The Devil in the Dorm

        The Devil in the Dorm by Lou Bealy

Commissioned by SightlessSenshi

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Contains rape and torture, described in graphic detail. Be warned.

    Ever since I met her, I had been obsessed with my friend, Carly. I know she never thought of me as anything but a friend. I was the shoulder to cry on when some asshole treated her like shit. I wanted to be a good friend, so I would hug her and tell her she was beautiful and great, and didn’t need an asshole like them. She would say how great a guy I was and how much she appreciated me as a friend. Of course, then she would go back to them, or find some other asshole.
After a couple years of being the third wheel and being jealous of Carly’s handful of sexual partners, I began to resent her. Almost hate her, for being so perfect and so unattainable. I would fantasize that I could find a way to make her mine, to dominate her and possess her utterly.
I would imagine her, naked and displaying her slim, gymnast body and nice b-cup breasts that looked huge on her petite little form, all of five feet tall. Her long brown hair framed her lovely face, with her nice pert nose and full lips. I would imagine her in her goth get-up I had seen her in a few times, with the thick black eyeshadow and black lipstick. I would imagine her totally devoted to me. She would have a look of awe on her face. She would worship me. I would imagine what it was like to caress her body from her lovely face her to her cute little toes. I would imagine myself sucking on her nipples, which in my fantasy were very large brown nipples, with areola that seemed to cover her whole breast.
I would imagine myself licking her pussy and tasting her juices. Then, in my fantasies, I would penetrate her and use her as my sex toy. She would beg me to fuck her, harder and faster. I would fuck her until she said “uncle” and begged me to stop. But I wouldn’t because she was mine to use. She would whimper and accept whatever treatment I gave her.
About this time in my fantasy, I would cum, if I hadn’t already. Then reality would slam back home and I would remember that she wasn’t mine, and never would be. I had to settle for stalking her Facebook.
I saw less and less of her, she had some preppy frat boy of a boyfriend now and didn’t really have time for me. Maybe after she got her heart broken, I could soak up her tears, I bleakly told myself.
Our normal study days together, she didn’t even show up anymore. That was our last thing we did together, and now I was alone at the library. It made me sad. I didn’t want to admit it, but I was sad and lonely and lovesick.
I went to the library that day more out of habit, than anything else. I didn’t even have any school work due that I needed to use the library for. So I was just poking through the university’s collection of old original antique books. I liked to check them out sometimes, just to admire the old handmade volumes, if nothing else. You have to be a book nerd to appreciate it.
Anyway, so I was looking through those dusty old books when I found something interesting. It was amazing that I even found it. It was jammed between the shelf and the wall, near the floor. It’s cover had been lost, as well as many pages, it seemed. But there was enough left to get the jist of what it was.
After I fed it into google translator and when it came up as latin, I was intrigued. I began pouring through it, and found it was full of spells and incantations. Curses, blessings, divination, all kinds of things. One in particular was intriguing. It was a love spell. Not just a love spell, but a spell of total devotion. It was just what I had been looking for!
Now, I didn’t really believe it. I’m not that naive. I guess I was just indulging in a fantasy. It was hard to resist at least trying it, what did I have to lose?
* * *
    I made the circle in my dorm room. I had to go to some pretty strange shops to get all of the ingredients I would need. Weird roots and exotic powdered crystals and all kinds of strange stuff made up a paste that I made a giant pentagram out of. I drew it around my bed, which I placed in the center of the room.
    I knew how hokey it was to draw a big pentagram, light candles and try to invoke dark magic. I was almost laughing at it myself throughout the process. I read the incantations as I placed a burning picture of Carly that I had printed from facebook into a ceramic bowl. I then placed the bowl at the center of the pentagram, which was in the middle of my bed. I sat outside the circle and waited. For what, I don’t know. The old book didn’t say what came next, so I just sat and stared as the picture turn to ash.
    I was beginning to feel very silly, but then a bright flash of light almost blinded me. The flash was accompanied by a what sounded like an explosion. I felt heat hit my face as I clenched my eyes shut. I turned away, dazzled and confused.
    Slowly, the ringing in my ears faded and my sight slowly returned. I still saw purple lights swirling around my vision and knew that it meant permanent damage. I didn’t have time to worry about that, though.
    The room was a disaster, with papers, clothing, and various other loose items having been blown up in the air from the blast. All the candles had been blown out, and I could barely see anything, especially with my vision only partially returned.
    “What is this wonderful place?” came a musical voice. “I sense lust and debauchery all around me here.” It was the most beautiful voice I had ever heard. It sounded like a menagerie of song birds singing. It also had a familiar quality to it. For just a moment, I was confused.
    “Carly?” I asked, still unable to see much of anything. I thought I could barely make out the shape of someone sitting on the bed. Had she come into the room while I was recovering from the blast?
    My eyes finally adjusted, and I saw a naked Carly sitting on my bed. Just as I had imagined, her nipples and areola were both very large and she didn’t appear to have any pubic hair either. It was just like my fantasy. She even looked like she was wearing the dark makeup, especially around the eyes. It seemed to have dripped down her face, streaking black down her cheeks.
    “You wish.” she said, her beautiful voice took on a more intimidating quality, like she had suddenly had the bass boost turned on.
    I realized that it couldn’t be Carly, for many reasons. Firstly, her eyes were solid white. I didn’t see any iris or pupil at all. My skeptical mind immediately began rationalizing. She could just have her eyes rolled back, or something.
    But then I saw her mouth. Her teeth were all pointed, like she was a carnivore. She even had pronounced canines that reached past her bottom lip when her teeth were shut. On her head, there were what looked to be ram’s horns. She also had a tail, which looked like the typical type of forked-tip tail a demon would have.
She had an overall frightening aspect, but that didn’t stop me from feeling an attraction to her too. She looked almost just like Carly. Her body was perfect, just like I had imagined Carly’s to be. She was also just oozing sexuality. She lay there on the bed with a devilish grin on her face. She was playing with her large nipples and her legs spread displaying her hairless pussy.
    “Who-who are you?” I stammered, not knowing what else to say. I couldn’t help but stare at her.
    “It doesn’t matter. You can call me Carly if you want.” she lay on her back and lifted her foot up towards my face. “Lick.”
    “What?” I was still utterly confused by this whole series of events. My body still unconsciously moved forward into the pentagram. I was definitely bewitched by her strange otherworldly beauty.
    “I said ‘lick’” she said, jamming her foot right into my face. “And I may just forgive you for summoning me.” her voice became ice cold for a moment. I didn’t need for her to articulate a specific threat to get her meaning. She went on, “Do as I say without question, and you can have what you wanted.” she added in a much sexier voice. “You can have this body and use it as you like.” she gestured to herself, indicating her matching my Carly fantasy exactly. “For a short while, anyway.” She smirked at me, and waited for me to comply.
    I reluctantly opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. I made that scrunch face you make when you are licking something you think is going to be gross. I leaned forward and slid my tongue on the top of her foot, towards her ankle. I tried to lick up her ankle and to her leg, but she kicked me away with the other foot. Not very hard, but I hadn’t been expecting it either. Her foot struck my chest with force to send me a back a step or two.
    I relished her taste in my mouth for just a moment while I stared at her.
    “You don’t get it, do you mortal?” she taunted. “I want you to worship my foot.” She shoved her foot back in my face. This time I grabbed her ankle and began licking the sole of her foot.
    I was too intimidated to defy her. I also didn’t want to admit, even to myself, that I wanted it on some level. Having tasted her, I knew I needed more. I practically shoved her toes into my mouth as I ran my tongue over every square inch of skin on her feet.
“That’s more like it…” she cooed as she leaned back on the bed and put her hands behind her head.
I started with the left foot and eventually after I had lost track of time licking it, she yanked it away from me. I almost protested, but she shoved her right foot in my face. I did the same to the that foot, sticking each toe in my mouth and sucking on them, running my tongue from the ball of her foot to the heel, and then over the top back to her toes. Her taste filled my mouth and her scent filled my nose. I was intoxicated by her.
After what seemed like an eternity, she said “That’s enough.” she pulled her foot away from me and stood up. She was exactly Carly’s height, aside from the horns of course. She only came up to my shoulder. She silently reached up and grabbed my head between her hands and forcefully pulled it down toward her breast. I didn’t resist, as I wanted more of her taste, anyway.
“Good boy.” she cooed in my ear as my mouth wrapped around her nipple. There was a sweetness to the taste. It was lovely. I thought I could even feel the trickle of something coming out of her nipples. Maybe it was her milk that made it taste so incredible. I licked and sucked on her nipple until she pried my head off of it and placed me on the other one. I did the same thing to that one. This time, I became certain that I was drinking from her. It almost seemed to pour down my throat. I had just a fragment of doubt about whether it was a good idea to drink the milk of a… what was she? A demon?
“I’m a devil. Not a demon.” she said, seemingly reading my thoughts. She held my head firmly against her breast and I knew I couldn’t stop even if I wanted to.
Some time later- it was hard to tell exactly how long in that state- she spun us both around and pushed me onto the bed. The papers that had been blown there crinkled as I sat. With a gesture, my clothes seemed to just disintegrate into dust. I lay there on top of the debris, naked and hard as a rock. I realized the tip of my penis was already sore from rubbing up against the inside of my pants. I had evidently been dry humping the air almost since I started tasting her. I was so horny I couldn’t think straight.
She climbed on the bed and squatted over me, giving me a good view of her pussy, which was leaking fluid down her thighs. The smell was incredible, unlike any woman I had ever been with. It was just like her taste, utterly addictive. She then reached down to aim my cock into her waiting hairless pussy. She came down and it slipped right in with no resistance.
I was in heaven. Her pussy was like hot velvet caressing my manhood as it throbbed within her. I must have been leaking so much precum already and we hadn’t hardly started. She sat for a moment, her pussy contracting to rhythmically squeeze my achingly hard cock.
I was more horny than I could ever remember being in my life. I literally couldn’t wait for her to start. Despite her being on top I started doing my best to thrust my cock up into her. I was desperate to cum.
“You mortals are so impatient. Probably comes from your short, finite little lives.” she laughed. She started rocking back and forth as she rolled her hips. “Fine, I will hurry it up, then.” she laughed.
I grabbed ahold of her waist and began trying to match her rhythm. I couldn’t keep up with her though, she was grinding faster and faster, giving me more stimulation than I could handle. I gave up and lay back while she did all the work. She came down from the squatting position and lay on top of me. Her long thick hair was almost smothering me. Her pussy was moving so fast and with such intensity that I thought she was going to break my dick. Her whole torso seemed to roll, as she rode me, the curves and contours of her body shifted rapidly as she thrust her hips back and forth.
I tried to push her off, but she wouldn’t budge an inch, not even when I grabbed her horns and used them as handles. When I got desperate I even tried hitting her, but she didn’t react at all, no matter how many times or how hard I struck her.
She was smothering me too. I could barely breathe with her hair in my face. She was over-stimulating my cock more than I had ever experienced. It was so sensitive it was beginning to hurt.
There was some part of me that was still addicted to her regardless, and it was difficult to do, but I struggled to utter “Please… please stop.” I whimpered. Her rough treatment was too much for me.
She didn’t answer. She moved her hair out of my face but then immediately her mouth came down and met mine before I could protest. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth, pushing my own tongue right out of the way. She licked the entire inside of my mouth with her unnaturally long tongue. It was like my own tongue was hiding in the corner of my mouth while hers had its way with it. I could feel the rough surface of her tongue on the back of my throat, making me gag. Her tongue basically just filled my mouth, or at least that is what it felt like.
    I tried to pull my head away, to push her off, anything to stop her relentless assault, but my struggles were useless. I couldn’t get away, and I couldn’t push her off. She was far too strong to even budge. I gave up and just lay slack, exhausted from the effort of trying to stop her.
    After an eternity she pulled her tongue out of my throat. “Stop what?” she teased, her rhythm never faltering. Her pussy was squeezing so hard I thought she would rip my dick off.
    “Aee!” I practically shrieked. “Stop! My dick… it hurts!” I managed to gasp. I could hardly think straight.
    “Stop doing this?” she said, grinding down on me even harder. Her cunt was no longer soft and velvety. It had my cock in an iron grip that she kept flexing.
    “Yes!” I cried.
    “Okay.” her hips ceased their motion and her cunt relaxed. It still hurt, but the relief was immediate.
    I lay back, stunned by everything that had just happened. She just stayed put on top of me, and smiled a wicked smile.
    A moment later I felt something poke between my ass cheeks, surprising me. “What?!” I gasped, confused. I felt whatever it was sliding down towards my asshole. With her still sitting on me, I struggled for a moment to peer around her and see what it was.
    She laughed and her tail came down over her shoulder into view. He got to see it up close for the first time. The flared tip was inches from my face. It looked to be razor sharp and it came to a nasty point. It danced back and forth, maybe an inch from my eye.
    It reared back and I winced, ready for it to strike me like a snake. “Please no!” I begged in desperation.
    But it didn’t hit me. Her beautiful, musical laugh felt like it reverberated throughout my whole body, starting with my cock, still buried to the hilt inside her. Instead the tip seemed to shift, getting fatter and losing its sharpness. After a moment I knew what it was.
    “This is more appropriate anyway, don’t you think?” she asked, showing me the tip of her tail that now resembled a large penis. It was as thick around at the tip as a beer can. My eyes went wide with terror, knowing exactly what she was about to do. She rubbed it across my cheek and laughed cruelly. The skin was smooth and soft, like a snake’s.
    I again struggled to try and throw her off, but couldn’t move her a bit. I began to protest again but her mouth was immediately on mine and she began her tongue assault anew. Meanwhile, I felt her tail touch my asshole again, this time it was right on target. It started pressing into me and I couldn’t even move to stop it. I tried my best to resist.
    I gave out a muffled squeal as I felt like I was being split in two. There was no lube, or anything to relieve the pain or the pressure that was being applied. It was excruciating. Eventually, I felt her tip begin to slip inside me, as my asshole yielded to her unrelenting pressure. I gurgled a weak scream into her throat as I felt another inch slide into me.
    She pulled her her head back, her tongue slurped out of my mouth. Our collective spit dribbled down my face and onto my bare chest. I screamed as I felt a little more tail fill up my asshole.
“Babe, we are just getting started. You can’t tire yourself out.” she cackled. “You haven’t even begun to feel pain yet.” she taunted, poking me in the cheek with her clawed finger, right below my right eye. The tip of her claw began to sink into my skin, not hard enough to break through, but leave an indentation.
“Please no!” I sobbed. “Why are you doing this to me?” I felt my ass stretch just a little more as I was being filled with her tale-cock.
“I told you already.” she growled, suddenly becoming very menacing. She bared her teeth at me, like a wild animal. “You summoned me. Do you think I like being interrupted by getting dragged to your plane?” she snapped. Her tale began to thrash, pumping in and out of me.
“You said you would forgive me! I didnt mean to summon you!” I squeaked, the pain turning into a strange mix of pain and pleasure. Though it was still mostly pain, I realized the stimulation was getting me hard again.
Her cunt had never let go of it, but my penis had been deflating as she defiled me with her tail. Once she found that certain spot, it was rock hard again. Somehow, it was more humiliating that I was getting hard from her fucking me in the ass. She began to roll her hips again, slipping my cock in and out of her pussy as she picked up speed again. My already sore and overstimulated penis couldn’t take much more.
“Well, you summoned me, and here I am. I said I may forgive you. And then I didn’t.” She laughed that cruel, predatory laugh. She pushed her claw into my cheek, harder this time. I think she may have drawn blood.
“Ow! Fuck!” I shouted out, the pain in my face almost distracted me from the pain coming from my poor abused ass. “Please, I’ll do anything! Please stop! Please!” I begged. I was absolutely terrified.
“Anything?” she asked, pulling back her claw, her tail seemingly deflating.
“Yes! Please! Anything!” I didn’t know what she wanted of me and I didn’t care. The pain and stimulation was coming from every direction. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the sensations.
“Tell me that you belong to me. Tell me that I own you forever, and I promise that I won’t be too rough on you.” She picked up speed, her tail, her hips, and her claw poking my face all intensified.
“Yes!” I called out, ready to agree to anything that would stop the pain.
“Say it!” her voice reverberated throughout the room and dust fell from the ceiling.
I was sure all this noise would bring some attention to my dorm room. That didn’t make me feel any better, though. It didn’t seem like anyone would come along to rescue me.
“Say! It!” she howled twice, once for each word. I felt another claw poke into my ballsack.
“You own me!” I wailed, tears streaming down my face. I sobbed into her hair. “Forever!” I wailed again. “Forever!”
In an instant, she was no longer on top of me, but standing over me on the bed. The pain still lingered, but I was given some respite, at last.
She smiled at me and said warmly, “You belong to me. Body and soul. Isn’t that right?”
I tried to look away but she lifted her foot to my chin and turned his head back.
“You know it.” dug her foot into my throat. “Don’t you?” she said, her strange white eyes staring back at me.
I knew better than to fight her. I decided to just lie there, and wait to see what happened next. I was still hurting in various places and more than a little freaked out.
“I’m going to enjoy the eternity we have together.” She grinned wide. “I assure you that you will not.” she dug her foot into my neck for emphasis. “At least not at first.”
“You said you wouldn’t be too hard on me!“ I barely choked out.
“And I won’t be. Not right away, anyway. We’ll have to work up to it.” she threw her head back and laughed. Then she stepped off of me and jumped down to the floor.
Once I was free of her, I shoulder-rolled off of the bed and landed on my feet. I couldn’t think of anything I could do to save myself except one thing: run. I dashed towards the door.
“Observe.” she pointed at me.
She mutter something low, but I couldn’t understand it. But it seemed to echo and reverberate through the room. I felt some invisible force hit me for a moment. I stumbled and hit the floor a few feet away from the exit.
I sat there for a moment, stunned. But I regained my bearings and stood up to try and leave again, but I noticed something was wrong. As I took another step towards the door, I was disoriented by the fact that I should have made it to the door in two steps and it still seemed far away. I took another step, and the door seemed even farther away. Something else was weird, the doorknob was too high. Was she warping the dimensions of the room? That would explain the strange feeling of vertigo that I was experiencing. Then I realized what was happening.
I made it to the door and found the doorknob was far above my head. I turned around and saw a giant Carly-devil approaching me. I tried to run but she reached down and plucked me off the floor. She held me up in front of her face between two claws. I could only be a couple inches tall at the most.
“You cannot escape me, little man.” she cooed. It was like she was talking to a pet. “You belong to me now. Not even death is an escape for you.” She smiled, showing her fangs. “We are going to test the very limits of your pain tolerances. And pleasure tolerances too.” she laughed cruelly.
She opened her mouth, and her long black tongue snaked out. It wrapped around my body, leaving only my head exposed. I felt like I was being crushed. It was slimy and hot and disgusting. My she slid the entire length of her tongue across my body. She held me up to her eye again. I was completely soaked in her spit. All my body hair was matted down with the sticky stuff.
She then pressed me to her gigantic mouth. She started kissing every square inch of my body, rolling me back and forth across her puckering lips. She was making obscene smacking and kissy noises, which were incredibly loud in my tiny ears.
    “Are you ready for the first part of your journey?” I felt her breath blast me in the face. She was so huge… I was absolutely terrified.
    “Please! Let me go!” I shouted, trying my best to struggle free. It didn’t work, and I wasn’t surprised. I couldn’t escape her grasp when I was full sized.
    “If I let you go, you would hit the floor and get really hurt.” she laughed, shaking me back and forth as I dangled from her fingers. “Well, not if I do this.” she continued to laugh as she raised me above her head.
I realized what was about to happen when she opened her mouth wide. “No! Nooooo!” I screamed as she dropped me. I plummeted towards her mouth, shrieking in terror on the way down.
I missed her teeth and landed on her tongue, sliding across it toward the back of her throat. I grabbed onto her tongue and held on for dear life as I stared at her throat. The light disappeared as her mouth closed. I was now in pitch darkness, and her tongue began to push me to the edge of her mouth. I screamed as she caught me between her teeth and pulled her tongue free. Half my body was wedged between her sharp teeth. She bit down slightly, causing me to shriek in pain. She kept biting down only a little bit, taunting me, implicitly threatening to slice me to ribbons on her sharp teeth. After a few minutes of tenderizing me, she began to laugh. I found myself pushed into her cheek. I couldn’t stop screaming.
“Is that too much, too fast?” her voice almost deafened me. She laughed, and it vibrated my whole body. “Alright, fine. Have it your way.”
Her tongue wrapped around me again, and before I knew it, I was dumped into the back of her throat. I felt the walls of her throat grip my body, and force me down, swallowing me whole. I was squeezed down a fleshy tunnel, and I struggled with utter futility to prevent what was happening. I couldn’t even breath. The tunnel squeezed me out, and as I fell I expected to be melted to death in excruciating agony by her stomach.
But that didn’t happen. I fell for what felt like ages. I realized that I was squeezing my eyes shut and opened them. I saw that I was falling toward the ground of an unfamiliar landscape. The sky was red, and there was no sun. Large clouds of dust blew all around me in massive sand storms. I appeared to be at the eye of the storm as I plummeted toward the rocky ground. I didn’t see any structures or settlements, just sand and rocks for as far as I could see.
    I saw the ground rapidly approaching, but I remembered what she had told me before. I wouldn’t die as long as she didn’t want me to. And she just got me. This wouldn’t kill me either, I surmised. I closed my eyes, and waited for it.
    A few moments later, I hit the ground. I didn’t know how far a person would actually bounce when they fell from a great height, but it turns out it was pretty far. I guess I had seen too many cartoons and expected to make a crater, or something.
    The pain was unlike anything I had experienced. It was like my entire body was hit with a sledgehammer. A giant sledgehammer. I hit the ground again, skipped across the rocky dirt a couple of times and then hit a sand dune, which stopped me. The second hit had not been nearly as bad as the first, but that only made it the second most excruciating pain I had ever felt.
    I lay there on the ground for a few minutes, trying to catch my breath. I tried to sit up, and saw that despite the pain and the insane height of that fall, I hadn’t sustained any disabling injuries. I stood up on shaky legs.
    “Well hello there, cutie.” I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around and the Carly-devil was right on top of me. She didn’t have the goth makeup, and was wearing what looked like some kind of robe.
    “So what n-” I started to say, and she stabbed me in the chest with her claws. They went right through my chest and out my back, impaling me on her arm. My blood sprayed all over the both of us. I gurgled in pain and shock. She leaned over and I felt her teeth on my neck. She waited a moment and then bit down hard, ripping a chunk of flesh out of my neck. More blood sprayed out of my neck. I couldn’t breath. I couldn’t scream. There was just pain and fear.
    “Mmm… human. Haven’t had it in ages.” she chewed, her mouth full and her face covered in blood. I felt everything go numb, and the world went dark.
    And then I was back, lying there on the ground where I had originally fallen. I looked around, confused. I saw Carly again, who grabbed me by the neck and held me above her head.
    “I thought you were going to take it slow!” I wheezed.
    “I was.” came a voice from behind me. Carly turned me and I saw Carly again. This one had the goth makeup, and was naked. “But my sister asked me for a turn, and I figured, why not? I can put you back together, if she is too rough. Like just then.”
    Her laughter filled my ears as I felt her sister’s claws moving up between my legs, towards my crotch.
    I’ll spare you the details. Let’s just say that after a long while, being offered a position as something more than a slave and plaything was hard to pass up. What else could I do? So I agreed to be her little minion. And here we are. You shouldn’t have summoned me in the first place. It doesn't matter that you didn't mean to. That excuse didn't work for me either. I’m going to take out my torment and pain on you.


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