His Surrender: Breaking Kirill
His Surrender: Rebreaking Kirill by Lou Bealy
commissioned by anonymous
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Contains dubious consent
All characters are above the age of 18
Kirill was the first out of the door when chemistry class ended. A couple of people had to dodge him as he sped towards his destination on the other side of campus. He wasn’t that tall, only five foot nine, but he weighed about one hundred eighty pounds and was pure muscle so people tended to get out of his way, but he barely noticed.
He had work to do, calories to consume, and tests to study for. In that order. And he wasn’t the type of guy who let other people get in the way of his routine. They would just have to get out of his way. A few of the people he almost ran into were bigger than him; taller, heavier, all-around more massive guys. But they all got out of his way.
He had made a promise to himself a long time ago: that if could never be the biggest guy, that instead, he could be the meanest. One look at his grimacing mug was enough for most guys to simply shrug and decide that it wasn’t worth it to impede him and they’d get out of his way, which was better for everyone, especially them, he would think.
So it was unusual that he would make eye contact with someone walking down the path, much less pay them any attention but something about the man he passed on the South end of campus made him stop. He watched, frozen in place as a thin, older man in his late fifties or early sixties wearing light blue a professional medical outfit smiled at him as he walked by. The slight man was in good shape for his age, toned with seemingly no fat on him, with short-cropped gray hair and a salt-and-pepper beard trimmed close. The man kept eye contact with Kirill as he passed, leaving him feeling strangely unnerved. Then it hit him. The smell of that cologne.
He turned around and watched the older man turn a corner, heading to one of the medical buildings.
No. It couldn’t be him. Kirill was sure of it. How would the guy know where he was? Or what kind of coincidence would that be if he ran into the older man after years in a whole different town? He brushed it off, concluding that it definitely had not been Gene, and continued on to the gym. But he was walking a bit slower, his shoulders drooping noticeably. He wanted to forget all about it but he could still see the man’s face in his mind’s eye. He could never forget that face.
He made it to the gym a few minutes later than usual. He had taken longer getting there and changing clothes than he typically did so he threw himself into the workout to make up for the lag in his schedule. He was throwing iron and making good time when he heard a familiar voice from behind him.
“Well, well,” the voice said with a certain swagger. Kirill had just pulled the weight from the rack for more reps when he looked up to see that same face he thought he saw in the hall now hovering above him, smiling. “Whoah!” the older man exclaimed, grabbing the barbell just in time. Kirill had been so shocked to see him that he had lost his focus on the tremendous weight. “You gotta be more careful!”
Kirill sat up and stared for a moment. “Gene…” he finally said hesitantly. “Hi. What-” he swallowed nervously. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here for a conference. You go to school here now?” Gene said and clapped him on the back. Kirill got a good whiff of his cologne, the same stuff he had always worn, and it brought back some intense memories he wasn’t ready for.
“Y-yeah...” Kirill looked down at the floor. “I, uh. I’m just getting general eds out the way and I may go into sports medicine or maybe-”
“That’s great.” Gene interrupted, reaching out to shake his hand. Kirill reached out to shake it and noted the man’s grip was just as strong, even being a few years older. “Good to see you!” He gave Kirill a sly smile and then strolled away without looking back.
Kirill watched Gene intently as he left, trying to keep his hands from shaking. Kirill didn’t resume his workout until Gene had disappeared around the corner of the hall. He had a hard time believing that this was a coincidence but how did Gene find him? He tried to finish his fitness routine as usual but he couldn’t focus. He repeatedly stopped to look over his shoulder, looking for Gene. Kirill decided he must be there somewhere. Watching.
By the time he got to the locker room, he was now running even more behind. He cursed himself and got changed out of his workout gear. He hated being behind schedule. Hated it. As a result, he rushed through his shower and then practically ran back to his locker to get dressed. As he sped out of the locker room, he stopped for a moment, thinking he spotted Gene again. He squinted at the gray-haired man from across the locker room but didn’t get a good look before the man went into the sauna.
No. Kirirll shook his head and turned back to open the locker room door. He wasn’t going to go check. He wasn’t going to let Gene get into his head.
He had troubled sleep that night. Dreams of his past haunted him all night; the things he did and let Gene do to him. He woke up several times and looked at himself in the mirror, just to make sure he wasn’t the small, weak little guy that he had been in his dreams. That guy had been left far behind Kirill, he assured himself. He had made such gains since then. And Gene couldn’t control him anymore. Kirill wouldn’t let himself be pulled into the man’s games.
The next day he was dragging and behind schedule again. He knew part of it was that he was tired but it was more that he was preoccupied with his thoughts. The day rolled past him like a fog, resulting in him barely paying attention in class. When he got to the gym, he realized he was so out of it that he had forgotten to put his student ID back in his wallet the previous day. He stood next to the locker room, waiting impatiently for the kid in the office to verify his student account and thumbing through alerts on his phone. He was startled when someone touched his shoulder and spun around.
“Whoah!” said Gene with a smug smile. He held up his hands palms forward. “Easy, man. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Kirill huffed. “Scare me? No, I just-”
“You on your way in?” Gene interrupted. He pointed his long thin finger at Kirill and then the locker room. “I’ll spot you.”
Kirill was flustered and stopped to take a deep breath. “Yes,” he answered calmly. “I just forgot my ID and I’m waiting for them to verify my-”
“I’m sorry, man!” the kid in the office yelled. “The computer system is having problems, so without a student ID, I can’t let you in. Unless you want to just go ahead and pay the guest fee.”
Kirill frowned. He tried to remain calm. “Are you serious? I’m a student here and I pay for this gym with my tuition.”
“Well then go get your ID,” the kid responded flippantly. He grabbed his phone and sat back down.
“Listen punk,” Kirill said. He leaned over the counter and showing his muscled arms. “I’m sure you recognize me. I work out here every day. Just let me in, huh?”
The kid didn’t even look up. “I can’t.”
“It’s all the way back at my dorm room,” Kirill complained standing back up straight. “And I didn’t bring any cash. I need to get my workout in, then study, then-”
“Sorry man.” The kid just started scrolling on his phone and stopped paying any attention to him.
“Excuse me,” Gene pushed past him, but as he moved by he slid his body a bit too hard and lingered for a moment noticeably. Kirill got a good whiff of the cologne again, remembering that smell very well. He was brought back to the moments of vulnerability, of submission, and confusion and it hit him all at once.
Kirill stepped away letting the smaller man through. The smell lingered and he took another whiff, those memories swirling in his head. To his shame, he felt his dick begin to stiffen in his pants.
“I’ll take care of it,” Gene said, reaching into the side pocket of his shorts for his wallet. He pulled out a twenty and handed it to the kid.
“No, you don’t have to do that,” Kirill protested but Gene just dismissed the sentiment with a wave of his hand.
“Nonsense,” he smiled wide at Kirill. “I want to. It’s just ten dollars.”
Moments later he had the little ticket stub to go use the facilities and Gene was beckoning him into the locker room. He resolved to not let Gene interfere with his routine. He wouldn’t let the older man control him in any way. Begrudgingly, he followed Gene into the locker room.
The usual locker on a corner that Kirill liked to use was vacant but Gene was already getting dressed a few lockers down. Kirill hesitated for a moment, his hands shaking.
No, he thought to himself. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It took all his will to consciously try to calm himself down. His heart was pounding hard in his chest. A pain in his hands reminded him to unclench his fists and when he did, he noticed the small marks where his fingernails had pressed into his palm. Another deep breath. He opened his eyes and went to his locker to get dressed. Luckily all of the stress and anxiety had killed his erection. That would make the whole situation so much worse if Gene were to have seen it.
“Looking good, Kirill,” he heard Gene say from behind him. Kirill tried to ignore him but he felt the man’s eyes on him as he pulled his shorts up. “You’ve been making some good progress. I told you that you could if you dedicated yourself.”
Kirill wanted to call him out for scoping out men in a locker room, even though he already knew what the retort would be. He would say he was ‘just complimenting his progress’ or something like that. Kirill turned around and even opened his mouth to say so but he stopped when he made eye contact with Gene. The man’s bright blue eyes, the way Gene looked at Kirill like a piece of meat, somehow still unnerved and excited Kirill at the same time.
“T-thanks, he said in reply. Again, he summoned the courage to say something but Gene had already turned back around and continued getting dressed. Kirill stood there for a moment, slightly impressed at how good of shape Gene was still in at his apparent age. He wasn’t bulky but he had good tone and there was barely any fat on him.
Kirill finished getting dressed and went to work but he kept feeling like he was being watched. He would stop and search around the room for Gene, who he would generally find right away, looking back at him and smiling. Part of Kirill enjoyed the attention, the feeling of being lusted after. But he didn’t need that attention anymore. He was bigger, stronger, more confident than he was back then. He got attention and lust from attractive women now, he reminded himself.
Despite all efforts to ignore Gene and his lustful stares, he eventually got fed up and he could no longer take it. Gene pretended not to notice the young man approach and continued curling his dumbbells in the mirror until Kirill came right up behind him.
Kirill swallowed, his mouth suddenly feeling very dry. “Look,” he said to Gene, his voice cracking slightly. He cleared his throat and continued, “I don’t know how you found me, but leave me alone.” He tried to have some bass in his voice and some assertiveness but he didn’t really feel it. It felt fake and forced.
Gene seemed to sense this immediately. He looked Kirill up and down, slowly so his eyes lingered on his chest, arms, and finally his crotch, which somehow unnerved him. Kirill covered his crotch with his hands in response, which made the older man chuckle. “Found you?” he scoffed. He appeared to remain very calm, even amused which made Kirill even madder. “I told you I have a conference here,” he continued and set the dumbbells down with a clang. He turned back to Kirill and added, “And all I’ve done is pay your gues fee and I complimented you on how good you look.”
“I know what you’re thinking,” Kirill said gruffly.”And it’s not going to work. I’m not the scared little wimp that you knew.”
That seemed to really amuse Gene. “Oh, honey.” He laughed and turned to walk away, heading to the sauna. “We both know you’re thinking the same thing. Your muscles are pretty but they don’t make a boy into a man, now do they?” He smirked before opening the door and stepping inside.
Kirill hesitated. He knew he shouldn’t do this. But he reached slowly for the door handle anyway. He was just going to tell Gene off. He followed the older man inside and saw that there was only one other man inside, who quickly exited.
Gene was undressing and had just stepped out of his underwear when Kirill stepped up behind him. “I knew it,” Gene said before Kirill could find the right words. He turned to face Kirill, completely naked. He was hairy, his arms and legs covered in a thick fur, except his pubic area, which appeared to be well-trimmed. Kirill tried not to look at it, but he couldn’t help but stare at Gene’s impressive manhood for a moment. When he realized what he was doing, he shook his head and looked away but he knew Gene had to have seen him looking.
Kirill momentarily forgot why he came into the sauna, and just stood there awkwardly.
“Well?” Gene asked, his eyebrows went up as he waited for Kirill to respond.
“Look, old man,” Kirill said, finally finding his voice. He wanted to say so much but the man’s eyes seemed to look right through him. The cocky look on his face, his sheer unbridled confidence, froze Kirill, rendering him momentarily silent.
Gene stepped up until he was right in front of Kirill’s face. He maintained the same cocky smile. His breathing was even. He was seemingly totally calm. They made eye contact and stared at each other.
Kirill got a deep whiff of that cologne again. It brought back that avalanche of memories again. Not a conscious reminiscing but a more primal reminder of the feelings and carnal sensations he had felt with that scent in his nose. His cock stiffened and his cheeks burned with embarrassment.
Gene was seemingly at all the disadvantages. He was easily more than twice Kirill’s age and although he was taller than Kirill by a few inches but was skinnier, with a more slight frame and significantly less muscle mass; he had to be outweighed by at least thirty or forty pounds. He was also naked. But none of that seemed to bother him as he stared right through Kirill, who was the first to look away.
Gene gave a satisfied snort. His fingers slid up Kirill’s arm and his hand came to rest on Kirill’s shoulder. Kirill flinched slightly but stopped himself from running. He realized he was holding his breath and slowly let it out. Gene gripped his deltoid muscle in his hand and then nodded in approval.
“If you think I’m some kind of predator,” Gene challenged in a whisper. “Then do something. Put these big muscles to work, baby.”
Kirill gritted his teeth, his rage beginning to boil over.
“But we both know you aren’t some big tough guy.” Gene’s hand slid down his arm, stroking him gently. “And you didn’t come into the sauna to fight me,” he scoffed at the notion.
“Stop it,” Kirill protested weakly. His conviction and determination quickly evaporated like it was never there.
“Stop what?” Gene asked. His hand slid from Kirill’s arm and along the front of his shorts. Those familiar fingers brushed across the tip of his cock with only the thin nylon material separating their skin.
Kirill gasped, whatever his reply would have been caught in his throat. He groaned and leaned to the side, grabbing the wooden bench next to him for support. “I- I have a girlfriend,” he whimpered. The room was so hot and humid it made him a bit light-headed and disoriented.
“How could she take care of your needs like I can?” Gene whispered. He grasped Kirill’s stiff bulge through the inconvenient fabric of his shorts and underwear. “I know exactly what you need…” His hands slipped between Kirill’s shorts and his skin and slipped the underwear down and yanked them off with one motion. It hit the floor with a PLOP and Kirill’s stiff six-inch cock uncut cock sprang into view, leaking and throbbing.
It was a respectable package but Gene’s put it to shame, which was made even more evident when Gen’s own stiff member slid next to Kirill’s. Gene spat on his hand and began to rub them together, his lubricated fingers sliding along the underside of Kirill’s dick and his thumb slid along the top of his own. Kirill opened his eyes and looked down and groaned. Gene’s cock was so big it practically hid Kirill’s beneath it. It was like his cock was being put in its place, just like he was. Kirill closed his eyes, losing himself in the sensations. He let out a long sigh and groaned when Gene rubbed him just right with those experienced fingers.
“That’s it…” Gene whispered. Kirill was pulled by his cock over to sit on the elevated wooden wraparound bench. A moment later he felt Gene’s bearded face brush against his chest, sliding down his stomach. He gasped when warm lips enveloped his cock.
“Oh!” Kirill exclaimed. Gene’s tongue swirled around the tip of Kirill’s cock, sending shivers through his body. He was glad Gene sat him down or he probably would have fallen over. His hands seemingly came alive on their own and grabbed each side of Gene’s head. He sucked his breath through his teeth, rolling his hips slightly.
“Mmm…” Gene moaned onto Kirill’s cock, the vibration sending the muscled young man into overdrive. He began fucking Gene’s mouth, slowly at first but he swiftly increased his pace. He loved how it felt but the resentment and anger he felt towards Gene was still there. He looked down at Gene, his mouth wrapped around Kirill’s cock and they made eye contact. Gene smiled with his eyes and Kirill felt his tongue dance along the underside of Kirill’s cock.
Kirill grimaced back at him. He felt so helpless, so passive and submissive. He needed to take control. He gripped the older man’s head hard and rammed his cock as far as he could down his throat.
But Gene just smiled. He made a choking sound but when Kirill pulled back he grabbed ahold of the young man’s muscled legs and squeezed hard, forcing the cock even deeper into his throat. Kirill himself pushed harder and then pulled back out. He fucked the older man’s throat as hard and as fast as he could but Gene just seemed to love it more and more.
Kirill came a moment later, blasting Gene’s mouth with a huge load of sticky white cum. There was so much it leaked down Gene’s chin, which was the first time he remembered it happening.
Gene stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his forearm. “Yum,” he beamed. “You’ve only gotten better with age.” He looked down at his own stiff cock leaking precum and then back at Kirill. He gave him an expectant look like he was waiting for his own turn.
Kirill hesitated. He had already cum and was starting to drop from the sex high already. He felt like he had been used, just like before. His anger came back with a vengeance. “Fuck you,” he spat. He turned to grab his shorts from the tile floor. He felt relief when he was low enough to escape most of the heat of the room. He lingered for a moment, bent over like that and breathing the cooler air when he felt Gene’s hands grab his hips.
“Well,” Gene whispered in his ear. “If that was what you wanted, you only had to ask…”
“No-” Kirill squeaked out but Gene either didn’t hear him or decided to ignore him. Kirill grabbed the low bench for support in order to keep from falling onto his face as the older man leaned onto his posterior. Kirill could feel his hot, throbbing erection twitching there, the shaft laying on the cleft of his ass, drooling warm precum that pooled there on his skin. He froze, quivering with his ass up in the air. He remembered what Gene would do to him. How good it felt to be desired, to be used, to be fucked.
“That’s it…” Gene soothed and pulled back. Kirill felt a glob of spit land right on his asshole, which snapped him out of his trance. He stood upright with a jolt and spun around on his heels. He shoved Gene hard but the older man didn’t resist. Gene slid back into the bench and sat down as if nothing had happened. He casually stroked his cock as he watched Kirill flee the sauna.
Kirill was so flustered that he couldn’t concentrate on studying, or anything else productive for the rest of the day. He decided to go to bed early but found he was having trouble sleeping. His mind wandered inexorably back to what happened in the sauna. Again he felt shame when his cock surged to life. He tried to ignore it but he couldn’t. In his mind’s eye, he saw himself bent over in front of Gene in the sauna. But instead of fleeing, he proudly presented himself to Gene, who fucked him with abandon. Kirill hadn’t indulged in this sort of play since Gene but the memory of the sensations, the sheer eroticism, and pleasure of being used, being fucked by another man. His hand was a blur along the length of his dick. He needed to cum. Without thinking, he rolled onto his side while still jerking. He pumped some lotion onto his other hand and quickly found his waiting asshole with oily fingers. He had forgotten just how good it felt and he groaned into his pillow, drooling spit all over it. He found his prostate and pressed hard, jacking as fast as he could until he shot a load like a firehose. It was the most intense orgasm he could remember in some time. He normally didn’t make any noise, even during sex much less while masturbating, but he cried out so loud that the neighbor in the next dorm pounded on the wall. When he was finally coming down, a niggling thought interrupted his post-coital glow, though. As good as that felt, no orgasm had ever been as good as when Gene was fucking him.
* * *
Kirill kicked himself for allowing the situation to spiral so completely out of his control. He never should have confronted Gene and he definitely should not have gone into that sauna after him. He should have just ignored it and not given the man the satisfaction of knowing that he still had some hold over Kirill, though he was loathed to admit it to himself.
Kirill wasn’t able to get into his routine either. He had stayed up too late and slept in too late, to the point of missing his early classes. He felt rudderless and confused, not sure where to even start. He went through the motions for the rest of the day, missing his workout and barely paying any attention in his afternoon classes. The next few days were not any better, either. He stayed away from the gym entirely, not wanting to run into Gene again. He told himself that he didn’t want a repeat of what happened in the sauna but he also didn’t trust himself to do anything to stop it.
That night, he went straight home, his plan to study and make up for the lost time but he just couldn’t concentrate. He was horny and distracted. His girlfriend was still busy writing a research paper for her technical writing class and hardly responded with anything beyond one sentence when he tried to reach out to her. He sent her a few pics of himself, naked and holding his aching cock. His hopes for getting some kind of attention evaporated after he noticed she wasn’t even looking at his messages anymore.
He gave up on trying to do any work at all and instead started looking at porn. He usually liked watching amateur videos of raw sex between teens but that didn’t do it for him. He found himself looking through gay porn videos for the perfect one. Part of him was disgusted by it but he couldn’t help himself. He tried to search for some variation of “straight guy fucked by big cock” but none of the videos were scratching his itch. They looked fake and he was sure none of these guys bending over were really “straight”- they just looked like porn stars with big muscles and huge shaved dicks- and were probably just pretending for the video. He gave up and leaned back, simply closing his eyes and remembering what Gene had done to him- and what Kirill had done to Gene- and filled his hand with cum a moment later.
* * *
Kirill told himself not to go back. He knew he needed to try and keep his routine, though. He had a plan, a goal. He could not allow Gene to interfere with his educational arch. He might be able to find a different gym that was cheap enough, or maybe could complain to someone at the school about Gene. He would figure something out, he told himself.
But he didn’t do any of that. He went to the gym after class as normal. He looked around a few times for Gene but didn’t see him. He was certain the older man was lurking around somewhere, watching him but he just hadn’t found him yet. But while he was looking, he thought he saw other guys staring at him.
He felt weirdly self-conscious about it. At first, he figured they must be just jealous of his killer body. His tight shorts and white tank top showed off his muscles and lean form for all to see. He had always enjoyed the idea of making other guys jealous but that was not how this felt.
No. This felt different. Like everyone was staring at him. Not like someone to be jealous of. More like a piece of meat. It made him nervous. It kept happening. They somehow knew what he was, what he would allow them to do if they just pushed him. A few times, he thought he saw someone staring at him or ogling his body but he couldn’t be sure. He wanted to tell himself that it was all in his head but part of him couldn’t shake the belief that they saw right through him, to what he really was… a weak little slut who needed a man to put him in his place like Gene had, no matter how big his muscles were. Then Kirill realized the part of him that believed it, the part that he couldn’t quite dismiss, liked the idea.
He loved the idea that his body was getting them horny. He loved the attention and he knew where it could lead if he wanted it to. He could see the lust in their eyes. He was ashamed but excited and longed to have that itch scratched, despite his attempts to consciously dismiss such thoughts.
He didn’t understand why this was happening to him, why he still had these thoughts and feelings. He was straight. He had always been straight and he still felt that way. He had no desire towards men’s bodies before, during, and after his first experience with Gene when he had gotten a therapeutic massage while rehabbing a torn bicep. Gene had somehow twisted him around his finger but that was then, and he was older, smarter, tougher, more assertive. He knew what he was and what he wanted and the experience with Gene only fortified his image of himself as a straight man who had allowed himself to somehow get pulled into the older man’s game before he truly was confident in himself.
Gene shouldn’t have been able to do this to him again. He had always imagined that if he could have gone back, there were things he would have handled differently to avoid what had happened to him. But here was, now, put in the same position and he felt powerless. He was so confused and distracted he couldn’t get much work done at all.
His workout was made even more difficult by his erection in his tight shorts. He didn’t want anyone to see it, to see how horny he was getting from the attention. If they knew, they would take advantage of him, use him. He couldn’t afford to let anyone see it, to let anyone know how hot he was and how they could have him if they just pushed.
But Kirill did eventually get through his workout, struggling but actually hitting most of his recent milestones at least. When he was done, he went to the sauna like he always did, pausing for just a moment with his hand on the wooden door handle before pulling it open and entering. The hot air hit him in the face as his eyes adjusted to the dim light. He was so relieved to see that he didn’t see Gene. There were a couple of skinny younger guys who were naked, sitting there on the second level of the wraparound bench that gave him a smirk when he came in. He wasn’t sure but they may have been among the guys he swore were checking him out. He plopped his towel down on the upper, hottest level and sat down. He leaned back, and just relaxed, closing his eyes.
After sitting in the dim room and enjoying the feeling of the heat on his muscles for a few minutes, he couldn’t help but feel like they were staring at him. Every time he opened his eyes to move or get more comfortable, he thought he caught them watching him.
“Do you mind?” one asked him.
Kirill opened his eyes and looked down on them, confused. He didn’t know what the guy meant until he saw what they were both staring at. He looked down only to realized that he had just sat naked on the bench like he always had done. Only this time he had been getting hot thinking about these guys ogling him. And they caught him.
Kirill looked down at them, shocked and ashamed. They were both staring right at him. The young skinny blonde guy continued, “I knew you were here to cruise for action.”
“W-what?” Kirill stammered. “No, I-”
“I saw you staring at me,” the blonde interrupted. “You like what you see?”
“You know he does,” the dark-haired guy answered. He was a little bigger and hairier than his friend. He stroked himself to hardness in a second, his grin spreading across his face. “He’s all boned-up from just sitting in here with us.”
Kirill opened his mouth to say something else, but the blonde stood up on the bench below him and reached up to grab his cock. Only a mixture of a squeak and a moan came out as he was suddenly at this guy’s mercy.
Blonde Guy gripped Kirill’s cock and pulled him down to the lower level. Dark-haired guy’s cock was in his mouth before he knew what was happening. He moaned, wrapping his hand around the thick shaft to get a good grip. He began to bob his head, savoring the taste of precum and the feeling of the soft, musky flesh on his tongue.
“I knew it.” Blonde Guy said, moving in behind him. He was seemingly prepared and had a bottle of baby oil from somewhere. Kirill only noticed what it was when the guy set the bottle down on the bench next to his friend, inches from Kirill’s face as he inhaled the guy’s cock. He felt fingers massaging his sensitive opening, spreading lube for what came next. He felt the head of a cock at his opening. He reached back with his left hand and spread his ass open while jacking Dark Hair’s shaved cock with his right.
Kirill slurped and moaned on the stranger’s cock, the pain of being penetrated by something so large quickly past and soon the blonde was pounding him hard that everyone in the locker room had to be able to hear it.
“Take it, faggot.” Dark hair taunted. “My turn is next.”
Kirill didn’t care who heard him or what names he was called. He pulled the cock out of his mouth and moaned like a slut. He leaned against the bench, angling his ass just right. He felt it coming. His voice cracked when he cried out. His cock twitched and then shot a load of sticky cum all over the bench without him having even touched it.
“Thirds,” said the mid-thirties blonde in swim trunks that had walked in sometime after Kirill.
Kirill looked up and noticed for the first time that a whole line of other guys from the gym were waiting outside the door.
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