out. Isn’t that right?” Tiffany laughed.

“It’s not like that!” Kayla raised her voice, getting defensive. “We were on a date, and things got kinda hot and heavy.” Tiffany shot her a knowing look and she quickly added, “We fooled around a little, that’s all!” Kayla then noticed how people were looking at them and took a deep breath to compose herself.

“I don’t know what to tell you.” Tiffany giggled. “I just know that Hank is packing some serious heat, and he rocked mine and your sister’s worlds.” She gave a satisfied smirk. “What else is there to say?” She turned to leave. “I gotta go.” She chuckled to herself. She now had both sister’s where she wanted them. It was only a matter of time before Hank defiled Kayla like he had her older sister.

After she got home, she hurried to get ready for her date- more of a hookup, really- she took a quick shower to wash off the smell of stinky sex that she was always exuding now. It was embarrassing when the last guy commented on it and she didn’t want that kind of embarrassment again. He had left before even trying to satisfy her. The smell and the sight of her destroyed pussy was enough to send him away quickly, making excuses about how he just couldn’t do this kind of meaningless hook-up.

Once clean, she put some granny panties and an extra thick pad in. She felt the pad rubbing against her distended pussy lips as a reminder of what Hank had done to her formerly cute little snatch. And how he wouldn’t even give her the time of day since he had already ruined her pussy and was the senior class stud. She couldn’t really blame him, though. She had cast the spell, she had decided that she would use her power for vengeance and now she couldn’t even cast the simplest cantrip anymore. It was all her fault, not his. And she had asked him- multiple times- to fuck her with his massive, pussy destroying tool.

Her “date” went well this time, the guy wasn’t too disgusted. He was okay looking himself, but she had picked him because he had said that he was just into anal sex and she figured that might be the only way to get off.

It felt good when he sank his cock into her ass, she actually felt stretched and full for the first time since she had let Hank defile her. It wasn’t as good as vaginal sex, but that wasn’t an option anymore. No man would want to. She had never been into anal sex and had only tried it a couple of times with her previous boyfriends. They were the ones who insisted that they try it. It felt dirty and wrong to her. But now, she was relishing the feeling of his modest cock sliding in and out of her ass. Her pussy was leaking even more than usual, and as his balls slapped into her vulva they were quickly coated with her sticky fluid. Luckily, he didn’t comment. He quickly finished and she sent him on his way. She felt gross like she had been used. They never even exchanged names.

In her despondency, she did have one thought that comforted her. Soon Kayla would join her among the ranks of the defiled, where she would be a publicly known slut, forever chasing guys to try and fill the void that Hank’s cock had left. She smiled and went to sleep, that small victory helping her to find a restful slumber.

To be continued (and likely concluded) in Part 4!

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